Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 359, Another Annihilation

Zhou Yan and Cai Yan couldn't help laughing when they saw the confused look of the soldiers, and then gave them some time to master.

They are all smart, and this aircraft also has smart functions. Even if you can't master it, you only need to hold on to the armrests and give direct voice commands.

After all, one such aircraft is worth five million spirit coins and has no attack capability, so Zhou Yan doesn't like to buy in large quantities.

But Jin Sanyi has already contacted a guy in the underground black market in a science fiction world, and is going to buy a very powerful aircraft from them. It is not only fast, but also has strong attack capabilities, but the quantity will not be too large. .

Because those things are forbidden to be bought and sold in the science fiction world, but under the temptation of money, some people will still take risks, and the quantity they want is too much. Those people, for the sake of profit, naturally agree to the transaction.

It's just that the other party hasn't gotten the first batch of things yet, so Zhou Yan can only wait.

Although that kind of flying fighter plane requires 20 million spiritual coins, once it is equipped to the army, it will directly add a flying unit to the territory, so Zhou Yan is naturally willing to buy it.

However, purchasing it in large quantities is not something that can be done in the short term.

Any science fiction world will have strict requirements for strategic things like that, and it is not something you can buy if you want to.

Jin Sanyi is in contact with many people from the science fiction world, but some people from the science fiction world are not very friendly. Many of the people sent there have been killed several times.

Fortunately, it was just a level loss, which was nothing to them, and Zhou Yan also raised each of their levels to Level 50, which was enough for them to die 50 times.

Jin Sanyi has always contributed to the territory, and Zhou Yan has not treated them badly. They have enough exercises, skills, cultivation resources, and genius treasures. In addition, they also have enough manpower. They can often compete with others in the territory. Communicate and become friends.

They are all modern people. Making friends with these people is very easy to talk to and will not be boring.

In addition, there are many races in the territory, including orcs, dwarves, elves, trees, and all kinds of monsters. It is a very unique territory.

Ten minutes later, they started to set off again, and Zhou Yan moved towards other places again based on the marks passed by Yin Lihua.

However, on the other side, Bai Qi received a message from Si Teng, saying that they had discovered an army of about a thousand people coming towards them.

"There are only a thousand people." Upon hearing this, Bai Qi said to his team of a hundred people: "Get ready and attack the enemy."

When Si Teng heard that Bai Qi was going to attack the other party, he was surprised and said: "Marshal Bai Qi, are you taking the initiative to attack the other party?"

"It's okay, I have discretion." Bai Qi replied.

After all, Si Teng is also Zhou Yan's woman and one of the mistresses of the territory. Bai Qi will still respect her.

"Well, you are the generalissimo. Since the lord trusts you so much, just go ahead and do it. What I mean is, should I send you the location of that territory? I have already found out where that territory is."

Si Teng is a Monster Race. She doesn't care about the life and death of others. On the contrary, she admires Bai Qi's actions. If she encounters an enemy, she will just kill him.

Bai Qi was a little surprised by Si Teng's answer and replied: "Then please tell me the location, Mistress Si Teng. Killing those people can reveal more soul coins."

When Si Teng heard a marshal like Bai Qi call her mistress, she was in a very good mood. With a happy smile on her face, she immediately said: "I will send you the coordinates immediately. If there is any movement around, I will be the first to report it." Time will tell.”

"Thank you." Bai Qi replied, and then the transmitter in his hand received the information. He opened it and found that the territory was about twenty kilometers away from him.

Si Teng's smile made Hua Yuerong next to her look confused and asked: "Sister, why are you smiling?"

"It's nothing, I'm just happy." Si Teng replied.

Hua Yuerong was puzzled and continued to send messages to other generals.

Immediately afterwards, Si Teng also told Bai Qi the information about the enemies 20 kilometers around.

After Bai Qi saw this, he began to send the coordinates of these enemies to the generals who were close to them. He had only one order, kill all the enemies.

Facing Bai Qi's instructions, the generals naturally did it without hesitation and began to attack the enemy.

This is in line with Bai Qi's style.

If we let those people go, then Bai Qi will not be Bai Qi.


A group of thousands of soldiers were looking for traces of monsters and were hunting Mid-Autumn Rabbits. Along the way, they hunted many monsters and two or three Mid-Autumn Rabbits. However, the monsters were very strong and the Mid-Autumn Rabbits ran very fast. Quickly, they lost hundreds of people.

Suddenly, there was an earthquake-like sound. The general of the army frowned and asked, "What's going on? Is it a monster? Why didn't the scout come back to report?"

"General, look ahead, there are cavalry, they are coming towards us!" A soldier replied quickly after seeing the figure in the distance.

"Cavalry, no, prepare for defense!" The general quickly commanded the army and began to prepare for defense.

To escape, they couldn't outrun the cavalry, so they might as well fight to the death.

"There are only a few hundred of them, don't be afraid!" After seeing the number of enemies, the general breathed a sigh of relief and spoke quickly.

However, when he saw the opponent's mount clearly, he was very surprised and said: "What kind of mount is this? It's not a horse. However, they are also rampant. There are only a hundred people and they dare to attack us. This time they will definitely attack us." Let them never come back.”

The general watched the enemy begin to approach and said, "Archers, release your arrows!"

More than 800 bows and arrows launched an attack towards the front. They expected that the opponent would suffer heavy casualties, or even be shot to death by a wave of them.


Bai Qi looked at these bows and arrows disdainfully, not even bothering to defend himself, and let these bows and arrows fall.

However, the bows and arrows did not fall on the soldiers, because these bows and arrows were blocked by a defensive shield.

Then, the speed of the cavalry tripled. Before the opponent could react, hundreds of cavalry charged directly into the thousands of soldiers in a violent charge.

With just one contact, these thousand-man troops were completely torn apart. Countless soldiers were directly charged to death by Bai Qi's cavalry of a hundred men.

He quickly charged through, and even the opponent's general was killed by the impact immediately. He probably never expected that the opponent would be so perverted.

After Bai Qi rushed through, he turned back again, accelerated, and began to charge towards the remaining soldiers.

Those soldiers, without command, were frightened and fled in all directions. Even if some soldiers wanted to resist, it had no effect at all. They were killed with a single attack.

This was simply a massacre, a massacre battle in which a hundred cavalrymen slaughtered an army of thousands.

In less than five minutes, the army of thousands of people was killed by Bai Qi.

Such things kept happening in this grassland, and they were all annihilated with zero casualties.

Subsequently, these armies passed towards the territory in front of them, but the other party had no idea at all, nor did they know that their territory was facing destruction.

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