Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 365, Huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit

There are a lot of monsters in this wave, and they are also at Level 70, and the quality is enhanced elite. If you kill such a monster, you can get twice as many rewards as elite monsters.

The monsters were scattered. The soldiers started to attack from one side, and Zhou Yan came to the head of the silver Mid-Autumn Rabbit and began to release the SSS-quality skill "Ice and Snow". This skill was amazingly powerful and covered a huge area. , Zhou Yan used this trick to destroy those monsters along the way.

[Kill the Silver Mid-Autumn Rabbit, score +20. ]

No matter what the quality of the Mid-Autumn Rabbit is, it will always be Level 0, and there is light emanating from it, making it difficult not to see it.

These enhanced elite monsters did not die immediately after being attacked by Zhou Yan. After all, they were Level 70 enhanced elites, and their strength was much stronger than ordinary monsters.

But Zhou Yan has other means, the SS-quality skill "Frozen Miles", which is also a large-scale skill, and is somewhat similar to the skill "Ice and Snow".

When he used "Great Shift of the Universe" to release "Fighting the Universe" yesterday, he had a vague feeling that many of the skills he had learned seemed to be able to be integrated into new skills, but he did not have time to study this now. He would wait until after night , study it carefully.

After this skill was released again, those monsters finally turned into pieces and disappeared directly on the ground, leaving only a piece of exploding items.

The skill range of this "Frozen Miles" skill is relatively small, but its power is greater than that of "Ice and Snow".

The maximum attack range of "Snow and Ice" can cover a radius of five kilometers at his current time, but for "Frozen Miles", he can only cover three kilometers now, so the power is relatively concentrated.

After his level of strength increases again, the power of these skills can also be improved, and they do not only cover these areas.

Each skill is determined by its own strength.

He stirred up his yin and yang wings and attacked other monsters. Those monsters had no intention of escaping, and took the initiative to step on the frozen ground and attack Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan would naturally give them a happy death.

His large-scale skills only have four moves, "Ice and Snow", "Frozen Ten Thousand Miles", "Meteor and Fire Rain", and "Wind Spell".

These four skills are all spell-type attacks. The higher the mental power and realm, the stronger the power that can be unleashed.

Zhou Yan found that he had learned quite a lot of skills, and they were quite complex. He had not used many of them until now, which was a bit of a waste.

One is "Splitting Mountain Palm" and the other is "Phantom Blade Technique". Splitting Mountain Palm is still needed. In case there are no weapons, this skill will come in handy.

Zhou Yan continued to use these four spells and skills, and began to become familiar with the coordination between these four moves and skills.

Zhou Yan, who was killing monsters, heard Yin Lihua say that there was a group of about 5,000 soldiers coming in their direction, but Yin Lihua said that those soldiers looked bad at first sight and marched without regulations. At first glance, it looks like a mixed bag of troops.

"How far are they from here?" Zhou Yan asked.

"About seven kilometers." Yin Lihua calculated and replied.

"Seven kilometers away, by the time they get here, we will have already eliminated these monsters." Zhou Yan said, "Ignore them."

"There is one more good thing I need to tell you." Yin Lihua laughed.

This made Zhou Yan very curious and asked quickly: "You have also learned bad things recently, and you have even learned to hide it. Be careful when your husband goes back to punish you."

Diao Chan and the others were greatly changed in front of the modern building [cinema]. In addition, there were modern women like Sha Sha, which caused some changes in their characters.

"No way." Yin Lihua smiled and then said: "We found a very large group of monsters here. You may not believe it. The number of these monsters is at least one million."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he was immediately surprised and said: "No way, there are millions of them, how can there be so many!"

Zhou Yan was really surprised. The largest group of monsters they encountered outside was only around 50,000 or 60,000. There were more than one million monsters. This number was really terrifying.

"Zhang Liang has already asked people to move the territory there, and we also discovered a Mid-Autumn Rabbit that was beyond imagination." Yin Lihua was also very shocked when she said this.

"Really? Since you have the image, please send it to me for a look." Zhou Yan replied.

Yin Lihua then sent a picture to Zhou Yan. In the picture, below was a dense area of ​​monsters, with many types, and there were a lot of glowing Mid-Autumn Rabbits.

Zhou Yan was surprised when he saw a huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit standing just like that among this huge group of monsters, emitting a strong white light.

This monster is too big, and there are too many monsters.

There were even a lot of Mid-Autumn Rabbits. This was the first time he saw so many monsters, and he was very shocked.

"How can there be such a big Mid-Autumn Rabbit? It must be at least six or seventy meters tall!" Zhou Yan was very shocked. No wonder Yin Lihua spoke in such a shocked tone.

Anyone would be shocked to see such a big Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

"This reconnaissance aircraft was the first batch to be released, and it sent back many images of the territory along the way. Unfortunately, it is still far away from us, and we don't know when the territory will be able to get there. Fortunately, there are no No one has explored the territory yet, so we still have a chance.”

"Zhang Liang Shangshu said that after passing through the territory, he will destroy the territory passing by. This can reduce the number of opponents and obtain more soul coins and point rewards." Yin Lihua forwarded Zhang Liang's words to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan also agreed with Zhang Liang. Since his territory was going there, it would be really good to eliminate the territories on the way.

But that place is too far away from other people, so it is better to move the territory there directly. As soon as the territory reaches there, those monsters will be destroyed by the territory's powerful defense towers.

"No problem, I don't know the quality and level of that Mid-Autumn Rabbit. I'm really curious." Zhou Yan said.

"The lord is just curious. When we get there, we can use the return stone to come back directly." Yin Lihua replied.

"Do you think there are such powerful Mid-Autumn Rabbits in other places?" Zhou Yan suddenly asked.

Yin Lihua did not think of this, shook her head and replied: "I don't know about this, we just discovered such one now."

"Then wait and see how many points you can get as rewards after you kill that Mid-Autumn Rabbit." Zhou Yan said.

The reason why we speculate that there are Mid-Autumn Rabbits in other places is because the entire activity map is so large that it is impossible for only one to appear.

After Zhou Yan finished killing the monsters here, he had already led his soldiers and started walking in the direction of the next wave of monsters. Moreover, the five thousand people Yin Lihua had mentioned also found a place with many monsters.

Zhou Yan and the other party finally met.

As the two forces saw the tens of thousands of monsters in front of them, the two sides began to become at war with each other.

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