Both parties had their own needs and the deal was quickly reached.

After that, Zhou Yan successfully traded many items with many people, which made others speechless again. Even Luo Yushuang wanted to rob Zhou Yan.

There are so many good things in him, such as various high-quality skills, techniques, materials, equipment, props, and scrolls. It's like a bottomless pit, and he can always take out a lot to trade with others.

The trade fair lasted until 12 o'clock in the morning, and the crowd began to slowly disperse.

Zhou Yan's powerful perception has already noticed that someone seems to be following him. No matter where he goes, those people are always following him. Before there were many people, they could not be found, but as the number of people decreased, they were still there. Although he was tracking himself very deeply, he still couldn't hide it from his powerful perception.

But those people didn't take action, or they didn't dare. After all, this was still inside the trade fair. They didn't dare to offend the people here, they just stared at him.

When they arrived at the entrance of the trade fair, the people were still pretending to chat and did not leave, but their attention was always focused on him.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan said to Ye Bufan and the others: "You go back first."

"Go back first?" Ye Bufan looked at Zhou Yan's expression, thinking of the many good things he brought out at the trade fair this time, and looked at Zhou Yan seriously: "Did you find any problems?"

Ye Bufan thought Zhou Yan was a little strange, but he didn't notice anything unusual. After all, those people were only paying attention to Zhou Yan, not him.

Zhou Yan didn't want to hurt them because of himself, so he replied: "I still have things to deal with, so I won't go with you."

He has many tricks. If he acts alone, those people will never be able to keep him. If he is with Ye Bufan and the others, they may be in danger.

Those people in the dark had unknown origins, unknown strength, and how many there were, so he had to be careful to guard against them.

Except for Ye Bufan, everyone else really thought something was wrong with Zhou Yan, so Lin Tan was the first to say: "Then you go back to the academy early, it's already 12 o'clock."

Luo Yushuang looked at Zhou Yan with her big eyes. She always felt that this boy was hiding something from them. She immediately came to Zhou Yan and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to do bad things? Count me in."

"Luo Yushuang, please stop causing trouble for me. Less than two months after entering school, I heard that the chief tutor has called your home to complain about you no less than ten times."

Ye Bufan looked at Luo Yushuang seriously, this girl could cause trouble wherever she went.

"What, this is still happening, I can't spare that Zhang Hongguang." Upon hearing this, Luo Yushuang's face immediately became upset, and she had no intention of correcting her mistakes.

"You..." Ye Bufan really wanted to slap her a few times, but he couldn't do it every time.

"It's a long way back to the college. Do you want to walk back? There seems to be no way down the mountain here." Li Qingjin looked at Zhou Yan in confusion.

"Isn't it just flying? You guys underestimate me too much." Zhou Yan replied.

Considering Zhou Yan's financial resources, owning a flying Law Weapon doesn't seem to be a big deal.

In fact, Zhou Yan really didn’t have a flying Law Weapon. Didn’t he think of buying one before?

However, he still needs to buy a few flying Law Weapons when he is away from home. He has arranged for Jin Sanyi to buy them, so there is no rush anyway.

"Then if there is anything you can't solve, remember to inform me." Ye Bufan took out the Law Weapon.

"If you remember to cause trouble, don't forget to tell me. I have never been afraid of anything in my life." Before Luo Yushuang could finish her words, Ye Bufan pressed her shoulders and forced her to sit in the flight Law Weapon seat. .

Watching Ye Bufan and others get on the Flying Law Weapon and leave in the distance, Zhou Yan unfolded his yin and yang wings, then soared into the sky and flew away to another sky.

The person following behind quickly said: "Brother, that kid ran away!"

"Then hurry up and catch up. I didn't expect him to have such flying skills, but don't let him run away."

"We need to resolve the battle as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the patrols from Ziwei Academy."

"This guy is a big fish. As long as we rob him, why don't we have to eat delicious food? After robbing him, the brothers will immediately leave the Ziwei Academy's territory. I don't believe that the people from Ziwei Academy can still go there. Catch us outside."

After saying that, they immediately took out a large flying Law Weapon. After everyone sat on it, they began to chase Zhou Yan in the distance.

But they found that Zhou Yan's flying speed was too fast. The boss among them frowned and said: "Why is this guy flying so fast? If he keeps going like this, he will lose him sooner or later. Second and third, the three of us will chase him first." Go up and block him."

"Yes, big brother!" The people called the second and third children answered immediately.

Flying in the air for three minutes, he chased after Zhou Yan.

The strength of the three of them has surpassed that of Seventieth Layer, and they have the ability to fly. In order to catch up with Zhou Yan, they also took out several props. After using them, their speed increased by twice as much.

The three rays of light were like shooting stars, chasing Zhou Yan quickly.

Zhou Yan looked back and smiled. If he wanted to disappear immediately, there were many ways to do it, but since the other party had taken action against him, he had to take a good look at his own strength.

Feeling three waves of energy coming towards him, Zhou Yan saw three red fire fireballs coming towards him. He took out the thunder gun he had just traded: "Let me try this long gun." It’s awesome.”

Zhou Yan turned around, held a long spear in his hand, and swept out three consecutive shots, destroying the three energy beams.

The three of them took advantage of this moment to quickly surround Zhou Yan.

"Are some of these people here unkind?" Zhou Yan asked knowingly.

"Boy, there's nothing to say. We're just here to rob. If you are willing to bring out five hundred items of S quality or above, how about our third brother let you go."

The eldest among the three, holding an axe, was surrounded by cyan spiritual light.

"And that Spirit Weapon you have."

The second brother also used a long gun. When he saw the long gun in Zhou Yan's hand, his eyes became hot. It was precisely because he saw Zhou Yan redeeming the Spirit Weapon long gun that they noticed him and planned to snatch it. his.

Because they saw so many treasures on Zhou Yan along the way, they had to be tempted.

"Also hand over the skills you took out before." Lao San wanted Zhou Yan's skills. He also saw that the other party brought out a lot of skills during the transaction.

"Five hundred items of S quality and above are a good idea. If you take them out, I will let you go." Zhou Yan turned his back on guests and said to the three of them.

Upon hearing this, the three of them looked at each other, and then laughed and said: "Boy, it was us who robbed you, not you who robbed us. We can see that you are not very old. At most, you are at the level of Seventieth Layer." .”

"You alone, do you think you can defeat our three Seventieth Layer masters who are above the sky? Besides, we have a lot of people. If you are sensible, just hand over your things. We will only rob you and will not harm your life. "

I'm afraid only a three-year-old child would believe this. If you rob someone, don't kill them, and wait for others to take revenge?

If this is the case, then the other party is not a qualified bad guy.

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