Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 331, The Person Looking For Trouble

"Are you really not an immortal?" the women asked repeatedly.

"Of course not. This palace will be where you live from now on. To become an immortal in the future is not a dream at all." Zhou Yan said.

"With such a big palace, aren't you the emperor?" Zhao Min asked.

"That's okay, you are all my concubines now." Zhou Yan said.

"Then don't you still have many concubines?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"I will take you to meet them now. They are very nice people. Please get along well with them in the future." Zhou Yan said.

Although the three of them felt a little uncomfortable, they had become Zhou Yan's people and had no choice but to go and see the situation first.

"Lord, you are back and you have brought back three sisters." Si Teng saw the three women behind Zhou Yan. They were all beauties as expected.

Diao Chan and the others had already prepared a banquet. After seeing Zhou Yan arriving, they came to Zhou Yan and said, "Lord, these are the new sisters. My name is Diao Chan."

Zhen Mi and the others then introduced them one by one to Zhao Min and the others. Zhao Min and the others discovered that none of these women looked any worse than them.

They also answered each other one by one, and then started chatting with Diao Chan and others.

The three of them also accepted their current identities. After all, Zhou Yan is the master of this territory. They don't need to do anything. As long as they work hard, they can stay young forever. This is a fatal temptation for them. No woman wants it. aged.

The three girls quickly chatted with Diao Chan and the others, and Zhou Yan felt relieved.

At night, Zhou Yan still brought Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao to [Lingxiao Palace].

The three of them were very curious about this place and looked around. Standing above the clouds and mist, it felt like they were in a fairy palace.

Zhou Yan then said to them: "We will all be able to practice and become immortals in the future, so work hard. I will take you to change jobs tomorrow."

"The air here is really good. I feel like my whole body has been transformed. It's not an exaggeration to say that this is a fairyland." Xiao Zhao said.

"This is nothing. The territory will become stronger in the future, so you must work hard and contribute to protecting our territory, because this is not only our future home, but also the home of everyone in the territory." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay, we'll work hard."

They think this is good. This is their home, a home that is not disturbed by the world.

They don't need to worry about disputes in the martial arts world, nor do they need to worry about feuds, nor do they need to fight for any treasures.

They are all the mistresses of the lord, and everyone in the entire territory must call them "mistress."

"It's getting late, I have to strengthen your strength."

After saying that, Zhou Yan held the three girls in his arms and lived a life as happy as gods.

[Lingxiao Palace]: "(-_-) zzz※=○☆(__*)Zzz"

At dawn, he took the three of them to the [Heritage Temple] and asked them to change jobs.

Then Zhou Yan came to [Sansheng Stone] and saw the three extra names. The level above has not been improved. It seems that there are too few women in the territory. When nothing happens next, he will have to summon more female talents at [Tongque Terrace]. OK.

Both individuals and the entire territory need to pay attention to the "balance of yin and yang". Too few women are not good for the territory.

He is really a good lord, always thinking about the residents of his territory.

He started signing in.

[Three Life Stones] prompt: "Lord Zhou Yan successfully signed in [Three Life Stones] and received 3,000 soul coins."

After coming to the [Mysterious Shop], I obtained some materials and items, but nothing too High Level appeared.

He has a very high vision now, and even if something of SS quality appears, he doesn't think it will be a big surprise.

Came to [Sutra Pavilion] and started drawing Talents again. Apex Level Talents were indeed very difficult to appear. The best Talent was only of S quality and he did not use it.

Unless it's an Apex Level Talent, he doesn't plan to use it.

He thought that the level of this building was still a little low. If it was Level 80 or above, the probability of High Level items appearing would increase a lot.

"If you want to continue to upgrade, you must obtain an awakening stone of five stars or above, but this thing is not easy to do."

Many materials are not what he can buy if he wants to have them.

He is not the only one who has such troubles. Anyone who is a lord will have such troubles.

The more different the building, the rarer the materials it requires. No one dares to say that they have seen all the materials. Even businessmen who specialize in materials, there are countless materials that they have not seen.

There are so many things in the world of lords. Whether you can find the materials you need depends on luck.

After doing all this, he finally returned to the villa outside the territory, but he immediately sensed that the formation he placed outside the villa had been touched.

"Who wants to go against me?" He found that he made no enemies in the academy.

Unless it was the group of people who wanted to do evil things to him before, but those people should have been arrested. As for the fate, he didn't know because he didn't even know who those people were.

These people were not targeting him alone, but the geniuses of the entire Canglan Continent. Their power should be quite large, even some evil organizations.

He found that his formation skills were quite good, and his formations had improved a lot recently. He began to improve his formations and make the original formations stronger again.

Afterwards, he returned to class.

Seeing Zhou Yan, who had been missing for so long, return to the classroom, the students were quite curious. Zhou Yan had a pretty good relationship with them and asked, "What's wrong with you? Don't you welcome me back?"

"No, no, no, are you okay recently?" a kind-hearted classmate asked.

"Tell me what happened recently." Zhou Yan asked quickly.

"You don't know?" They were all very curious.

"Why do I ask you guys if I know it?" Zhou Yan discovered that this matter was related to him, but unfortunately he didn't know anything about it, which was very bad.

"The day before yesterday, some core disciples wanted to cause trouble for you, and even brought people to block the door of the classroom. After knowing that you were not here, they ran to your residence. However, I heard that those people were confused by the formation you set up. injured."

"I heard that they threatened to make you look good. I think you should take a few more days off. Those core disciples are not easy to mess with. It would be better for us freshmen not to become enemies with them."

"I was there at the time, and those people were quite miserable. Two of them had their heads blown black, and even their hair was burned away. Many people were laughing from ear to ear at that time."


Through them, Zhou Yan understood the whole story. It turned out that they were all trying to avenge the two sisters Wei Ning and Wei Yu. In their words, those people were all guardians who admired the two sisters.

He had known this for a long time, and if they were the ones looking for trouble, it would work.

After all, when he came to the academy, he was always very well-behaved and did not take the initiative to make enemies with others.

What happened to the two sisters was a complete accident.

"I heard that there are still a few direct disciples who want to cause trouble for you, but they will not take action due to their status. I estimate that among those people the day before yesterday, there must be people sent by them. I think you should invite a few more It’s a holiday, and after a few days, they will probably forget about it.”

"Thank you very much."

After knowing the whole story, he felt relieved. Even if they were dissatisfied, they would not dare to take action directly in the academy. They could only invite him to the competition stage, but why did he go there? If they wanted to make trouble, they could make trouble. There is no such leisure time.

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