Li Qingjin, Dong Qingyi, and Gu Nianyun also took out the treasures they collected one after another, then looked at Zhou Yan and said, "Let's see if there is anything you need."

Who is Zhou Yan's richest and has the most treasures? If they can get what they need in advance, they will save time searching for it at the trade fair.

Zhou Yan checked one by one and found that the things they took out did not have a building, but the things were quite good. He could also want or not take these things.

Since he can help his friends, he must be willing to help them get what they want.

"Say what kind of things you want." Zhou Yan asked calmly.

Li Qingjin was as gentle as water and said with a smile: "I want water-attribute exercises and skills. I am a magician, so I need magic."

Dong Qingyi pondered for a while and then said: "I don't really want anything in particular, but if I can have a good sword and some sword skills, I will definitely like it."

Gu Nianyun was very straightforward: "It's best to have a good big sword. If you have knife skills, that's fine too."

"Wait a moment." Zhou Yan opened his treasure room again.

He quickly found the exercises and skills that Li Qingjin needed. He took out dozens of books, and each of the exercises and skills was from S quality to SSS quality.

Li Qingjin was stunned when she saw it. Although she knew Zhou Yan had these things, such a large quantity still made her feel that he was even more powerful than the lord merchant.

"I really don't know where you got these things from. I guess no store in the entire Canglan Continent can compare with you." Lin Tan looked at Zhou Yan speechlessly.

"So if we want something in the future, we can just bring it over and exchange it with him. Isn't this very convenient?" Ye Bufan suggested.

This sentence was unanimously agreed by everyone, which was much better than what they were looking for outside.

They won't let Zhou Yan suffer anyway. I believe that Zhou Yan will definitely not refuse with such busy work.

"Of course, no problem." Zhou Yan also replied.

Zhou Yan would naturally not refuse. They were all friends, and he definitely had a lot of stuff in his territory. He didn't know when he would need it if he kept it there. Since these friends are in need, exchange is not a big deal.

"I want this book of exercises and skills. See if you can like these things." Li Qingjin selected an SSS-quality water-based exercise book and an SS-quality skill book.

Zhou Yan selected six items from the other party, and the price difference was not much different, which Li Qingjin could accept. After all, she didn't want to take advantage of Zhou Yan too much. Zhou Yan also knew that they all thought the same way, so she did this.

If Zhou Yan doesn't choose like this, they will always feel that they owe Zhou Yan, and this is the best way.

For what Dong Qingyi needs, Zhou Yan has a lot of items. After all, swords are the weapons used by most people. Zhou Yan has many swords and hundreds of swordsmanship skill books.

Zhou Yan asked Dong Qingyi if he had any specific swordsmanship requirements. Dong Qingyi knew that the other party had a lot of things. She quickly stated her request: "It is best to use swordsmanship that is suitable for women and can face the crowd." The attacking swordsmanship is the best."

After Zhou Yan understood, he selected ten long swords and skills suitable for women, and said, "These should be what you need."

Dong Qingyi took a look and quickly picked something suitable for him. Zhou Yan also picked up the opponent's weapons and skills of the same quality.

Finally, there is Gu Nianyun. Like men, she likes to take a fierce and domineering route. This can be seen from her previous battles.

Zhou Yan also took out five diamond-quality broadswords and six spell-sword skills books above S Level.

Gu Nianyun was very satisfied and said to Zhou Yan: "It's really convenient to do business with you. There are so many good things. I want these two things. You can choose these things as you like."

Zhou Yan also took items of similar price, and finally looked at Ye Bufan and asked, "Where are you two?"

Luo Yushuang stared at Zhou Yan, and then said: "Boy, can I buy you home?"

"You can't afford it, so forget it." Zhou Yan knew the other party was joking.

"You have a good idea. If you buy Zhou Yan back, his things will become yours. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will like you." Lin Tan said on the side.

"Huh, I just like his things. It's a pity that he is not my type, otherwise I would have kidnapped him." Luo Yushuang said bluntly.

She didn't have what she wanted at all, so she didn't bother to take it out.

Ye Bufan, on the other hand, brought out more than a dozen items and said, "Do you have a material called Yuanlingjing? I've been looking for it for a long time but haven't found much. It's best if it's three stars or above."

"Is it Yuan Ling Jing? Let me take a look." Zhou Yan checked the place where he kept the materials and found that he had this material. As for where it came from, he didn't bother to worry about it.

"How much do you need?" Zhou Yan asked.

"You really have it. I really wonder if you are a material merchant. You can't find much of this thing in the market in the entire Canglan Continent. I'm really curious about where you got it from."

Ye Bufan was really shocked. Rare materials like this were hard to come by, and even if you had money, you might not be able to buy them.

Ye Bufan has no shortage of techniques, skills, and equipment, and is only interested in some rare materials.

Seeing that Zhou Yan had so many rare materials, he quickly asked for several materials and found that Zhou Yan had them all.

He was stunned.

Not even the Apex Level material merchants had these things, but Zhou Yan did, which shocked everyone again.

Ye Bufan thought for a while, then took out a skill book and said to Zhou Yan, "I don't know if you are interested in this skill."

Zhou Yan was very curious. Since Ye Bufan said that, it must not be an ordinary skill. When he took a closer look, he was really shocked.

[Item: Wind and Thunder Wings]

[Quality: RR]

[Introduction: It can be learned only if it has the attributes of wind and thunder, and has reached Sixtieth Layer level or above. ]

"You can do RR-quality flying skills, but I'm afraid it's hard to get this skill."

Zhou Yan was really surprised. This skill was not only of high quality, but also a very rare flying skill. Even he was very tempted, which shows how precious this skill is.

Although this skill still has learning requirements, for him, these are not problems. He has met all the above requirements.

"If it weren't for my lack of realm, I might have used this book long ago. You won't lose money by exchanging this skill book for your materials."

Although Ye Bufan was reluctant to part with it, these materials were very precious. If he had to collect them by himself, he didn't know when he would be able to collect them.

"I won't let you suffer, but I don't have six-star or above materials yet. If I do, I will give them to you when the time comes, so that your building can be improved even higher."

Zhou Yan made a promise to Ye Bufan.

"no problem."

Ye Bufan naturally believed in Zhou Yan. With these materials, he would be able to improve the strength of the territory a lot, which would also be of great help to him.

The transaction between several people ended smoothly. Next, they wanted to go to the trade fair, so they agreed on a time and place to meet and went back.

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