Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 366, More Than 20,000 Points

"The monster that dares to rob me, brothers, kill it for me!" After Zhou Yan saw the opponent coming towards the monster here, he immediately asked the soldiers to prepare for battle.

Although they only have one hundred and two people, for Zhou Yan, even he alone can destroy these five thousand miscellaneous troops.

At first glance, these armies were undisciplined. They were just soldiers from the Lowest Level barracks. Their level was only Level 40, so they did not pose much of a threat at all.

The other party also saw the behavior of these one hundred people. The leader looked at it and laughed suddenly. He said to his soldiers: "Brothers, look at those guys in front. There are only about a hundred people. There are only a hundred people." If you dare to charge at more than 5,000 of us, aren't you seeking death?"

"General, they are quite impressive, and what on earth are they riding on? They can actually fly."

"No matter what he does, just destroy them. It's a pity that the things on them will not be exposed here. Otherwise, if those things are presented to the lord, he will be very happy." The general said.

"General, there is someone on the other side who can fly!" the soldier pointed at Zhou Yan, who was flying towards them.

"What is a person afraid of? Does he think he can deal with us alone? Archers, prepare for me and shoot down the birdman!"

More than two thousand of this group of soldiers took out their bows and arrows, and then fired at Zhou Yan in the air.

Following an order, two thousand bows and arrows were shot at Zhou Yan alone. The sky was filled with arrows, which would make ordinary people very scared just by looking at them.

They all thought that this wave of attacks would be enough to shoot Zhou Yan to death.


Zhou Yan's strength exceeded their imagination, and his methods stunned everyone.

I saw a huge and strange energy covering the entire sky, and then the arrows stopped in the air. Then, the arrows suddenly changed their direction and headed in their direction. Turned.

The general took a look and made a wrong decision again. He quickly said: "Quick, continue the attack. Don't let him succeed."

Another group of people bent their bows and set arrows, and arrows flew into the air.

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment after seeing such a coquettish operation.

An army, if not led by a wise commander, will die ugly, just like this army.

A smart general will first defend and use all defensive skills.

But this poor general actually fired another wave of arrows. Didn't this increase the number of Zhou Yan's attacks again?

Therefore, in an army, generals are very important.

This is the soul of an army.

Sure enough, the second wave of arrows stopped in the air again. Why could they no longer attack Zhou Yan? Moreover, this wave of arrows turned back very quickly, and then attacked the crowd below at a very fast speed.

"call out!"

Arrows filled the entire sky, and then five thousand soldiers were shot through countless people, causing many people to run away quickly.

Even that general was very lucky to be pierced by thousands of arrows and died.

This wave of arrows not only failed to kill Zhou Yan, but caused huge losses to themselves.

At least three thousand people were killed by this wave of arrows, and the remaining people began to flee.

Zhou Yan's hundreds of soldiers stood on top of the aircraft, then took out their weapons and performed Strangulation towards the enemy.

These soldiers have completely lost their morale and will only run away, but with two legs, how can they be a match for soldiers riding aircraft.

Five minutes later, the group was wiped out by hundreds of people.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, had already launched an attack on those monsters, using his powerful magic attacks to completely eliminate tens of thousands of monsters.

After these hundred people killed the enemies, they began to come over to Zhou Yan to collect the loot.

From yesterday to now, they were either collecting loot or on the way to kill people.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that Zhou Yan eliminated all the monsters nearby.

Zhou Yan's points at this time have reached more than 21,000 points.

This is why there is strength in numbers. If only a few teams rely on one another, they will not be able to gain so many points.

Next, Zhou Yan set his sights on other people's territory.

The fastest way to get points is to destroy other people's territories.

The soldiers led by Bai Qi have already begun to attack other people's territories. From morning to now, they have killed more than thirty people, which is much more than those who wiped out the territories yesterday.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yan can have so many points.

In the end, half of the points that others had worked so hard to gain were snatched away by Zhou Yan. No matter which lord experienced such a thing, he would feel very unhappy.

But within the activity map, such things happen all the time.

Tens of billions of lords participate in the battle. Even if three billion of them participate in the farming model, there are still seven billion people who need to compete with others.

Territories are being defeated every second, and battles are taking place every moment.

This is a battle of survival of the fittest.

As the territory moved, Zhou Yan's territory was also close to several territories. Using powerful artillery fire capabilities, the lords of those territories were directly eliminated after a series of bombardments.

Even when they were eliminated, they all looked confused and asked: "Why did I get out?"

They were eliminated without any warning at all, making them very innocent.

This person specifically told his story on the Lord Forum, and unexpectedly met with sympathy from many people.

"What is this? My territory was destroyed by one person with one sword. That kind of person's strength must have reached the semi-immortal level. I was confused for a long time at the time. There was actually someone who could reach that level of strength. .”

"The methods of those Apex Level lords are beyond your imagination. I was eliminated without knowing it. Just look at it, it's nothing."

"The five hundred points that I worked so hard for only ended up being two hundred and five."

"I was sitting in the territory villa, and disaster came from the sky. I only heard a roaring sound, and I realized that the entire territory had been eliminated."

"I was thrown into a powerful formation and killed, and I left in a daze."


People in the world of lords have many means, especially those veteran lords, and the treasures they possess are beyond many people's expectations.

Especially when you meet someone who is only one step short of being able to break through to the divine realm, you can only consider yourself unlucky. With that kind of person's strength, one person and one weapon can directly destroy a Low Level territory. This No joke.

The war in the world of lords is so brutal, and the strength of the veteran lords is beyond the imagination of many people.

Zhou Yan really had to be lucky that there was no such Apex Level lord nearby, otherwise, it would have been very difficult for him to obtain so many points and soul coins so smoothly.

This may be the reason why luck is high and luck is strong.

In Zhou Yan's territory, there is a building that increases luck. That kind of thing cannot be seen or touched, but in many cases, it can play a very important role.

Zhou Yan then began to assemble his troops. Just like yesterday, he divided them into two parts and started attacking the nearest territory.

They had already found out the reality of these territories and it was not difficult to deal with them. After the army was reorganized, Zhou Yan began to attack.

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