Others are also full of expectations. For them, this trade fair is indeed very attractive to them.

In addition, this fair is prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival event.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival every year, the rewards are very rich, and the competition is also very strong. After all, there are only so many rewards. If you want to get the rewards, you must have enough strength.

Although they don't know what kind of activities will be held during this Mid-Autumn Festival, it is always right to enhance their own strength.

However, when talking about good things, Lin Tan couldn't help but look at Zhou Yan.

"You are so rich, you must have a lot of good things. Why don't you take out the good things first, and we can trade them first."

Lin Tan looked at Zhou Yan eagerly, with a look of longing, like a harem of a deep-seated woman. If this was a woman, it wouldn't be a big deal, but for a man like you to look at a man like this, it would seem very awkward.

Lin Tan's words really turned the attention of others to Zhou Yan. None of them knew exactly how rich Zhou Yan was. A mysterious person like him must have a lot of good things.

"That's right, you kid, don't hide your secrets, show me all the good things." Luo Yushuang also looked at Zhou Yan with a pair of cunning eyes.

Zhou Yan looked at everyone and said directly: "It doesn't matter if you want to trade, you have to come up with something that makes me excited. After all, my things are not so easy to get. You take it out first, and I will take it out for you." Something needed.”

They naturally understand this truth. Friends are friends, but good things must not be given away in vain, and they do not want to receive the benefits of others in vain. There is no problem in trading some things with a small difference on the basis of friends.

And they also heard from Zhou Yan's words that he had many good things, and it seemed that Zhou Yan could provide them with anything they needed.

They are old acquaintances with Zhou Yan, so naturally they will not doubt the truth of Zhou Yan's words. Zhou Yan indeed has such huge financial resources to acquire many good things.

"I'll go first." Lin Tan took out three things and put them on the table.

These three things are all good things. The first one is a diamond-quality cloak, and it is also equipment with a luck bonus. It is suitable for Zhou Yan, Ye Bufan and Zhuge Kaiming to use.

There are naturally women's cloaks, but they are very rare. This piece of equipment has been marked for men, so Luo Yushuang and others only took a glance at it.

The second thing, no one expected it to be a Spirit Weapon level bow and arrow. Spirit Weapons themselves were rare, and bow and arrow type weapons were even rarer. This weapon immediately made everyone excited.

"You're a good boy. You even have such a Spirit Weapon weapon. Unfortunately, I don't like to use bows and arrows, and I can't bear to exchange such weapons for my subordinates." Gu Nianyun looked at the weapon. If it was a Spirit Weapon With the big sword, she would definitely be the first to take action.

As for the third item, it is a skill book, and it is also a skill book for life occupations. As long as you use it, you can obtain an SSS Level sewing skill.

Except for Zhou Yan, no one else was interested in this skill book.

"How are you guys? Do you have any that you like?" Lin Tan hoped that everyone could come up with a few things that interest him to trade.

Seeing that no one spoke, it was obvious that they were not very interested in Lin Tan's things. Zhou Yan asked directly: "Tell me, what do you want?"

For him, he can want all three of these things or not, and he has a lot of good things, it just depends on what the other person needs.

"High-quality farming buildings, or props and skills that can improve farming lords, etc., the types are easy to say."

Lin Tan is a farming lord, so he naturally gets what he needs. Anyway, for their farming lords, the Mid-Autumn Festival event is just a formality. They have not developed much military power, but focus on farming.

After Zhou Yan heard this, while searching for things in the territory, he replied: "Forget about building. Let me see if there are any props that can help you."

He himself lacks High Level buildings, so how can he have any extra ones to trade.

There are really many things in his territory. Fortunately, he has built seven or eight [treasure rooms], which are used to store different things. Each [treasure room] has its own function.

Zhou Yan quickly found dozens of items that were of great use to the farming lord, and took out ten items. The quality of each item was above S quality.

But he didn't come up with anything higher than R quality.

After placing the things on the table, Zhou Yan said, "Let's choose."

Everyone looked at the things on the table and began to check them one by one.

"You are a professional businessman, how come you even have so many good things from the farming lord?"

Luo Yushuang looked at these things and was very curious. Who made Zhou Yan not only rich in money, but also powerful? He was obviously an adventurous person, but he had more good things than the lord merchant.

After everyone saw these things, they were once again shocked by Zhou Yan's financial resources. This is a rich man who can easily produce dozens of high-quality things.

"Don't you need all this?" Zhao Qingwu, who had never spoken before, rarely spoke and pointed to a prop in front of Zhou Yan.

Zhao Qingwu speaks very gently, but her appearance is naturally cold. But after talking to her, you will find that she is not a cold person.

"The things I took out are naturally things that are not important to me." Zhou Yan replied.

Zhou Yan didn't even take care of the territory's logistical matters. There were dedicated people in charge.

Since these things are placed in the [treasure room], they must not be needed by the people in the territory.

After Zhao Qingwu listened, he also took out five items, pointed at an item in front of Zhou Yan, and then said, "See if any of these are suitable for you. I want to exchange that item with you."

Zhou Yan looked carefully and saw that the things the other party took out were also very precious, including weapons and equipment, as well as skills and techniques, including an S-quality [Blacksmith Shop].

Zhou Yan chose the S-quality [Blacksmith Shop] without hesitation. This building is so High Level. After evolving, he will definitely be able to get a better building.

"Happy transaction." Zhao Qingwu was very happy after getting something he was satisfied with.

"Lin Tan, have you made up your mind?" Zhou Yan looked at Lin Tan. The boy looked at it for a long time, seeming to be confused.

"I want them all, what should I do?" Lin Tan looked at Zhou Yan's things, and every item was very attractive to him.

"Just tell me what you want." Zhou Yan asked.

"This, this, and these." Lin Tan quickly pointed at those things.

Zhou Yan took a look and saw that it was not a big deal, and Lin Tan also had a sense of proportion. The value of these things was not very different from the total value of his three items.

Zhou Yan replied directly: "Okay, you give me three things, and these are all yours."

"Zhou Yan, I really want to kiss you." Lin Tan quickly placed three things in front of Zhou Yan.

"Go away, I don't like men." Zhou Yan cursed.

Everyone laughed. Lin Tan was such a talkative guy, he dared to say any disgusting things.

Zhou Yan gave the things to Lin Tan. The price difference between the two parties was not big. It was only a matter of 1.8 million spiritual coins. He didn't care at all.

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