Zhou Yan continued to hunt the monsters he encountered. With good luck, he met a leader-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit. These Mid-Autumn Rabbits have a really strong sense of danger. If something goes wrong, they will run away, and their speed is not slow. But Zhou Yan's speed was dozens of times faster than it.

Zhou Yan held a thunderbolt in his hand and killed the Mid-Autumn Rabbit, earning 4 points.

We can’t see the rankings yet, and they probably won’t be announced until the very end. If he wants to advance among the tens of billions of lords and among the millions of lords to get additional rewards, Zhou Yan can only work hard to kill more Mid-Autumn Rabbits. .

"Lord, there are enemies attacking us."

At this time, Zhou Yan heard a message from the centurion of a team, which made him stunned for a moment.

Later, Zhou Yan replied: "Then beat me back hard and give me the location. I will not only destroy those people, but also their territory."

"Lord, there are only five hundred of them, we should deal with them." After hearing what the lord said, the centurion quickly replied.

"Be careful and don't be careless. There are many powerful people in the world of lords. Even if an army stronger than ours appears, it is not a strange thing." Zhou Yan reminded quickly.

"Yes, lord." The centurion replied quickly.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan began to send a message to Yin Lihua: "Check the direction in which that group of enemies came, and then find out the territory there. If they dare to attack us proactively, then they no longer need to exist."

"Okay." Yin Lihua quickly dispatched a nearby reconnaissance plane and began to conduct reconnaissance in the direction of those people.

"Do you know who those people are? Do we want to go over and help?" Cai Yan asked.

"No need. It can be seen from the picture that the strength of those people is not up to the strength level of our soldiers. Just wait for the news." Zhou Yan replied.

Zhou Yan hunted monsters while waiting for news. Twenty minutes later, the centurion sent a message to Zhou Yan: "Report to the lord, the enemy has been eliminated and two people were injured."

"Okay, wait for my news." Zhou Yan was very satisfied with the result, but being able to injure his soldiers showed that the other party still had some strength.

After the scope was widened, Yin Lihua and the others once again dispatched thousands of intelligent reconnaissance aircraft to expand the scope of investigation and try their best to allow each team to accurately obtain the surrounding information.

To this end, Zhang Liang once again mobilized hundreds of people to help. Anyway, this thing is easy to use. As long as you find an enemy or monster, just start contacting nearby soldiers.

As the territory moves, the territory will launch some attacks from time to time, attacking the monsters encountered along the way. The entire territory is a huge mobile fort, and no monster can resist it.

After a while, Yin Lihua discovered a lot of troops again, and the shapes of these troops were all like foreign soldiers. Yin Lihua sent Zhou Yan the specific locations of those troops.

Zhou Yan smiled and said: "Since it is still the territory of foreigners, and you dare to attack my soldiers and not let them taste my power, you don't know that I am not easy to mess with."

Zhou Yan sent the location of the nearby troops to the nearby generals and asked them to eliminate all those soldiers.

The generals heard what the lord had said, and a group of people excitedly moved towards the enemy's position.

In about half an hour, one team was already fighting the enemy, and then many more teams encountered the enemy and started fighting.

The battle ended quickly. The opponent only had 500 people. The quality of the generals ranged from B level to A level, but there was no one above S level. With such strength, how could they be their opponents.

However, their levels are quite high, all above Level 80, and their military training is also quite good. Even in the face of their attack, they did not defeat them with one blow, but kept sniping at them.

This should still be a pretty powerful territory. After all, raising the levels of all these soldiers to Level 80 is not something that ordinary lords can do.

But now that they have taken action, there is no need to exist. Anyway, this activity also has a reason for hegemony.

Zhou Yan also led his team and rushed towards one of the troops with a thousand people. His men all had hovercrafts and they were very fast. In just ten minutes, they had already seen the army.

These armies are also scattered and not concentrated, because they are all looking for monsters to hunt.

Each of these armies formed a small team of fifty people, about fifty meters apart from each other, searching for and hunting monsters in a straight line.

General Zhou Yan also saw the generals of this thousand-man team. They were all in the shape of foreign generals, and their quality was not bad, reaching S Level.

Zhou Yan said to the soldiers: "Follow me and charge!"

"Yes!" The soldiers were already very skilled in controlling these hovercrafts. They sat on them and began to rush forward at the fastest speed.

And Cai Yan also began to give everyone various buffs, which improved their strength a lot again.

Zhou Yan, however, came to the sky and began to release a huge shower of meteors and fire.

Feeling the huge energy coming from the sky, the soldier immediately sensed the danger and began to assemble his troops.

These troops were indeed good and they quickly began to gather, but they were too far apart. The soldiers in the distance were attacked by Zhou Yan before they could finish gathering.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Many soldiers were killed by Zhou Yan's move, leaving only scattered soldiers who joined the team.

The assembled troops had also discovered Zhou Yan. They did not let Zhou Yan go. As bows and arrows filled the sky, they launched an attack on Zhou Yan.

"However, the combat effectiveness of this army is a bit interesting."

Zhou Yan laughed when he saw these arrows raining all over the sky. The powerful power of yin and yang began to be released, and the entire sky was filled with powerful energy.

After Zhou Yan learned the Great Shift, he combined it with his "Stellar Transposition" skill. The two seemed to have common characteristics. He combined the two skills and then began to release a brand new skill.

The rain of arrows in the sky stopped in the air, as if it was frozen. The enemies below were stunned and had no idea what was going on.

Subsequently, these bows and arrows circulated with Zhou Yan's hands, and finally turned the arrows, and counterattacked at the enemy below at a faster speed.

"Defense! Defense!"

The general below also reacted very quickly. He quickly asked the soldiers to take out their shields and raise their heads, hiding the whole body under the shield.

They thought this would be safe, but they still underestimated Zhou Yan's attack power. He was powerful, and had many buildings' attacks and spiritual power blessings. The terrifying arrow rain burst out with powerful penetrating power. This directly penetrated their shields, which they thought were strong, and directly pierced them to the ground.

"How could this happen?" The general was shocked and wanted to say something, but after several sharp arrows shot through his body, he turned into light and died.

When all the sharp arrows in the sky were shot, there were only about 300 soldiers left below.

They did not collapse, but gathered on their own initiative and attacked Zhou Yan's hundred soldiers.

Just from the quality of the soldiers, it can be seen that this army is very good. Unfortunately, it is destined to perish when it encounters the stronger Zhou Yan.

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