Zhou Yan looked at the other person, not knowing whether he was a teacher or an elder of the college.

"Are you calling me?" Zhou Yan asked.

The other party nodded quickly and replied: "I am indeed calling you. I just saw you using a lot of High Level techniques. I have a few things here. If you don't mind, we can trade them."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he naturally would not refuse and quickly replied: "Of course there is no problem."

There are many such examples. As long as two people have discussed it, they can trade directly.

The other party quickly asked: "I have some High Level materials, buildings, and equipment. I wonder what you need?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he secretly sighed that he was worthy of being an elder, and quickly replied: "I need materials and buildings, can you let me see those things?"

"Of course." The other party took out several rare materials of his own, each of which was of eight-star quality.

"I have 500 units of this material, only 300 units of this one, and more of this one, 1,000 units." The other party said.

Then, the other party took out three buildings again and said: "A barracks building, a defense tower, and a restaurant-like building."

Zhou Yan was a little surprised when he saw it. These three buildings were all of S quality.

"I don't know which skill book you want?" Zhou Yan took out the previous skill secret book.

The other party looked at it carefully and said, "I want this dark attribute technique and this wind attribute technique. You see what else you need, and I'll see if I have any."

Both of these skills are of SSS quality. The value of the opponent's three buildings and those materials is far lower than the value of Zhou Yan's two skills.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said: "Any material with five stars or above is fine, and then there is the building, regardless of quality. As for the equipment, I am not in short supply. However, if there are some strange scroll tokens, I can also accept props like that."

"Okay, wait a minute." The other party thought for a moment, and then said: "I do have a lot of five-star and six-star materials here, as well as five buildings and some props."

The other party took out all these things. Those five- and six-star materials were very rare and needed for his territory.

Of those five buildings, three are of A quality, two are of B quality, and two of them are also barracks buildings, so he naturally needs them.

"This is an R-quality teleportation technique." Zhou Yan saw that one of the scrolls turned out to be a large-scale movement scroll, and this scroll could teleport people within a hundred meters to a place a hundred kilometers away. It's not bad.

Although this is a one-time use prop, this thing can maintain its life in many cases, and its value is not too low.

So, Zhou Yan began to discuss with the other party, and the other party was very generous. Not only did he give him all the buildings, but he also gave him the materials and the scroll of the Great Movement.

In this transaction, the other party did suffer a loss, but the other party didn't care because he got what he wanted.

"Happy transaction." After completing the transaction, the other party shook hands with Zhou Yan and then left towards the trading area.

"This elder is quite good." Zhou Yan commented that this time the harvest was very good, allowing him to trade five buildings at once.

After that, Zhou Yan purchased a lot more materials, buildings, and disposable props.

He once again saw two Spirit Weapons on someone's stall, one was a spear and the other was a broadsword, and it was written very clearly on the person's side that they would only be exchanged for High Level job transfer scrolls or job transfer items. .

Spirit Weapon is indeed very rare, and only occasionally one or two can be seen in some auction houses. Now that he has encountered it, Zhou Yan will not miss it.

The competition is quite fierce. Many people have already taken out job transfer scrolls to communicate with each other, and the other party is obviously still thinking about it.

Zhou Yan directly took out two professional scrolls and said, "I wonder if you are interested in these two professional scrolls."

When the other party saw it, his eyes lit up. Both of them turned out to be SSS quality job transfer scrolls. The other party quickly clasped his fists and said to the others: "I'm sorry, everyone, the job transfer scrolls this little brother brought out are bigger than yours." Well done, please come back."

They all took a look at the two job transfer scrolls in Zhou Yan's hand, sighed, and could only leave with regret.

"Young man, a job transfer scroll is exchanged for a Spirit Weapon. This is a relatively fair deal." The other party said.

Zhou Yan nodded and handed the two scrolls to the other party. He also handed him two Spirit Weapons.

Zhou Yan carefully checked the attributes of this Spirit Weapon. Although it was a little worse than his previous Dragon Soul Gun, it was still pretty good.

After both parties were satisfied, Zhou Yan saw Lin Tan's summons and asked him to go to booth No. 598. He negotiated a big deal.

After Zhou Yan went over, he saw that the materials on the stall turned out to be space stones, and they were all of six-star quality. This material attracted many people, but none of them came up with items that the other party was satisfied with.

"There is such a good thing." Zhou Yan was indeed surprised and expressed satisfaction with Lin Tan's performance.

He really needs this material, but he doesn't know what the other party needs before he is willing to trade.

After seeing Zhou Yan, Lin Tan's eyes were filled with joy. He quickly pulled Zhou Yan over and said to the boss, "This is my brother. He must have what you need."

The other party looked at Zhou Yan and asked, "Your brother said you have a lot of good things. I can bring out anything I need."

"I don't know what you need, so you might as well just tell me." Zhou Yan did have this confidence.

"What I need is also a kind of material. Are you interested in these space stones? I won't cheat you. As long as you can come up with materials of the same quality, I will exchange them one-on-one with you." The other party looked at Zhou Yan , obviously worried that Zhou Yan did not have the materials he needed.

Zhou Yan replied: "You have to tell me what that thing is called."

"That thing is called the Lucky Spirit Stone. If you have it, I need it from one star to six stars or above. The price is easy to find." The other party looked forward to it. He had been looking for the material for several years, but he didn't see it. It’s for sale, and I wanted to try my luck this time.

"Lucky Spirit Stone, what is this?" This was the first time Lin Tan heard of this material. He frowned and was a little worried about whether Zhou Yan had this material.

Zhou Yan was very surprised when he heard this material. He didn't expect that the other party actually needed this kind of material. It seemed that the building in his hand was not an ordinary building.

Moreover, this material is also very rare. He also found a lot of it from the Origin Stone. He lacks even the Lucky Spirit Stone from the High Level, but he still has quite a few from the Low Level.

"No? What a pity." The other party was obviously disappointed, and it was right to think about it. He had been looking for that kind of material for several years and still couldn't find it. I'm afraid the other party had never even seen it.

However, he suddenly heard Zhou Yan ask: "How much do you need?"

"You do!" The other party quickly stood up from the ground and looked at Zhou Yan in surprise, looking very excited.

"Well, I don't have six-star ones, but I have quite a few from one-star to five-star ones." Zhou Yan replied.

"Great." The other party did not hide his excitement, and then smiled: "It doesn't matter, as long as you have it. This material is too difficult to find. We can negotiate the price."

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