Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 371, The Strength Of The King’S Mid-Autumn Rabbit

After that, the territory finally came within the range of the giant Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Yin Lihua reported the news to Zhou Yan immediately.

After Zhou Yan heard the news, he told Yin Lihua: "These monsters cannot be caught first, especially the huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Let's see what kind of monster it is. It can be so big."

"It's still too far away to see clearly. I will send you the information when I get closer." Yin Lihua replied.

After finishing the chat, Zhou Yan continued to attack other territories. Naturally, he attacked selectively, but the level of some territories was not high. However, the defense capabilities were indeed good and there were many strong ones, which cost him a lot of people.

The 140,000 soldiers have begun to lose a lot of men one after another. After all, the lords who have survived until now have two brushes, and they cannot be defeated so easily.

Although Zhou Yan did not know the exact number of people lost, he still lost more than 20,000 people.

After all, they destroyed so many territories without any loss, which is completely abnormal.

The world of lords has been developing for so long, and there are many lords who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years. No one knows what means these people have.

Zhou Yan had seen a post in the forum before, saying that he had seen a lord who was more than 2,000 years old. This was not a joke, it was really possible.

It is not surprising that a strong man who has reached the peak of level 100 can live to be a thousand years old. In addition, when exploring the Lord's Continent, he can encounter many genius treasures and Spirit Pills that increase life span.

Although more than two thousand years old is a bit long, it is not impossible.

Generally speaking, a lord with a perfect realm can probably live to be between a thousand and twelve hundred years old. Beyond this range, one has to take particularly powerful treasures to survive.

Zhou Yan has a lot of this kind of thing.

It's just that it's impossible for Zhou Yan to take out that kind of thing. If this thing is known, those old immortals will really snatch it in order to extend their lives.

Those who don't have long lifespan don't care about your strength or power. Nothing is more important than their ability to live longer.

Examples like this are no longer new on the forum.

The picture of Yin Lihua attacking the monster in the territory was sent to Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan checked it and could see the huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit in the distance.

The monster was so big that it was difficult to avoid being noticed.

After the territory got close to those monsters, they naturally launched intensive artillery attacks without hesitation.

Waves of flames, ice, rain of swords, storms... attacked the monster one after another.

Zhou Yan's soul coins and points are increasing rapidly.

The monsters were covered by the territory's defense towers and became very irritable. They even started to actively attack the territory. Unfortunately, how could these monsters block the attack of the defense towers?

After the defense tower began to attack the group of monsters, many Mid-Autumn Rabbits who escaped were frightened and came to the huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit, as if seeking protection.

The territory began to move towards the huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit, wanting to know the information about the monster as soon as possible.

The levels of these monsters are all different, ranging from the lowest level, Level 60, to the highest level, Level 90. They even saw many powerful bosses.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

But no matter how strong these monsters are, after encountering the defense tower, the monsters will naturally be destroyed, which allowed Zhou Yan to obtain a lot of soul coins.

But these monsters are still fearless and actively attack the territory. This is better. These monsters can't make any big waves anyway. With the continuous attacks of the defense towers, the number of monsters is constantly decreasing.

Then, the Mid-Autumn Rabbit burst into an angry voice. The sound was so loud that it spread hundreds of kilometers. No one knew what the Mid-Autumn Rabbit was doing.

The defense tower's attack would not stop like this. It kept attacking the monster in front and began to approach the huge Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

Later, Yin Lihua finally got the news about the Mid-Autumn Rabbit and quickly passed the information to Zhou Yan.

[Monster: Mid-Autumn Rabbit]

[Quality: King]

[Race: Mid-Autumn Festival Monster]

[Level: Level 0]

[Special: Call, Annihilation, Earth Splitting Wave, Sound Wave, Holy Light Shield, Absolute Defense, Earth Fist, Recovery, Critical Strike, Resurrection]

[Introduction: Monsters in the Mid-Autumn Festival can be rewarded with a large number of points after killing them. This is the highest quality monster in the Mid-Autumn Festival. ]

Everyone was surprised when they saw the quality of this Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

Although the level of this Mid-Autumn Rabbit is Level 0, this skill actually reaches 10.

Especially the last skill is resurrection.

Resurrection of what?

Could it be that to resurrect oneself, wouldn't it require killing it twice to succeed?

"This monster's skills are so powerful. You should be careful. I didn't expect it to be a king-level monster. This is the first time I have seen a monster of this level." Zhou Yan was indeed surprised. A king-level monster was his first Seen for the first time.

Zhang Liang also saw the attributes of this monster and began to make preparations to make everyone in the territory ready for everything.

The territory's defense is very strong, and it is protected by formations, so Zhou Yan is still very confident.

The defense tower's attack finally launched towards the Mid-Autumn Rabbit.


One after another was able to bombard the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit, but it did not cause any harm to the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

Because these attacks were all blocked by a light shield emitted from the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

However, the Mid-Autumn Rabbits on it did not receive this treatment and were taken away by a wave of defense towers, allowing Zhou Yan to gain a lot of points.

Then, the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit began to step on the ground. Suddenly, a huge crack appeared from the ground, and then a powerful attack hit the territory directly.


The ground cracking wave exploded a linear spray of water directly on the moat, and then attacked the territory with undiminished power.

Everyone was very shocked. They never thought that a King Mid-Autumn Rabbit could be so powerful and attack from such a long distance.


The entire city wall shook violently, but the [Wanli City Wall] was an Apex Level building with a lot of damage reduction and even many features. Even if it was attacked, it did not cause much damage.

But the strength of this King Mid-Autumn Rabbit still shocked them.

Let them know that monsters that achieve this quality cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

The attack on the defense tower continued. They saw that the light shield of the King's Mid-Autumn Rabbit seemed to be unable to hold on for much longer.

I saw the eyes of the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit burst out with a strange light, and then I saw that all the attacks from the defense tower disappeared without a trace.

"Let me go, is this the strength of a king-level monster? It is really strong. I don't know if the king monsters in the Lord Continent are also so powerful." This time, Zhou Yan saw what a king is. This is the real king. With just a raise of hands and feet, terrifying strength can be unleashed.

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