Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 344, Inside Story Of The Trade Fair

"What is that? It's flying over our territory."

"It shouldn't be an enemy. If it were an enemy, it would have been blown to pieces by the defense tower."

"It's so fast, I can't see clearly what it is. Is it the lord's pet?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a person. I don't know when the territory got such a flying person. It seems to have wings."

"I heard that the Angel Tribe, Wing Tribe, Eagle Tribe, and Elf Tribe all have wings, but I just don't know which race they are from."


The residents of the territory were all curious when they saw the light flying in the sky, and because Zhou Yan was too fast, they could not see it clearly, but they believed that it was not an enemy, otherwise the defense tower of the territory would He won't let him go.

After a long time, Zhou Yan fell from the sky, letting them see that this was actually the lord.

Thinking of the lord's ability to reach the sky, they understood, but they were very envious that the lord had such a flying method.

Later, Zhou Yan came to the [Martial Arts Performance Space] and found that Diao Chan and the others were conducting actual combat training here.

Actual combat requires constant fighting to improve. Fortunately, there are many of them with different professions. In addition, soldiers from the territory will also come in for actual combat training.

Anyway, there will be no death here, so they can take action as much as they like. Only in this way can they increase their combat experience.

It's just that the level of the [Martial Arts Performance Space] is still a bit low. If tens of thousands of people come in at one time, I'm afraid the entire martial arts performance space will be filled with people, which is not good for everyone's actual combat training. Zhou Yan also wants to upgrade the [Martial Arts Space] level, but this requires a higher level space stone.

High Level Space Stones are not easy to obtain, and Zhou Yan also obtained a lot from Origin Stones.

It’s just that there are many buildings in the territory that require space stones, and after buying a lot of them at the [Great Wasteland Trading Market] last time, it is not realistic to obtain space stones in a short period of time.

These things can only be achieved through accumulation.

He also wants to build a few more [Martial Arts Spaces] for people in the territory to use, but this kind of building is not something he can own if he wants to.

For the rest of the day, Zhou Yan spent the rest of the day practicing with Diao Chan and the others in the [Martial Arts Space]. It was not until night that he hugged the two beauties and performed the necessary daily exercises.

The people brought out from Yitian World have also entered the [Heritage Temple] and will not come out in a short time.

Even Zhao Yun has not come out yet, and Zhang Wuji and others will not come out until more than a week.

The next day soon came. Many students had heard about the fair. Although they all wanted to participate, not many freshmen were qualified to obtain tickets.

After school in the afternoon, many High Level students are heading somewhere in the academy. You can often see groups of people flying Law Weapons flying through the sky, and you can even see a lot of teachers.

After meeting Ye Bufan and the others, Ye Bufan prepared a mask for everyone. Zhou Yan was very confused as to why he was wearing a mask.

Ye Bufan explained: "There is a mixed crowd at this trade fair. Many people's items have unknown origins and they don't want to be discovered, so they will trade them through this trade fair."

"Of course they don't want to be seen by others, so they will change their body shape and appearance. Over time, many people find it very strange, leading to 99% of people appearing at trade fairs dressed as various people."

"Actually, there are many such trade fairs all over the world, and many precious things can appear every time. Therefore, we follow the local customs and wear masks so that we are not easily recognized."

"In addition, the style of our college is famous for its mystery. If you can hide yourself when you go to places like the trade fair, then try to hide yourself as much as possible."

After Ye Bufan's explanation, everyone understood. However, Lin Tan curiously asked: "The person holding this fair should be someone from the college."

In response, Ye Bufan shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I guess that there should be senior leaders of the college involved. After all, this kind of transaction will be beneficial to both students and teachers, and the college will not interfere. too much."

Everyone wears a mask, but Zhou Yan has his own [Fantasy God Mask]. His mask is extremely powerful and it is the ‘Divine Weapon’ he must have when walking in various virtual trading markets.

"Our Ye family has also participated in organizing trade fairs, but only in Kyoto." Luo Yushuang replied.

"This kind of trade fair cannot be held by a single force. However, there are some trade fairs that have a long history. Those trade fairs were once held by unknown people. As their strength increases, more and more people participate. Many, eventually formed large-scale trade fairs, but there are too few trade fairs like that."

Ye Bufan introduced them to everyone while leading them towards a flying Law Weapon.

Everyone boarded this flying Law Weapon. Without such a flying Law Weapon, it would be impossible to go to the trade fair.

Moreover, such a flying Law Weapon is very precious. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it through channels.

"There are many trade fairs around the world, but most of them are not safe. You can often hear of robberies happening. Brother Fan and I once encountered this, so you must be careful about those trade fairs in the future."

Dong Qingyi also told them about their previous experiences, which made everyone a little wary about the safety of the trade fair.

Ye Bufan nodded and continued: "The trade fair is a mixed bag, and no one can guarantee that someone will take action secretly. After all, there are many treasures in the trade fair, and there are indeed many things where interested people take action because they cannot trade."

"This depends on the security strength of the person holding the trade fair. After all, each of us participating in the trade fair does not enter in vain. Everyone has to pay 100,000 spiritual coins to let you in."

Ye Bufan also said that those who hold trade fairs do so for profit, otherwise why would they go to such great lengths and waste manpower and material resources to hold such a trade fair.

By saying this, they understood.

Upon hearing this, Li Qingjin asked: "There are so many of us, and you have paid the fees for us."

Ye Bufan hooked Zhou Yan's shoulder with one hand and said with a sly smile: "We have such a wealthy person here. Just leave the admission fee to him."

Everyone looked at Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan touched his nose. Ye Bufan really knew how to trick him. He didn't even forget to trick him in such a thing.

However, the admission ticket is only one hundred thousand spiritual coins per person, and to him, it is just drizzle.

"Don't worry, our total cost is less than one million, I'll cover this cost." Zhou Yan said generously.

"Then I won't be polite." Lin Tan naturally wouldn't be polite to Zhou Yan.

Others also laughed. They all knew that Zhou Yan was rich. In his eyes, one million was probably about the same as one dollar.

In fact, they were wrong. In Zhou Yan's eyes, one million was not even a penny.

After all, Zhou Yan didn't even know how much money he had.

Ye Bufan introduced everyone about the trade fair along the way, letting them know a lot of inside information that they didn't know. These are the children of the big family, who have more knowledge than Zhou Yan and the others.

Zhou Yan was also glad that he had such a friend, otherwise, no matter how rich he was, he would not have the means to come to the trade fair.

Many times, not just because you have money, you can buy everything.

Without a position of power, how could others invite you and give you face?

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