Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 364, Silver Mid-Autumn Rabbit

This territory is not strong, it doesn’t even have a city wall, and its level is only level 30 at most, let alone others. As the attack horn sounded, everyone began to attack the territory, and the city was quickly captured. Defeat the lord inside.

After defeating three lords in succession, the sky gradually began to darken, and there was no moonlight in the sky. Under such circumstances, there was no trace of monsters at all, and there was no need to march at night. Therefore, Zhou Yan asked people to set up camp. .

Station the camp in a safe place, and then send people to guard the camp to prevent the enemy from setting fire to the camp. Although the probability of this is very small, he will definitely act carefully. As the saying goes, be prepared for any danger.

The next day, they continued on their way towards the front and found that the number of monsters had increased again. Yin Lihua also told Zhou Yan about the previous maps, and new monsters were refreshed again, which surprised Zhou Yan. , I didn’t expect that these monsters would be refreshed in batches every day.

In this way, they can earn more soul coins. After all, this event only lasts three days, and today is the second day. There are only so many monsters on this map every day, and the scenes of major territories competing for monsters It will become a lot more intense.

Zhou Yan didn't want to fall behind, so he needed to seize the time to hunt monsters and Mid-Autumn Rabbits to get more soul coin rewards and points.

"Everyone should focus on killing monsters and try to avoid fighting with other people. If the opponent takes the initiative to attack, then destroy the opponent. Wait until the monsters are hunted before attacking and occupying the territory." Zhou Yan began to give instructions to the soldiers under his command. Order.

This is a good opportunity to obtain soul coins. Yesterday alone, he obtained more than hundreds of billions of soul coins. The total number of territories that were wiped out by them yesterday was about twenty.

Zhou Yan must strive to obtain more soul coins in these three days, so that his soldiers can have a greater level advantage.

Moreover, soul coins can be used to summon Apex Level talents, whether they are general talents, internal affairs talents, or talents in their life occupations. The more the better for the territory.

Soul coins are always an important factor limiting the development of a territory.

The same is true for money. If it weren't for the Myriad Worlds virtual mall, Zhou Yan's current spiritual currency gap would be huge.

He has now solved the matter of soul coins. Next, he needs to obtain a large number of soul coins.

Fortunately, there are many dungeons in his territory. Those dungeons can provide the soldiers with a lot of soul coin experience every day. Otherwise, Zhou Yan's current soldier level would not be so high.

You know, his current number of soldiers is already a full 140,000.

Even the territorial soldiers of large financial groups can only support about 200,000 soldiers. As for the cavalry, they generally do not exceed 10,000.

But it has only been more than two months since Zhou Yan established his territory, and he already has so many soldiers, and most of them are cavalry. This is something that is hard to believe.

What Zhou Yan lacks now is a powerful mount, but this takes time. He currently only has 50,000 or 60,000 people with mounts, and they are not ordinary mounts.

The daily consumption of flesh and blood for these mounts was a huge expense, and most people could never afford them. Only Zhou Yan dared to form so many cavalry.

As the map was refreshed, soldiers from all walks of life launched another attack on the surrounding monsters. The number and level of these monsters were much higher than yesterday. Zhou Yan encountered tens of thousands of Level 65 monsters in this wave.

"What are the levels of monsters in other directions?" Zhou Yan asked Yin Lihua.

Not long after, Yin Lihua sorted out the information based on various sources, and then replied: "I have done some statistics and found that most of today's monsters are above Level 60."

"Even General Li Xin encountered Level 80 elite monsters along the way. Many monsters today are of elite quality or above, and there are also many monsters with boss-quality strength."

"In particular, several generals have discovered silver-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbits. As for gold-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbits, they have not been seen yet."

"Oh, have all the silver-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbits appeared?" Zhou Yan was a little surprised. The one that appeared the most yesterday was just a bronze-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Killing one can earn you 10 points.

Yin Lihua said that after killing a silver-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit, you can get 20 points, but she doesn’t know if a gold-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit will appear.

The higher the level of the monster, the more soul coins will be obtained after hunting. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are hunting monsters. Although the monsters encountered in each direction are different, this does not hinder the growth of his soul coins. speed.

Zhou Yan didn't use too many soul coins yesterday. The number of soul coins now is about 350 billion. He decided to upgrade the levels of all soldiers to Level 50.

There were about 100,000 soldiers and other residents in the territory who had not yet reached Level 50. After he raised the levels of all these people to Level 50, he found that he had consumed more than 900 soul coins. 100 million.

Even so, he still had more than 260 billion, and he stored the remaining soul coins first.

You can still harvest a lot of soul coins today because there are more monsters today than yesterday and their levels are higher, so the harvest will be richer.

There were tens of thousands of monsters. Zhou Yan used a wide range of attack skills to eliminate them all. There were a large number of these monsters, and half of them were elite monsters. There were even a few bosses that reached the boss level or above, so they brought His soul coin reward is very rich, much more than what he gained yesterday.

He did not encounter a silver-quality Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Following the prompts from the reconnaissance plane, he rushed towards the next place with monsters again.

After killing monsters all the way, Yin Lihua told Zhou Yan that soldiers from several groups clashed with soldiers from other territories again because of the fight for monsters, and then Bai Qi directly ordered the killing of each other.

Zhou Yan did not interfere. Since he had given all the command of the other soldiers to Bai Qi, he would not care about Bai Qi's arrangements.

He only needs to arrange for his approximately 50,000 soldiers.

And he also agrees with Bai Qi's approach. Not fighting back when attacked is not the style of their territory. He is a person who must avenge his revenge.

Bai Qi's attributes have increased a lot recently. After all, after killing so many monsters, it is normal to increase some attribute points.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yan asked Bai Qi to serve as the general marshal. Only if he serves as the general marshal and issues orders to other soldiers, the number of monsters killed by those soldiers will be counted on his head.

After all, his skills are too powerful. It would be a waste if he didn't let Bai Qi increase his attribute points.

He has only summoned one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period. I really look forward to the amazing strength he will have after the other three famous generals are summoned by him.

He was still looking forward to this.

This requires him to have enough soul coins to summon. The soul coins rewarded in the three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival are indeed very rich. After the event is over, Zhou Yan doesn't know how many soul coins he can get. By then, he must Just summon more Apex Level heroes.

As the reconnaissance plane discovered more and more monsters, Zhou Yan led his soldiers to kill these monsters quickly, and finally found a Mid-Autumn Rabbit emitting this silver-white light among the monsters.

"This Mid-Autumn Rabbit is cute, but it's a pity that it's the monster of this event." Cai Yan said looking at the Mid-Autumn Rabbit in front of him.

"It depends on the situation. If there is a chance, I will find you a pet." Zhou Yan said.

There are indeed many pets in Lord Continent, but there are not many powerful pets. Zhou Yan naturally looks down on Low Level pets.

High Level pets will be very powerful when they grow up, not much weaker than a High Level general.

He will have many things, it is just a matter of time.

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