Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 327, Tai Chi Tai Chi Sword

When Zhou Yan brought his things to meet Zhang Wuji, he found that they were still waiting for him.

"Did nothing happen to you?" Zhou Yan asked.

"They encountered extinction just now, but with Zhang Wuji around, they didn't dare to take action." Xiao Zhao replied.

"Let everyone take the antidote first." Zhou Yan handed out the antidote to everyone.

Zhang Wuji said: "I think Shaolin's attack on Wudang is not that simple. Let's go to Shaolin to find out."

"I guess this Shaolin is in danger, and it's useless to go up there." Zhou Yan said.

"Then we must investigate clearly." Zhang Wuji said.

"In this way, you can ask Wei Yixiao and the others to go to Shaolin to inquire about the situation. As for me, I want to go back to Wudang." Zhou Yan said.

"I'm going too." Xiao Zhao replied.

Zhang Wuji thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll go back to Wudang with my junior uncle to have a look. As for Bat King and Grandpa, you guys go to Shaolin to find out what's going on."

"Yes, leader." Wei Yixiao and Eagle King led people to Shaolin.

Zhou Yan also came to Wudang with Zhang Wuji and Xiao Zhao, but on the way he saw Zhao Min also leaving from a distance.

"I don't know what this Zhao Min is doing." Zhang Wuji said.

"Let's go to Wudang first." They went up in the direction of Wudang.

Then it was discovered that the imperial court's troops had surrounded the entire Wudang.

"These people have surrounded Wudang. There must be a conspiracy. It's not good. Master is in danger." Zhang Wuji thought of something bad.

"Let's take the path up the mountain and see what they want to do." Zhou Yan said.

They avoided the crowd and came to the Wudang Hall, where they found Zhang Sanfeng and Xuan Ming fighting.

Zhou Yan and Zhang Wuji came out and forced all those people back. These small fish and shrimps were naturally no match for them and were defeated by them one after another.

Even the two elders Xuan Ming were defeated by Zhang Wuji.

"When did this kid learn the "Nine Yang Magic" and become so powerful?" Zhang Sanfeng was very curious.

"Master, if you take this pill, you will be fine soon." Zhou Yan returned to Zhang Sanfeng, and then grabbed Song Qingshu who was trying to escape with one hand.

"Master Tai, save me." Song Qingshu quickly begged for mercy.

"Zhou Yan, forget it, just let his father come back and deal with it." Zhang Sanfeng still couldn't bear to kill Song Qingshu.

Zhou Yan had no choice but to give up, but still disabled his martial arts, and then asked: "Master, I find that you are not worried about us at all."

"What's there to worry about? You guys are so smart, and your strength is not much worse than my master, how can you die so easily? The moment I saw Wuji using the "Nine Yang Divine Art", I knew that not only were you okay, but It's pretty good." Zhang Sanfeng said.

Later, Zhao Min came here and said, "How could you be so rude to Zhang Perfected Being." Then Zhao Min cupped his hands towards Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Junior Zhao Min, pay my respects to Perfected Being."

"It turns out it's the princess. I wonder what the princess wants to do when she comes to Wudang?" Zhang Sanfeng asked.

Zhao Min looked at the other party and said: "I have surrounded Wudang from top to bottom. As long as you are willing to submit to the court, I will let Wudang go."

How could Zhang Sanfeng defect to the imperial court? He stood up and said: "Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered in history. I will not surrender to you."

"Master, as long as I'm here, I won't let her succeed." Zhang Wuji said.

Zhou Yan also stood up and said: "Zhao Min, you are going to attack Wudang so soon, but Wudang still has me here."

Zhao Min looked at Zhou Yan and said, "Remember that you owe me three things."

"Of course I remember." Zhou Yan replied.

"Well, I want you not to use the "Nine Yang Magic" and "The Great Shift of the Universe". Also, I don't allow you to marry that girl." Zhao Min said.

