Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 330, Leaving The World Of Yitian And Dragon Slaying

"I didn't expect that the long-lost "Nine Yin Sutra" would be hidden in the dragon-slaying knife. No wonder the dragon-slaying knife is known as the Supreme of the martial arts. If anyone obtains such a skill, even a third-rate master can become a first-rate master. Master."

Zhao Min and the others immediately understood.

Zhou Yan began to watch the "Nine Yin Sutra" carefully. His "Yin Yang Creation Technique" changed again, and combined with the Nine Yang Divine Art, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang formed a more powerful power.

Zhou Yan said: "This technique is not bad."

"Just okay?" Others looked at Zhou Yan.

In Zhou Yan's eyes, this unique martial arts skill only received such an evaluation. How strong is he?

Zhou Yan saw Zhou Zhiruo's eyes wide open and said, "You want to learn the better technique I taught you. Learning this technique alone is too yinxie and not suitable for you."

"Really." Zhou Zhiruo was very happy when she heard this. She didn't expect Zhou Yan to have a more powerful skill than "Nine Yin Sutra".

"I want to learn too." Zhao Min said quickly after hearing this.

Zhou Zhiruo became unhappy and said quickly: "Zhou Yan is my husband, and it is legitimate to pass on the skills to me. Who are you my husband? Why should I pass it on to you?"

When Zhao Min heard this, he also became jealous and said: "He kissed and hugged me, who do you think he is to me!"

When Dai Qisi heard this, she immediately said angrily: "Zhou Yan, where did you leave my daughter like this?"

Zhou Yan said: "Let's get married together."

"You..." Dai Qisi was so angry that she had no choice but to close her eyes and stop talking.

"You have a pretty good idea." Zhao Min was also very angry.

Although Zhou Zhiruo was also very angry, she had already become a couple with Zhou Yan, so she had no choice but to accept her fate.

Xiao Zhao didn't care. She was as caring and smart as ever, and she wouldn't fight. Arguing would only make Zhou Yan annoying.

Zhou Yan began to teach the three girls to learn the skills. The skills he taught were very mysterious, but with Zhou Yan around, they quickly mastered them, and Zhou Yan also gave them the source crystals they practiced.

Although they didn't know what level of skill it was, they quickly realized how powerful it was and were very happy.

A few days later, they returned to shore.

Zhou Yan released the Liuyun Envoy, the Miaofeng Envoy, and the Huiyue Envoy, and said to them: "Go back and tell your Twelve Treasure Tree King that if they dare to come, I dare to kill them. If you don't believe it, just try it." .”

"What should I do?" Liu Yunshi looked at the other two people.

"Go back, let's answer truthfully. This Zhou Yan's strength is too terrifying. Even the twelve treasure tree kings may not be his opponent together, and there is also Zhang Wuji. I think this is the case in all likelihood. never mind."

The three of them left here.

Because of Zhou Yan, not only did Xiao Zhao not become the Saintess of the Mingjiao General Forum, but her mother also returned to Middle-earth, and Zhou Zhiruo did not steal the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife, nor did she suffer the series of tragedies that followed.

Zhang Wuji took Xie Xun back to the Mingjiao, and the Purple Shirt Dragon King and Xiao Zhao also returned to the Mingjiao.

Zhou Yan brought Zhou Zhiruo to Emei, and then regained the position of leader.

Afterwards, Zhou Yanguang posted a hero post, inviting everyone to come to Wudang, where he wanted to marry Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao.

Afterwards, the whole Wudang was filled with joy. Regardless of whether the six sects were optimistic about the matter or not, Zhou Yan still married three daughters on this day.

At this moment, Cheng Kun took the opportunity to lead the people from the court and surrounded Wudang again, hoping to catch them all.

"It's really lively. Since you are all here, we can eradicate them together. You have all been poisoned, and now none of you can escape." Cheng Kun thought that Zhou Yan and the others had become turtles in the urn.

Zhou Yan saw Cheng Kun appear and said, "You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"You knew I was coming?" Cheng Kun was very surprised.

"With your little tricks, you can still hide it from me!" Zhou Yan smiled.

Then he was surprised to see that no one was poisoned.

But Cheng Kun said: "So what if you are not poisoned? There are tens of thousands of troops outside. With you, how can you be the opponent of so many people!"

"Don't worry, you will be the first to die." Zhou Yan arrived in front of Cheng Kun in a blink of an eye and said, "Your mission has been completed, I won't leave you alone."


Zhou Yan killed Cheng Kun directly, and the people around him were surprised. They couldn't understand what Zhou Yan's skill was, and he could be so fast.

Later, half of the tens of thousands of troops outside chose to leave after seeing Zhao Min, and the remaining half also left after seeing Cheng Kun's death.

At this point, Cheng Kun was dead and the entire martial arts world had returned to peace. Zhou Yan also succeeded in taking the three women into his arms that night.

Zhou Yan said to Zhou Zhiruo: "Zhiruo, troubled times are coming, and the world will change hands. Let the people from Emei come to Wudang tomorrow, and I will take you out of here."

Zhou Zhiruo naturally would not refuse and said, "I will go wherever you go."

Early in the morning, Zhou Yan also found Zhang Sanfeng and said: "Master, you must have seen the recent events in the martial arts world. I want to leave here with Wudang. You can also come with me. In troubled times, Wudang, as a member of the martial arts world, , will still be destroyed by the imperial court."

"The world is so big, where should we move to?" Zhang Sanfeng also understood that troubled times were coming and it would be difficult for Wudang to be peaceful.

"Leave this to me, as long as you agree." Zhou Yan said.

"Wudang will leave everything to you in the future, just think about it." Zhang Sanfeng did not refuse, and he did not want Wudang to be devastated.

At this point, Wudang and Emei all agreed, leaving only one Mingjiao.

After Cheng Kun died, Zhang Wuji's wish was fulfilled and his adoptive father's revenge was avenged.

Zhou Yan then came to the Mingjiao and said to them: "The world is about to be in chaos. I have decided to lead the people from Wudang and Emei to leave here and go to a pure place. You can also take the people from the Mingjiao and leave with me."

"Okay." Zhang Wuji agreed and began to gather people from the Ming Cult.

A group of people came to Wudang, and under the eyes of countless people, Zhou Yan seemed to tear apart the world, and then said to everyone: "Don't resist, if you have anything to do, wait until you leave here."

Zhou Yan's methods were indeed so miraculous that everyone thought he was an immortal who could tear apart the world. Therefore, no one resisted him and was teleported away by a powerful energy.

Zhou Yan and the others were teleported directly to the cinema. Because there were too many people, Zhou Yan asked the others to leave outside. It was not until a few minutes later that everyone arrived at the territory.

Moreover, each of them has obtained the evolution of their territory. After feeling the changes in their bodies, they were all shocked.

Zhang Sanfeng, in particular, seemed to have understood something deeper. He suddenly regained his youth and his hair began to turn black, which shocked everyone.

He had already arranged food and accommodation for these people, so these people were just curious about where this was.

"I'll explain it to you later. Come with me." Zhou Yan knew that they had countless questions, but he still followed Zhou Yan outside and saw a new world.

It took two hours for Zhou Yan to explain clearly that since they are here, they should live here well. They do not fight here, and they can also cultivate and become immortals, which is a dream for many people. matter.

After arranging their affairs, Zhou Yan brought Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

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