A few days later, a disciple reported that Wudang disciple Yin Liting was found at the foot of the mountain.

"Uncle Six, take us there quickly." They arrived there together.

"Uncle Yin Liu, how are you?" Zhang Wuji asked quickly.

"We were attacked by a group of monks and were stunned by Shixiang Ruanjin San. All four of your uncles were taken away. If I hadn't held my breath, I'm afraid they would have been taken away too. But then I met two monks , they are so powerful that they broke all the joints in my body." Yin Liting said.

"Let's go down the mountain to find medicine first. It's important to talk to the doctor." Zhang Wuji asked people to take Yin Liting down the mountain.

But they searched the whole city and found that the doctor and all the herbal medicines had been taken to a place called Green Willow Village.

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he quickly said: "I always feel that that person did this on purpose. The purpose is to lure us to that Green Willow Village. We can't be fooled."

"Since they did this deliberately and told us their address, we can't live up to their kindness, so let's go for a walk." Zhou Yan said.

"But this is a trap." Xiao Zhao said.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen. They have what we need, and we have to go." Zhou Yan said.

"Uncle Junior is right, we really need to go there." Zhang Wuji quickly asked someone to ask about the location of Green Willow Manor, and then led everyone towards Green Willow Manor.

"Hello everyone, our village owner has been waiting for a long time." Several people at the door said to Zhou Yan and the others.

"This man is really smart. He knew we would definitely come." Xiao Zhao couldn't guess what that man meant.

They walked in and saw several people standing in a pavilion, one of whom was still playing the piano.

Zhang Wuji stepped forward and asked, "People in the Ming Dynasty don't do secret things. Can you tell me your name?"

"My wife, Zhao Min, is a nobody in the world. If you are afraid, please come back." Zhao Min said while playing the piano.

After seeing the other party, Xiao Zhao said: "Isn't she the person in the inn? I didn't expect that she planned all this. I don't know what her intention is."

Zhou Yan stepped forward and said: "Last time you said you wanted to invite me, it turned out that you used this method, which is quite unique."

"If this wasn't the case, I'm afraid it would be difficult to invite a few people. I also underestimated a few people, but they were able to shine on the Bright Summit." Zhao Min looked at a few people and said, "I just didn't expect that one of them was Wudang Zhang. The young disciple of Perfected Being, and the other one who became the leader of the Ming Cult, which is number one in the world, really surprised me. Both of them are heroic young men, so I naturally admire them endlessly."

Zhang Wuji asked: "Your Excellency has packed the whole city's herbal medicine, and even the doctor has been arrested. I don't know what your purpose is?"

"I heard that Yin Liuxia was injured by Shaolin. In order to prevent those quack doctors from delaying Yin Liuxia's treatment, we arrested all the top doctors."

"I have already prepared the world's best healing Holy Medicine 'Black Jade Intermittent Ointment', hoping it can cure Yin Liuxia's injuries." Zhao Min had someone deliver the items to the two of them.

"Your Excellency is very well informed. You were able to learn about my uncle's injury so quickly." Zhang Wuji felt that this matter was closely related to the other party.

"It's just some means. After all, in this world, money can buy any information." Zhao Min replied.

Wei Yixiao said quickly: "Are you trying to sow discord by saying that we have people like you in Mingjiao?"

"Whatever you think." Zhao Min said nonchalantly.

Zhang Wuji asked: "We don't know each other, why did you give us the 'Black Jade Intermittent Cream'?"

"Corporal Li Xian, we are recruiting heroes from all over the world. Both of them are the best among men. Naturally, our court wants to make friends with them." Zhao Min explained his purpose.

"So you are from the imperial court." Only then did Zhang Wuji know the identity of the other party.

"My father is the King of Ruyang. If Shaolin treats the Six Heroes of Yin like this, we will definitely help Wudang eradicate Shaolin." Zhao Min said it righteously, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

"I think this is most likely caused by them. They really know how to push things along. If you want to destroy Shaolin, just say so." Xiao Zhao was smart and saw the problem right away.

"Don't worry, let's see what she wants to do first," Zhou Yan said.

"The sword behind her should be the Yitian Sword. Why is it in her hand?" Xiao Zhao looked at the wall behind Zhao Min.

"We appreciate your kindness. As for my uncle's revenge, we will avenge it ourselves, so I won't bother you." After saying that, Zhang Wuji was about to leave.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Are you sure that the box contains real black jade intermittent ointment? I have prepared food and drinks. Wait for me to change clothes and have a detailed discussion with you." After saying that, Zhao Min took the People are gone.

"Leader, be careful of fraud, let's leave first." Wei Yixiao saw that the Yitian Sword was still there and wanted to cut his butt with a sword, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled out the Yitian Sword.

Unexpectedly, the sword was fake. As soon as the sword was pulled out, a scent appeared, and everyone smelled the smoke.

