Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 324, Great Shift Of The Universe

People from Guangmingding and people from the six major sects were all fighting together, and the two sides were constantly fighting each other. Seeing such a chaotic scene, Xiao Zhao said: "It's too chaotic here, I will take you to another road."

As a result, they rushed through the battlefields of both sides and arrived at the forbidden area of ​​​​the Ming Cult.

"Isn't this a forbidden area of ​​the Ming Cult? How can there be a road here? Besides, aren't you also a member of the Ming Cult? Why did you bring us here?" Zhang Wuji asked doubtfully.

"Let's talk after we go in first." Xiao Zhao quickly excused himself, obviously not wanting to say anything more, but kept looking at Zhou Yan with a pair of uneasy eyes.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you don't want to say I won't force you, let's go in first and talk."

They walked into the forbidden area and saw many skeletons at the door, which were left behind by the suicides of the disciples who carried the coffins of the Ming Cult leaders in the past generations.

They moved forward and found a cave, but they heard someone inside.

"Strange, why is there anyone here?" Xiao Zhao and Zhang Wuji were both curious.

Later, they heard that it was Cheng Kun and what happened between Chen Kun and the wife of the previous leader. In addition, the six major sects besieged Guangmingding, all of which were planned by him.

"Who!" Cheng Kun discovered their presence and turned to look at the door.

"It was discovered." Xiao Zhao said.

"What are you afraid of? Chen Kun will be our opponent." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." Xiao Zhao then remembered that both Zhou Yan and Zhang Wuji had practiced the "Nine Yang Magic". Anyone could beat Cheng Kun to the ground, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

So the three of them walked out. When Zhang Wuji thought that it was Cheng Kun who caused his adoptive father to go blind and live on a desert island, he clenched his fists and said, "Chen Kun, you are the thief who has caused my adoptive father to suffer until now. They still need to hide here and there."

Xiao Zhao also stood up and said to Cheng Kun: "You are such a bad guy. You even united with the six major sects to destroy the Ming Cult. It seems that the master behind you is the imperial court."

"Zhang Wuji, it turns out you are the son of Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu." Cheng Kun was obviously surprised to see him here.

"My junior sister and I have been in love for three years. If it weren't for Yang Dingtian's brutal attack on her, my junior sister and I would have slept together long ago. We were both Yang Dingtian. If he hadn't caught me, my junior sister committed suicide to protect me. , I hid in Juvenile for more than 20 years, just to be able to eliminate the Ming Cult, and this day I finally realized it, hahaha."

Cheng Kun felt very proud of the six major sects' siege of Guangmingding. He had the vast martial arts world at his fingertips.

Xiao Zhao heard a burst of contempt and said: "You old thief is really shameless. You seduce someone's wife and want to destroy the Ming Cult. You still say it so logically. You are really shameless!"

When Cheng Kun heard this, he became furious, pointed at the two of them and cursed: "Whether I'm right or wrong, it's not your turn to blame me."

Then, Cheng Kun looked at Zhang Wuji and said directly: "Zhang Wuji, I will send you to meet your parents today to reunite your family."

Cheng Kun flew towards Zhang Wuji and wanted to kill him, but the Zhang Wuji of today was no longer the Zhang Wuji of before. Under Zhou Yan's guidance, he had already become proficient in the "Nine Yang Magic" and was so powerful that Cheng Kun could not fight against him.

After a few strikes, Cheng Kun was seriously injured by Zhang Wuji and flew away with one punch.

"This kid is progressing pretty fast." Xiao Zhao smiled after looking at it.

"It doesn't matter who taught it." Zhou Yan smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are the most powerful." Xiao Zhao said mischievously.

"I didn't expect that I would lose at your hands. Actually, Zhang Cuishan has a secret." Cheng Kun deceived Zhang Wuji and said.

"What secret?" Zhang Wuji was indeed fooled and started to ask.

She didn't know that Cheng Kun was deceiving Zhang Wuji. Taking advantage of Zhang Wuji's dazed moment, Cheng Kun fled from here and closed the door of the secret room.

"No, the secret room is blocked, what should I do?" Xiao Zhao quickly looked at Zhou Yan.

"I'll give it a try with the Nine Yang Divine Art." Zhang Wuji said.

"There's no need to try. If you force the door open, I'm afraid we'll all be buried with you. Let's find another way out." Zhou Yan said.

The two began to look for a way out, and then Xiao Zhao found a line of writing on the ground where Yang Dingtian died: "Whoever enters this room must bow three times and kowtow nine times, otherwise he will be haunted by evil spirits and suffer unspeakably."

Zhang Wuji said: "When we die, we won't be the same innocent souls, so there is nothing to worship."

Xiao Zhao said: "The deceased is the most important, so why not just kowtow a few times?"

So, Xiao Zhao began to kowtow in front of Yang Dingtian.

Then, several stone gates fell from the wall. When they got closer, Zhang Wuji asked, "What words are these?"

"This is Persian." Xiao Zhao said happily.

"You actually understand Persian!" Zhang Wuji was surprised.

After Xiao Zhao saw it, he quickly said to Zhou Yan: "We are saved. There is actually a great movement of the universe. As long as you learn it, you can push the stone door open and go out."

When Zhang Wuji heard this, he hesitated and said, "It's a bit bad to secretly learn the Mingjiao's defense mentality like this."

Afterwards, Xiao Zhao read the text above and said, "It turns out that Leader Yang wants your adoptive father to temporarily act as the leader. You are the adopted son of the Lion King, so it doesn't matter if you learn."

"Learn, it'll be fine." Zhou Yan said.

"Will it take a long time to learn this technique?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"It says that it takes an ordinary person thirty years to learn it, but for a master who has opened up the Ren Tong Second Meridian, it only takes three hours." Xiao Zhao said.

"When my uncle and I learned the "Nine Yang Divine Art", we had already opened up the second channel of Ren and Tong. Isn't it possible to learn it in three hours?" Zhang Wuji was surprised.

So, Xiao Zhao became the translator, and Zhou Yan and Zhang Wuji began to study.

When Xiao Zhao finished speaking "The Great Shift of the Universe", Zhou Yan had already learned it.

And he discovered that after this "Great Shift" was combined with his "Stellar Transposition", the power could be greatly increased.

Moreover, he found that his "Yin Yang Creation Technique" had been strengthened a lot again. The quality of the current technique has become unknown and has surpassed the RRR quality technique.

Xiao Zhao said in surprise: "What kind of talent are you? I just finished speaking and you learned it. I guess even the person who created this technique can't do it."

"I have said before that my junior uncle is a rare martial arts prodigy in the world. Believe it or not." Zhang Wuji was not jealous, but very happy.

"Hmph! Hurry up, I've only learned a little bit now, and I'm far behind compared to your uncle." Xiao Zhao was very happy in her heart. The person she fell in love with was indeed extraordinary.

"After you learn it, we can go out together." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." Zhang Wuji began to study "The Great Shift of the Universe" attentively, and with Zhou Yan's guidance, Zhang Wuji had completely learned it in less than three hours.

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