Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 358, Bronze Mid-Autumn Rabbit

Zhou Yan sat directly behind Cai Yan's mount, holding Cai Yan's delicate body with both hands. Cai Yan was very shy and said quickly: "Lord, there are soldiers watching, please pay attention to your image."

"We are already an old married couple, there is nothing to be shy about." Zhou Yan hugged Cai Yan with both hands and smelled the fragrance on her body. This kind of life is the life that a man should have.

"It's better not to do it anymore." Cai Yan's face was so thin that he could not withstand Zhou Yan hugging him like this.

Zhou Yan said to the soldiers behind him: "You just need to move forward at a constant speed, don't be too hasty."

"Yes!" the soldiers replied.

"Then let's go faster." Zhou Yan patted the Gale Wolf sitting down, and the Gale Wolf quickly ran forward, keeping a distance of about three to five hundred meters from the soldiers behind him.

"You seem to have lost a little weight recently, maybe you haven't eaten well." Zhou Yan felt that Cai Yan's waist seemed to be a little thinner than before.

"I was watching a TV show recently and it said that girls shouldn't be too fat. It also said that men like good figures." Although Cai Yan was shy, she still answered truthfully.

When Zhou Yan heard it, it turned out that Cai Yan was trying to lose weight for him. Zhou Yan hugged Cai Yan and said next to her blushing ears: "Don't be misled by those TV dramas. They are just ordinary people. They will naturally gain weight easily if they eat too much." , but you are not, your body is already in good shape, don’t go out of your way to lose weight.”

"Yeah." Cai Yan nodded.

Along the way, Cai Yan played the piano and talked about love, which made Cai Yan feel the feeling of love. Zhou Yan really didn't do enough in this regard. These women all fell in love with him. Sometimes, he still needs to spend more time with her. They are.

The ten-kilometer journey passed quickly. After seeing the dark monsters ahead, Zhou Yan said: "It's interesting to kill monsters like this. There were too few monsters before, and it was not fun to kill them at all."

After saying that, Zhou Yan spread his wings and flew into the air, wearing a complete Cangyun suit. His handsome appearance and handsome posture immediately made Cai Yan's heart move.

"Lord, come on." Cai Yan took out the Jiaowei Qin and released a beautiful sound. Waves of fantastic energy had fallen into Zhou Yan's body, blessing Zhou Yan's physical strength, endurance, strength, speed, Spirituality and various resilience.

Zhou Yan turned around, his cloak fluttering in the wind, outlining a handsome figure. He smiled at Cai Yan and said, "Just a few minutes is enough."

This sentence was very arrogant. There were at least tens of thousands of monsters in front of him, and the level of each monster was above Level 60, but Zhou Yan said that he could finish it in just a few minutes.

But Cai Yan has no doubts about Zhou Yan. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of monsters, let alone tens of thousands, she also believes that the men in front of her can easily deal with them. They have already regarded Zhou Yan as a 'god' in their hearts. There is nothing that Zhou Yan cannot do.

Even if there is, it is only temporary.

Check the detailed information of the monster in the distance.

[Monster: Fox of the Prairie]

[Quality: Normal]

[Race: Monster]

[Level: Level 60]

[Special: None ]

[Introduction: Herbivorous monsters living in the grassland. ]

It's a bit weird that a group of foxes are herbivores.

It's just a group of Level 60 monsters, which can be easily dealt with.

Zhou Yan soared into the sky, turned into a meteor lightning, and landed on the heads of these monsters. Looking down, he also found several Mid-Autumn Rabbits hiding among these monsters. If they were not in mid-air, they would really be invisible.

"It seems that there are very few Mid-Autumn Rabbits that are alone." Zhou Yan thought of the news from Yin Lihua and the information obtained from other generals. These Mid-Autumn Rabbits were all among the monsters.

Only Gao Shun met a lone Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

"There is actually another Mid-Autumn Rabbit at Azure Bronze Level." Zhou Yan saw a Mid-Autumn Rabbit that exuded bronze light.

The quality of these Mid-Autumn Rabbits is easy to recognize.

Those that only emit a faint light are ordinary Mid-Autumn Rabbits and can only gain 1 point.

The ones that emit white light are other Mid-Autumn Rabbits at Elite Level, and can get 2 points.

The one with milky white light is the leader-level Mid-Autumn Rabbit, which can get 4 points.

The Mid-Autumn Rabbit, which is above bronze, was not noticed by other generals. This time he encountered it, and he didn't know how many points he could get.

Zhou Yan released the yin and yang qi in his body, and powerful energy was released like a tide, bursting out with a terrifying energy.

Yin and Yang are a very powerful and magical energy that can evolve any energy in the world, provided that the corresponding skills are learned.

This energy turned into strands of ice power, filled the entire sky, and quickly dispersed into the distance.

The monsters on the ground felt a sense of depression and uneasiness, but they did not seem to notice the danger in the sky. They just looked around, but found no trace of the enemy.

At this time, Zhou had begun to release the condensed energy, forming a powerful ice energy. Even the temperature within a few kilometers dropped a lot in an instant.

The monster seemed to feel a great crisis and looked up.

The Mid-Autumn Rabbit felt the crisis immediately and began to run away in the distance. The speed was not slow, especially the other Azure Bronze Level Mid-Autumn Rabbit, which ran extremely fast.

However, it was too late, as a terrifying ice energy enveloped the area for several kilometers.

Within this area, ice and snow fell, turning everything around into a world of ice and snow. The grasslands began to freeze into ice, and monsters began to freeze into ice sculptures.

A few seconds later, a clicking sound was heard, and these ice sculptures were shattered into pieces.

[Kill an ordinary Mid-Autumn Rabbit and get +1 points. ]

[Kill the Bronze Mid-Autumn Rabbit, score +10. ]

All the monsters within this area were killed by Zhou Yan.

And I learned that a bronze-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit can earn 10 points.

Thousands of items exploded on the ground, but Zhou Yan ignored them. With his Yin and Yang wings spread out, he formed a meteor, released a wind curse seal, and bombarded the escaping monsters.

Monster after monster was killed by him, and no monster could escape his pursuit.

After all these monsters were killed, only two minutes had passed.

The soldiers from behind arrived. They didn't need to be commanded, they stepped forward and started picking up the trophies.

Along the way, they were either rushing or picking up loot.

Zhou Yan returned to Cai Yan and smiled at her: "The battle will be over in two minutes."

"Yes." Cai Yan smiled, charming and elegant.

Soon, Jin Sanyi sent a message to Zhou Yan, saying: "Lord, one hundred aircraft have been purchased."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhou Yan nodded.

Then a hundred aircraft were taken out.

"What is this?" Cai Yan asked curiously.

"This is an aircraft that can levitate hundreds of meters high. It only needs to put in crystal cores, Spirit Stones, crystals, etc., and it can fly hundreds of kilometers away." Zhou Yan replied.

It is indeed unnecessary to purchase a large amount, but in order to increase the speed of these one hundred soldiers, Zhou Yan specially prepared it for them.

"That's quite interesting." Cai Yan looked at these things with great curiosity.

"I'll give you one if you want it." Zhou Yan said.

Shaking his head, Cai Yan replied: "Xiaoxue is enough."

Cai Yan touched the gale wolf, and the gale wolf barked in response, obviously very happy with what Cai Yan said.

"All right."

Zhou Yan waited until the soldiers picked up the trophies before handing them over to the aircraft and teaching them how to use them. They were not stupid, but during the operation, someone still fell down, causing a group of people to laugh. .

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