Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 363, Breaking 3 Cities In A Row

After defeating this territory, Zhou Yan began to assemble his troops. The result of this battle could be described as an overwhelming victory.

His contribution is naturally the greatest. If he had not resisted the opponent's defense tower attack, he would not have achieved such great results.

A strong player is crucial to the territory. The overall strength of his territory is now good, but there are still too few Apex Level experts, mainly because their training time is too short.

This takes time to achieve, and there is no good way.

After the battle, they roughly counted and found that they had lost hundreds of people. Among the opponents, there were still some strong ones, and the lord's strength was pretty good.

If the opponent's defense tower hadn't been very effective, I'm afraid the number of casualties would have been at least a thousand.

Zhou Yan continued to divide the army and asked them to fight in various places.

For strong men like them, it is not a big deal even if they fight for several days and nights.

Zhou Yan also heard Yin Lihua's message next. Many soldiers met soldiers from other lords. Some fought, and some did not.

Zhou Yan asked Yin Lihua to mark those territories. He has not gathered yet to attack those territories. He must find out the strength of those territories.

If the territory is not strong, you can wait until the last day to destroy it, so that you can get more points. If the opponent's territory is too strong, then ignore them.

But as long as the opponent launches an attack on you, you don't need to care who he is, just destroy him.

Yin Lihua distributed Zhou Yan's orders to various generals.

But Zhou Yan didn't know that Bai Qi had already arrived outside the second territory and started to attack the second territory.

After an hour of fighting, Bai Qi once again destroyed a territory with good strength. Although more than two thousand people died in the battle, there will always be deaths in wars. Besides, he could gain it at such a small price. Victory is already a very good record.

When Bai Qi launched the offensive mode, he couldn't stop it. Si Teng would judge the strength of the opponent's territory based on the information he obtained and the area of ​​the opponent's territory. Fortunately, the areas of these territories were not very huge. With their The strength can handle them all.

As the territorial soldiers fought everywhere, battles broke out throughout the Mid-Autumn Festival event map.

Some even just sent out soldiers, and their territory was attacked by other enemies.

The distance between each lord is about fifty kilometers, and tens of billions of lords are all fighting in this plain area, conquering each other, and competing for the monsters and Mid-Autumn Rabbits outside.

The event has only started one day, and many territories have been completely eliminated one after another. And as the number of people decreases, the map of the entire event is slowly shrinking. No one will know this.

After killing many more monsters, Zhou Yan looked at his points and found that he had reached more than two thousand points.

The more points, the better. Points are not only related to ranking, but also to how many precious treasures can be redeemed.

Zhou Yan naturally wants to get more points. He has a huge advantage. He has many soldiers and is very strong. He has countless Apex Level generals under his command. In addition, the territory can be moved, so he can kill many monsters along the way.

Time soon arrived in the afternoon, and Zhou Yan received news from Yin Lihua. Not far in front of them, three armies gathered and were engaged in a melee. The battle was fierce.

"Oh, there is a melee. This is great. We can eliminate them all together." Zhou Yan said happily.

"The armies of the three parties are not large in number. The total number is at least about 50,000. However, they all fight on their own and their strength is not much different." Yin Lihua passed the image to Zhou Yan.

"Have the territories of their three parties been investigated?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It has been checked. The three territories are not far apart, and they are all within a range of about fifty kilometers." Yin Lihua replied.

Zhou Yan immediately ordered the nearby troops to set off towards the battlefield. He wanted to kill all those soldiers.

Because he had a lot more soul coins, he began to upgrade the level of the soldiers who went out to fight. Tens of billions of soul coins were spent in this way, which raised the level of the soldiers he led by several levels.

When the nearby soldiers heard that they could participate in the battle again, they were all very happy and quickly gathered towards the battlefield. When they arrived, the three parties were still fighting in a continuous melee.

As Zhou Yan shouted to attack, the 50,000 troops began to surround the soldiers here and launched a charge.

Zhou Yan, Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Sun Shangxiang, Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Qiao, Dian Wei and many other generals also charged towards the battlefield ahead.

The three parties who were fighting fiercely were confused when they saw the enemies shouting to kill Zhentian. No one expected that another group of people would appear, and there were so many of them, more than the three parties combined.

The three parties immediately stopped fighting, began to return to their own generals, and then broke out in three directions.

"Come on!"

Zhou Yan's soldiers began to form a battle formation, forming a flood of water that rushed towards these soldiers who had been fighting for a long time. As countless arrows rushed towards these enemies, many enemies fell under the bows and arrows.

As they got closer, Zhou Yan's soldiers burst out with powerful strength. They broke through their battle circle in an instant and began a thorough battle with the three enemies.

Zhou Yan's soldiers were all powerful and numerous. In one charge, they wiped out half of the enemies, and the remaining half failed to survive the second round of attacks.

Yin Lihua told Zhou Yan that because there were three territories around, the monsters at close range were almost wiped out by the three territories.

After eliminating these people, Zhou Yan thought for a while and began to divide his troops into two groups to attack the two known territories.

Since there are no more monsters, we can only attack other people's territory. Who wants to kill all the nearby monsters?

There are two teams, one team is led by Zhou Yan himself, and the other team is led by Diao Chan. However, there are other heroes cooperating, so there is no need for Diao Chan to take action personally. Anyway, they are powerful, and I believe those territories can be easily broken by them. of.

After a long time, Zhou Yan arrived at the territory and began to charge directly. In half an hour, the territory was completely destroyed by them, leaving five dead and injured.

He also got good news from Diao Chan, and they also successfully defeated each other's territory.

There was another territory nearby, and Zhou Yan led 24,000 people towards that territory.

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