"Leader, let's go quickly, there must be a trap here." Wei Yixiao said.

"Okay, let's go."

Everyone left here, but they were all powerless halfway through. Only Zhou Yan and Zhang Wuji, who were highly skilled in martial arts, were fine.

"No, that's Shixiang Ruanjin Powder. I didn't expect that witch to be so hateful and set up such a trap!" Xiao Zhao was very angry.

"Wuji, you stay and take care of them, I'll get the antidote." Zhou Yan said.

"Uncle Junior, you have to be careful," Zhang Wuji said.

"Come back quickly." Xiao Zhao said worriedly.

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me." Zhou Yan said.

Zhang Wuji knew Zhou Yan's strength well and was relieved.

Wei Yixiao, on the other hand, said, "It's a blessing for the leader to have such a young master who values ​​friendship."

"My junior uncle has taken care of me since I was a child. If it weren't for him, I don't know what I would have become." Zhang Wuji has always been grateful to Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan returned to Green Willow Villa and said, "Zhao Min, hand over the antidote."

"I didn't let you touch that sword. You did it yourself. What does it have to do with me? Besides, I said last time that I would invite you to be a guest. Why are you in such a hurry? The little lady wants to give you a few gifts. I want to give it to you, hope you like it.”

Zhao Min said while playing the piano, as if everything was under her control.

"Forget it as a gift, if you are willing to give it to me, I wouldn't mind accepting it." Zhou Yan said.

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhou to be a passionate person. It's not enough to have a confidante by his side. He also wants me. In fact, it's easy for you to want me. You only need to make the entire martial arts world belong to the imperial court. I will naturally let Mr. Zhang do it. .”

Zhao Min smiled, as if he didn't care that she was being used as a deal.

"If you don't give it to me, I'll take it myself." Zhou Yan said.

"Then I want to see if you have this strength." After saying that, Zhao Min's men moved towards Zhou Yan.

But how could these people compare in strength to Zhou Yan? They were defeated by Zhou Yan in a single encounter.

Zhao Min also started to take action, using the Qin Xuan in his hand as a hidden weapon to attack Zhou Yan. This method could not hurt Zhou Yan, but Zhou Yan interrupted him casually.

Zhao Min stepped forward and began to attack Zhou Yan. Her methods were cunning and omnipotent. She had various hidden weapons hidden on her body, but these hidden weapons were all neutralized by Zhou Yan.

In the end, he was restrained by Zhou Yan's hands, and the whole person fell into Zhou Yan's arms. When Zhao Min saw it, he simply lay in Zhou Yan's arms. He looked around with enchanting eyes and said, "You said , do you like that girl more, or me more?"

Zhao Min thought that Zhou Yan was a disciple of Zhang Sanfeng, and he could not be a lustful person no matter what his temperament or anything else, so he was not afraid of what Zhou Yan would do to her.

It's a pity that she underestimated Zhou Yan by far, and she didn't understand Zhou Yan at all.

Then, in Zhao Min's disbelieving eyes, Zhou Yan kissed Zhao Min directly.

Zhao Min's eyes widened. He never imagined that Zhou Yan would do such a frivolous thing, and his whole mind went blank.

Then he began to struggle hard, looked at Zhou Yan angrily, and said angrily: "You are also a disciple of Wudang Zhang Perfected Being, but you are so despicable."

"I didn't say that I am a gentleman, you just think so. What does it have to do with me?" Zhou Yan refused.

"You..." Zhao Min broke away from Zhou Yan's arms and said, "All of you have been infected by my Shixiang Ruanjin Powder. If they don't have the antidote after two hours, I'm afraid their skills will never be restored." They can’t recover, not even your senior brother can ever recover.”

Zhou Yan looked at her and said, "You are so vicious."

Zhao Min laughed and said, "Haven't you heard that women's hearts are the most poisonous?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he smiled and said, "I've heard of it, so I like it."

"I..." Zhao Min was speechless. She found that she was restrained to death.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Min became a little scared when she saw Zhou Yan walking towards her step by step. She was really afraid that Zhou Yan would do something to her, so she quickly said: "The antidote and the black I can give you everything from jade to discontinuation ointment, but you have to promise me three things, otherwise I won’t give you anything even if you kill me.”

"Okay." Zhou Yan replied.

"You agreed so easily without asking me what I wanted you to do." Zhao Min asked.

"I promised you, but I didn't say I had to do it." Zhou Yan said.

"You..." Zhao Min was furious. She was eaten to death when she encountered such a scoundrel.

"Come here, give him something."

Zhao Min had no choice but to give the things to the other party first. The only thing she miscalculated this time was that Zhang Wuji didn't come, and she didn't expect that Zhou Yan was such a shameless person and overturned all her plans. She had to take care of herself. Think about how to deal with Zhou Yan.

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