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he became furious and said, "You are such a hateful woman. Whether others marry me or not has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Yan said: "I can promise you the first two things, but I won't bother you with my personal matters."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Min said: "I would like to see if you can stop the two elders Xuan Ming with your Wudang swordsmanship."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he immediately said: "Look down on me, Wudang. My Wudang is not only about Wudang swordsmanship."

Later, Zhang Sanfeng said to Zhou Yan: "I will teach you Tai Chi swordsmanship and Tai Chi boxing on the spot. You have to pay attention."

"Is it possible to learn on the spot?" Xiao Zhao asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, my junior uncle is extremely talented and can learn anything in one go." Zhang Wuji replied.

"That's true." Thinking back to when Zhou Yan learned "Nine Yang Divine Art" and "The Great Shift of the Universe", he also learned it all at once.

The two elders, Xuanming and Ming, didn't wait for Zhang Sanfeng to start teaching, and then they started to attack Zhou Yan. They were one yin and one yang, one cold and one hot. Their palms could burst out extraordinary strength to fight against the enemy. Those who were hit by them would end up very badly. serious.

Although Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming are powerful, they are far inferior to Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan simply dodges, leaving Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming helpless.

"Tai Chi is born without extremes, the machine of movement and stillness, the mother of yin and yang, yin is not separated from yang, yang is not separated from yin, yin and yang complement each other, and the order is like the gods..."

The yin and yang energy in his body seemed to have changed again, and the secret of Tai Chi itself was created based on the meaning of Tai Chi.

Therefore, under Zhang Sanfeng's guidance, Zhou Yan understood something more comprehensive.

Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword are almost the same. In addition, Zhou Yan had previously learned a SS-quality "Tai Chi Sword" move, and his comprehension was amazing, so he quickly mastered it.

[Learn "Tai Chi" and improve the quality of "Tai Chi Sword Technique". ]

Zhou Yan checked the quality of Tai Chi and was surprised to find that it was still of R quality. Even the quality of "Tai Chi Sword Technique" was upgraded to R level.

This made Zhou Yan praise him for being a powerful Grandmaster who could actually create such a skill.

The high quality of this boxing and swordsmanship is entirely related to his ability to understand. Zhang Wuji would definitely not be able to understand it as deeply as he did.

Then, Zhou Yan began to display the profound meaning of Tai Chi. As soon as he made a move, the people around him felt a sense of mastering the world. Zhang Sanfeng was surprised: "My little apprentice is really a pervert. In this short time, not only After understanding the secrets of Tai Chi, it’s even more profound than me.”

"Then he has surpassed you now." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

"I am already old, and I feel relieved that the future of Wudang will be in his hands." Zhang Sanfeng said.

Zhang Wuji, who was next to him, also gained a little bit after listening and said, "Master, I seem to have learned it too."

Zhang Sanfeng was surprised for a while and said: "You all have very good understanding. It is a blessing for the martial arts community to have you in the next generation."

The two elders Xuanming and Ming stepped forward again. Zhou Yan had learned what he wanted and shot the two of them to the ground without mercy. If they were not still useful, he would have killed them both.

Zhao Min's men were all defeated. She knew that she and others were no match for the other party, but she was not worried and said: "Now the people of the six major sects are in my hands. If I don't go back, they will be gone in three days." He will be buried with me."

"Then we will use you in exchange." Xiao Zhao replied.

"Forget it, let her go. As for the people from the six major sects, they will find a way." Zhou Yan said.

"Then I'll wait for you." Zhao Min looked at Zhou Yan, then left with the others.

The plot should have ended here, but the follow-up movie has also been filmed, so the plot of this movie does not end here. Zhou Yan still needs to wait until the follow-up two movies are finished before he can leave.

Besides, since he is here, he can't just take Zhang Wuji and Xiao Zhao with him.

This Zhao Min must also be taken away, as well as the entire Mingjiao and Wudang. Well, the people from Emei must also be packed away.

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