After that, it was about finding out where the six major sects were imprisoned. This was easy to handle, so Zhang Wuji quickly sent someone to find out the information.

Later, Zhang Wuji said: "Zhao Min has sealed the news completely. I think we can only go to Ruyang Prince's Mansion to find out."

"Okay, then let's go find out the news." Zhou Yan replied.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Then you must be careful. Since the people in the imperial court have started to attack martial arts people, they will not let them go so easily."

"Don't worry, Master, we will definitely rescue Uncle Master and the others," Zhang Wuji said.

A group of them came to the capital city, found an inn, and planned to take action at night.

"You just stay in the inn, Wuji and I will go," Zhou Yan said.

"Then you have to be careful, that woman Zhao Min is not that easy to deal with." Xiao Zhao said.

"Don't worry, my junior uncle is very strong in martial arts, nothing will happen to him." Zhang Wuji was quite confident in Zhou Yan's strength.

So, they came to Ruyang Prince's Mansion, and saw Zhao Min interrogating Zhou Zhiruo, trying to get the Emei sword skill from her, and Zhao Min also took out a dagger and wanted to carve words on Zhou Zhiruo's face.

Zhou Yan quickly flew down, and then held Zhou Zhiruo in his arms. Zhou Zhiruo saw Zhou Yan coming to save him, and shouted happily: "Zhou Yan, you are finally here."

Zhang Wuji also followed up, defeated Zhao Min's men, and fought with Kutoutuo.

Zhao Min saw Zhou Yan and Zhou Zhiruo being so close, and when he thought about being kissed, he became angry and said, "Why don't you two say hello in advance so that the little girl can treat you well?"

Zhang Wuji smiled and said: "The princess is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Her methods are despicable and there are so many masters around her. How can she be called a little girl? I think she is just as good as a devil."

"Isn't your Ming Cult also called the Demon Cult? It's no different from me." Zhao Min refused.

"Zhou Yan, you care so much about Zhou Zhiruo, don't you have an affair?" Zhao Min asked.

"We are aboveboard, where is the personal relationship?" Zhou Yan replied.

When Zhao Min heard this, she didn't know why, but she felt unhappy. Then she smiled and said in a pretentious manner: "Then you were still treating others like that before, so you almost..."

"What happened? Tell me clearly!" Zhou Zhiruo became jealous and asked quickly.

Zhao Min was very happy to see Zhou Zhiruo being so eager, so he looked at Zhou Yan with a smile and said, "Then you have to ask him."

Zhou Yan didn't want to explain more on this matter and said, "Okay, this time I'm here to make you let go of the six major factions."

"They are in my hands, but I won't let them go, so what can you do." Zhao Min replied.

"Zhou Yan, my masters and the others are still in Zhao Min's hands. I want to stay." Zhou Zhiruo said.

Zhang Wuji said to Zhao Min: "Although there are many masters around you, you also know the martial arts of my junior uncle and I. I hope you won't go too far with Miss Zhou, otherwise I guarantee that one day, your face will be like this There will be a few more traces.”

"You threaten me!" Zhao Min was very angry.

"Whatever you think." Zhou Yan and Zhang Wuji left directly.

Zhao Min was very angry and asked someone to push Zhou Zhiruo down, and then said: "Master, you are following them secretly."

"Yes!" Kutoutuo followed.

Ku Toutuo then attacked the two of them on the street, and Zhang Wuji fought with them. Then the White-browed Eagle King, the Green-winged Bat King, and Yang Xiao saw Ku Toutuo's skills.

"The Ming Cult has finally found a leader whose martial arts skills are unparalleled and convinced by everyone. Fan Yao, the Right Envoy of Light, deserves death for offending the leader." Fan Yao knelt down in front of Zhang Wuji and said.

The White-browed Eagle King stepped forward and said: "Master, this is Fan Yao, the Right Envoy of Light who has been missing for many years. He and Yang Zuo Envoy were known as the Two Immortals of Xiaoyao back then."

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the inn to talk." Zhou Yan said.

After arriving at the inn, Fan Yao began to talk about how he had inquired about information and found out that Cheng Kun had defected to the imperial court, and that he had destroyed half of his face and sneaked into the Ruyang Palace to become Master Zhao Min.

"Then you should know where the six major sects are being held. Is there any way to rescue them?" Zhang Wuji said.

"They have all been infected with Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, and they are also guarded by the two elders Xuanming, so we can only start with them." Fan Yao answered.

