Although these three hundred soldiers were not afraid of death, due to the huge disparity in strength, they were still killed by Zhou Yan's hundred soldiers.

Soldiers who kill other lords during the event will not leave anything behind except soul coins.

Unless you break the opponent's territory, you can get half of the points in the opponent's hand.

Zhou Yan began to assemble his troops and headed towards the enemy's territory. The enemy's soldiers had wiped out all the troops in front, and there were not many monsters left. They hurried on with all their strength and soon arrived outside the enemy's territory.

The opponent's city wall is not high, only about six meters. Yin Lihua also told Zhou Yan that only reconnaissance planes could not see the distribution of defense towers in the opponent's territory from high altitudes, as they were all obscured by a cloud.

This should be a formation or other special thing. It shows that the strength of this territory is pretty good, and it knows how to protect its territory from outsiders knowing about it.

Relying on a hundred of them, they will definitely not be able to defeat such a territory. The opponent's defense tower is not just a decoration.

He was waiting for his army to arrive. As the armies began to gather, the other side also noticed the movement here. On the city wall, a defensive posture was already prepared, and many archers were already standing on it, ready at any time. Attack.

There was another person among them who also took out a telescope and looked over at Zhou Yan.

There are so many of them, it is impossible to launch an attack without anyone noticing. This territory is obviously not low, at least Level 60 or above. This person must be a veteran lord with many means.

Zhou Yan led the army and had arrived at the gate of the opponent's city. The so-called "encirclement of three and one missing" in the military would not work here at all. You only need to attack with all your strength in one direction.

Because it is impossible for the opponent to give up his territory and escape. As long as he breaks through the opponent's territory, he can destroy it.

There is no communication between the two sides. In this kind of lord battle, is it possible that both sides will retreat just because they say a few words?

They won't talk so much nonsense, they can fight if they want, send the opponent out if they have the strength, and retreat if they can't fight, it's that simple.

Zhou Yan never thought about using props to break down the opponent's city gate. If his 50,000-strong army couldn't break down even one city gate, it wouldn't be worthy of being called an Apex Level army.

All the soldiers are ready to attack. Cai Yan's piano sound is simply a bug-like existence under such a large-scale army, which can provide powerful buffs to every soldier.

The other party was indeed shocked. With so many troops approaching the city, it was impossible for the other party not to be worried. Moreover, the other party saw that Zhou Yan's troops were not ordinary armies, and the strength of each army was not much worse than their elites.

But as an attacker, it is not easy to break through a territory.

The defense tower's attack is definitely very powerful.

Following the order, Zhou Yan asked all the soldiers to launch an attack, and the loud sound of the charge resounded throughout the sky.

This was Zhou Yan's first time commanding a large-scale siege, which made him very excited and excited.

After Zhou Yan and his army entered the attack range of the opponent's defense tower, a series of arrows rained towards the soldiers outside.

Zhou Yan had already appeared at this time. The terrifying power of yin and yang was directly transformed into a powerful Tai Chi diagram by him. Then, he stopped the rain of arrows in the sky, and finally turned around and faced the opponent. The territory fought back.

The other party was completely shocked, and everyone was stunned.

"What kind of skill is this? How can there be such a scary person!" Even though the other party was well-informed, it was the first time he encountered such a situation, which completely confused him.

"Defend, defend, defend! Stop the attacks from the archery tower!" The lord reluctantly issued such an order, but these attacks were all returned to him with terrifying means.

If he didn't stop the attacks from these defense towers, he would only allow them to withstand more attacks in the end.

This lord wanted to vomit blood. After fighting for so many years, this was the first time he had encountered someone with such terrifying methods.

The soldiers on the city wall all took out their shields for defense. Unfortunately, they underestimated Zhou Yan's strength again. These arrows, with their stronger strength, directly penetrated these soldiers and turned into light and disappeared.

"This..." The lord was shocked again, and then said to the two strong men in the territory with a livid face: "You three, you must kill that person. Even if you can't kill him, you must kill him." Contain it.”

"Yes, Lord!"

The three strong men burst out with great strength and flew towards Zhou Yan in the air.

They are all powerful men above the Seventieth Layer. With their strength, even if they cannot kill the opponent, they will definitely be able to stop him. In this way, the defense towers in the territory below can be used again.

Unfortunately, as soon as the three of them took off, Zhou Yan released the two qi of yin and yang, forming thousands of yin and yang small swords, and then the ten thousand swords attacked the heart, blocking the three of them directly outside, and the terrifying sword qi directly hit the people on the city wall. The soldiers were all killed. If the other party's lord hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been taken away in a wave.

This was just the beginning of Zhou Yan's attack. Zhou Yan held lightning in his left hand, and his right hand turned into a piece of ice. He used terrifying spells and attacked the three of them again. Thunderous sounds rang out, and the three of them fled in confusion in the air. .

As the entire world was covered with a layer of ice energy, the opponent was finally frozen, and then his speed dropped drastically. Finally, he was hit by the thunderstorm attack, and was pierced by thousands of sword energy. That's it. died.

The other lord saw that his three powerful men were destroyed like this, and looked at the other side speechlessly.

He swore that he had met an Apex Level lord. The other person's territory was at least level 90. Zhou Yan's strength prediction was also positioned as a strong man above the Eightieth Layer.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan would not tell him that all his judgments were wrong.

Zhou Yan's soldiers rushed forward and began to bend their bows and arrows, shooting endless arrows. Countless arrows hit the opponent's territory, killing many soldiers in the territory.

As Zhou Yan transformed into thousands of sword energy and continuously attacked the city gate, he finally broke through the opponent's city gate with his own strength.

"If all my soldiers are in the territory, they should be able to stop him." In the opponent's territory, there are more than a dozen strong men above the Seventieth Layer, but he has sent them all out, leaving only three In the territory.

Seeing the other side's soldiers pouring into the territory like a tide, he took the soldiers in the territory and started fighting with Zhou Yan's soldiers.

Soldiers from both sides began to fight fiercely in the city.

But the other party discovered that Zhou Yan's soldiers were too strong. The key was that every soldier had skills and powerful equipment. How could they fight!

He came here with full confidence and wanted to get a good ranking. Unfortunately, he encountered such a powerful army and defeated all his soldiers.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and he was forced to retreat to the crystal, but he couldn't hold on for long before he was directly killed by the flying man.

As the crystal shattered, Zhou Yan also successfully destroyed a territory.

Zhou Yan received about fifty points and received a large number of soul coins as rewards.

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