Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 345, The Trade Fair Begins

Flying Law Weapons were flying in the sky. They saw that there were many Flying Law Weapons in the sky, and each Flying Law Weapon had a different shape. With so many Flying Law Weapons flying in the sky, they looked like hanging lamps. Lantern in the air.

Thousands of flying Law Weapons, shining with various lights, look very spectacular from a distance.

They looked at the buildings below and enjoyed the night view from different angles, which had a unique flavor.

Some people flying fast formed meteors and flew forward.

These people are all strong, and they can fly Law Weapon alone. This method requires strong strength to do it.

Forty minutes later, they finally arrived at the place. Ye Bufan put away the flying Law Weapon. They all put on masks and headed towards a huge palace in front.

The palace was very huge, with five gates, and hundreds of powerful guards standing at the door. The strength of each of them was not weaker than that of Sixtieth Layer Heaven, and some of them were even in Ninetieth Layer Heaven.

This is enough to show how strong the person holding the trade fair is.

Ninetieth Layer Tian's realm is already an Apex Level master, and Talent is not weak. Whether they are summoned from the territory or cultivated by the local forces of Canglan Continent, it is enough to prove that the organizer attaches great importance to this trade fair.

After all, it is not easy to hold a trade fair. It is usually only held once to three times a year, and each time it is held at an important time.

There were many people entering the fair, and they were all dressed up strangely. It was like holding a grand costume banquet, and you could see all kinds of people.

Ye Bufan held a stack of admission tickets in his hand. After arriving at the ticket checking area, Zhou Yan paid 800,000 spirit coins before entering.

"Although the security here seems to be very high, we must be careful and try not to spread out." Ye Bufan said to everyone.

"Let's just take a look. Everything that needs to be traded has been completed." Lin Tan and the others didn't have any extra good things to trade, so they were just here to join in the fun this time.

Trade fairs are mainly divided into two groups of people. Some people will choose to rent a special place to set up stalls, put out trading items, and wait for the people they like to trade.

The cost of setting up a stall is not very expensive, only one thousand spirit coins per night. Many people will directly write down what they need after setting up a stall, so that everyone can know more clearly whether they have something worth it. Items that the other party is interested in.

Another group of people, just like customers, are looking for what they need everywhere. If they like something, they can negotiate a deal with the other party.

The trade fair has just begun, and many people have started trading things.

This trade fair is very huge, and at first glance, all of them are human figures.

Many of the people who came here were dressed in various ways, but there were also many people who were directly wearing school uniforms. They even saw many elders or teachers in orange clothes.

There are so many teachers and elders in the entire college, and no one knows their specific identities.

In addition, many people have props that change their appearance or voice, and it is difficult for you to know whether the person opposite is someone you know.

Maybe the person you are trading with is your mentor.

Zhou Yan's group of people began to look over one by one and began to look at special items. They were all helping to find what Zhou Yan needed so that Zhou Yan could discover more good things.

Unless it is construction or High Level materials, Zhou Yan will not pay attention to anything lower than S quality.

Ye Bufan quickly fell in love with something, began to discuss the transaction items with the other party, and quickly completed the transaction.

In the barter-for-barrel transaction method, it is difficult to achieve a truly fair transaction. It depends on the needs of both parties.

Along the way, they saw many people trading high-quality items with each other for low-quality items.

This is the result of both parties being willing to trade, and no one is forcing them to trade.

There are also people who are willing to spend extra spiritual coins to make up for the price inequality, and even exchange several items for high-quality items.

Here, any kind of transaction method is available, as long as the two people discuss it.

After a long time, Zhou Yan also fell in love with something that made him excited. This was High Level material, and the other party also wrote down the quantity he owned.

Zhou Yan stepped forward and asked, "What do you need to exchange for this material?"

"I need skills, techniques, job transfer certificates of S quality or above, or equipment of platinum quality or above." The other party replied.

He had all these things, so he started to ask how to trade. The other party did not ask randomly, but first made a certain price comparison of these materials, and then asked him to bring out something of similar value.

Zhou Yan nodded, very satisfied with the other party's reply. The other party was doing business sincerely and was not a businessman. If he were a businessman, he would definitely bargain.

Zhou Yan asked the other party: "How much material do you have, or if you have higher quality materials, I will also be willing to come up with something that satisfies you. Don't worry, no matter how much material you have, I can eat it." And it won’t let you suffer.”

Seeing Zhou Yan's confidence, the other party replied: "I have 10,000 units of seven-star materials. If you can come up with good things to trade with me, I am also willing to trade with you two thousand units of eight-star materials." .”

When Zhou Yan heard this, he was very happy and said: "There is no problem with this. It's just that if you need something urgently, I can trade with you for what you need."

The other party was really surprised by Zhou Yan's words. He didn't expect Zhou Yan to have so many good things. He thought about it and said directly: "Then I want earth-attribute exercises and earth-attribute skills, preferably fighting spirit type."

Zhou Yan nodded, said wait a moment, then took out three books of exercises and ten books of skills, placed them in front of the other party, and said, "See if you are satisfied with these."

The other party checked it out and was immediately surprised and said, "Damn it! It's actually an SSS-quality technique. You're even willing to take out a technique of this quality. I want this!"

Then, the other party looked at those skills again, his eyes widened again, and said: "Three books of SSS quality, four books of SS quality, and three books of S-quality skills, you must be a businessman!"

He also had to surprise the other party. These things were not ordinary items. The other party was able to take out so many High Level items at once. It would be strange for him not to be shocked.

He ignored the other party's surprise. He had seen this kind of thing many times, so there was nothing strange about it.

The two sides began to calculate the value of the items, and in the end the other party was very satisfied with getting the High Level exercises and skill books. Zhou Yan not only received seven-star and eight-star materials, but the other party even gave him other High Level materials.

Both parties were satisfied. To others, these skills were precious, but in Zhou Yan's eyes, these things could be exchanged for so many High Level materials, so it was definitely not a loss.

These are different things. In the eyes of different people, the value is different. It depends on what both parties need.

Later, Zhou Yan purchased a lot of High Level materials, all of which were seven-star or above, and what he paid for were things he didn't need.

(Author: No more. I have opened a new book called "Fantasy: I Can Pick Up Attributes and Become Stronger". You can't find it yet. It will take half a month to find it. I just want to tell you first. That’s all, I hope you can still support me. In terms of updates, you shouldn’t worry about my efficiency.)

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