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"The deer-zhang customer is lustful, and the crane-zhang customer is fond of wine. We can start from these two aspects." Fan Yao said.

"What do we need to do?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"The leader doesn't need to do anything, just wait for my good news." Fan Yao said.

So, Fan Yao and everyone started discussing specific matters, and everyone thought it was feasible.

One day later, they started the rescue operation. Fan Yao sent Zhao Min's brother's wife to the Luzhang Guesthouse and lied to them to obtain the antidote for Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

On the other side, Zhou Yan invited Zhao Min to have dinner, and the other party came to the restaurant alone.

"I didn't expect that a high-ranking Wudang disciple would invite me, a member of the imperial court, to dinner. Do you want to surrender?" Zhao Min sat on the stool and began to eat.

"Aren't you afraid that I've poisoned you?" Zhou Yan asked.

"You have great martial arts skills, so why would you use poison if you want to deal with me?" Zhao Min replied, then looked around and asked: "You invited me alone, could it be that you came behind your little lover's back?"

"Speaking of which, you still owe me one thing." Zhao Min said.

"You can bring it up." Zhou Yan replied.

"It is said that the Supreme in the martial arts world has a sword that can slay dragons and cannot come out from the sky. Who can compete with it? In the martial arts world, it seems that no one has ever obtained the dragon-slaying knife and the Heaven-Slaying Sword. I am just curious about the secrets of these two weapons."

"Aren't you very familiar with Zhang Wuji? It shouldn't be difficult for you to ask him to lend me the dragon-slaying knife for a few hours to observe." Zhao Min said.

"I can't make the decision on this matter, I have to go back and ask Zhang Wuji.

"You invited me out today, and you probably wanted me to let go of people from the six major sects." Zhao Min was smart and naturally guessed Zhou Yan's intention.

"I know you won't let him go even if I tell him, so why bother?" Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, as long as you persuade them to submit to the imperial court, then I can help you become the Supreme of the martial arts world. When the time comes, I will agree to whatever you want to do to me. How about that?"

Zhao Min said seductively.

"It's impossible for them to agree. I don't want to be a martial arts Supreme. I'm only interested in you." Zhou Yan said bluntly.

"So, the little girl's charm is stronger than the martial arts Supreme."

Hearing Zhou Yan say this, Zhao Min felt very happy.

Later, Zhao Min saw a fire rising into the sky outside, then glared at Zhou Yan and said, "So you are here to delay time."

"It's too late. I think the person has been rescued now." Zhou Yan said.

"You are despicable." Zhao Min said angrily.

"We are mutually exclusive, and if you become despicable, I will be your inferior." Zhou Yan said.

Zhao Min became angry and left quickly, and Zhou Yan also walked towards the fire.

When he arrived, the entire tower was slightly ablaze with fire. People from the Ming Cult were fighting with the imperial court. Zhang Wuji was rescuing the disciples of the six major sects who fell from the tower.

"I'll do it." Zhang Wuji had exhausted a lot of his internal energy in order to save others.

Seeing Zhou Yan coming, he felt relieved.

As Zhou Zhiruo jumped from the top of the tower, Zhou Yan held her in his arms.

When Zhou Zhiruo saw it was Zhou Yan, she hugged him quickly and said, "I knew you would definitely save me."

"Don't worry, I'm here and nothing will happen to you." Zhou Yan said.

After Zhou Zhiruo was safe, she looked at the top of the tower and said, "My master and Xuan Ming are still at the top of the tower."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Yan said.

Later, Hezhangke, one of the two elders of Xuanming, pulled Mie Mie out of the tower, but she was also hit by the opponent, and her muscles and veins were completely severed.

Zhou Yan placed Mie Mie on the ground, and Zhou Zhiruo stepped forward quickly and said, "Master, how are you?"

Miejie looked at Zhou Zhiruo and said to Zhou Yan: "I hope you won't betray Zhiruo."

"Don't worry, I will take care of Emei for you from now on." Not only will I take care of you, but I will also take the entire Emei population away.

"In this way, I can feel relieved." After Jue died, Zhou Zhiruo cried sadly, and Zhou Yan said, "Let's leave here quickly."

Zhang Wuji said to his men: "Take away the body of Master Jue."

They left here, and Zhou Yan found Zhao Min on the eaves. Zhao Min seemed very angry, looked at him, and then left.

"Let's go." Zhou Yan led the people away from here.

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