The King of Mid-Autumn Rabbit has many skills, especially one of its calls. What does it call?

If the person calling was another Mid-Autumn Rabbit, wouldn't that mean giving points to Zhou Yan?

This kind of thing is obviously impossible.

Zhang Liang then saw a cloud of smoke rising in the distance. Just as Zhang Liang was about to ask, Yin Lihua sent him a message: "There are many monsters coming around. This should be the calling skill used by the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit before. "

Zhang Liang then received footage from groups of reconnaissance planes. There were many monsters coming towards the territory from all directions.

"This is a good thing for us. I didn't expect that this King Mid-Autumn Rabbit could bring us such a big surprise." Zhang Liang replied with a smile.

If it were someone else's territory, seeing so many monsters would definitely give them a headache, but Zhou Yan's territory had so many defense towers that he was not afraid of the number of these monsters.

The more monsters there are, the greater the harvest will be for them. They wish that the King of Mid-Autumn Rabbit would call more monsters over.

The second wave of defense tower attacks has been resisted by the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit, but the attacks from the defense towers are continuous and not launched at the same time. No matter how powerful the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit is, it is impossible to use these skills all the time. .

After it was used five or six times, it was indeed not used again. Instead, another energy appeared on its body. Even after the defense tower's attack landed on it, it failed to cause any damage.

This should be another Absolute Defense skill of King Zhongqiu Rabbit.

Then, the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit raised his fist and punched the ground fiercely. The ground suddenly rumbled again, and then the moat in front of the territory once again erupted into a spray of water.

As a huge fist appeared from the ground, and then attacked the city wall fiercely, everyone knew that the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit had launched another attack. This attack once again caused the city wall to be violently impacted.

But that's all. It's not enough to completely destroy a city wall of this level.

But such attack skills still shocked Yin Lihua and others. This was the first time in so long that they saw a monster that could directly attack the territory.

Fortunately, the territory's defense was strong enough, otherwise, these two attacks alone would have destroyed the city wall.

"It's not that easy to break through the walls of Apex Level. Plus, with the blessing of formations, damage reduction, etc., I'm worried too much." Thinking of this, Yin Lihua breathed a sigh of relief. She still believed in herself. Territory defense.

This kind of attack would definitely suffer if the territory of another lord were changed.

A few minutes later, the Absolute Defense barrier on the King's Mid-Autumn Rabbit began to dim. It opened its mouth and burst out a sonic attack towards the energy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!!"

The energy exploded in the air before it could land on the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

King-level monsters have too many skills.

After using this sonic skill, it emitted a strange light, and then it was seen that its condition returned to its peak. Then, its aura became a little stronger, and its eyes also turned into color.

The King of Mid-Autumn Rabbit once again used recovery skills and critical strike skills.

Immediately afterwards, the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit released his attack again and stomped on the ground.


The ground cracked again, and this time the crack was even bigger, and the power was at least doubled.

This didn't stop yet, King Zhongqiu Rabbit then punched the ground again.

In a moment, two powerful attack energies launched an attack on the territory at a faster speed.



[The Great Wall] shook violently twice, and then stood safe and sound in front of the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

The King of Mid-Autumn Rabbit: "ノ(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"

Maybe this King Mid-Autumn Rabbit can't figure out why this city wall is so hard.

After the two attacks, under everyone's gaze, they saw the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit once again covered in holy light, then turned around and started walking away. It actually got scared and wanted to run away.

Because of its large size, it doesn't move very fast.

If it were too fast, I'm afraid it would be an invincible rabbit.

Energy attacks hit the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit one after another. The body light shield on its body lasted for a few minutes. Then the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit used Absolute Defense again, which lasted for another few minutes.

The King Mid-Autumn Rabbit seemed to know that he could not escape, so he began to turn around and use annihilation to eliminate those attacks.

At this time, the entire territory was also attacked by other monsters, and there were many of them.

Zhang Liang ordered those monsters to be eliminated first. As for the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit, as long as it is not allowed to leave the attack range of the territory.

Ten minutes later, all the monsters were wiped out, and the territory launched another attack on the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit. They all hoped that the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit would call again.

Sure enough, it did not disappoint everyone. The call this time was even louder than before. After a long time, a group of monsters appeared around again. Unfortunately, the number of these monsters was much less than the first wave.

After Zhang Liang saw these monsters, he started to let the defense tower go all out to destroy the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Anyway, all the skills of the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit were used, and there was not a single skill left. It was a good time to beat up the drowned rabbit.

This rabbit can only withstand attacks from defense towers.

Even so, its defense surprised everyone. It actually withstood the attack for several minutes before falling to the ground and disappearing into a ray of light.

[Kill the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit, get +50,000 points. ]

"Fifty thousand points!" Zhou Yan also saw the whole scene of killing the King Mid-Autumn Rabbit, which gave him fifty thousand points.

But the real benefits are not just points. The monsters it summons alone bring him countless soul coins.

"Continue to expand the search area and try to see if we can find the second King Mid-Autumn Rabbit. This monster is so big, it is very easy to find it."

The points gain from a King Mid-Autumn Rabbit was so much that Zhou Yan was very tempted. As long as he found a few more, he would be able to accumulate more points.

Yin Lihua also knows how high the income from this monster is, which is equivalent to half of their points these days.

If they have the strength to kill this kind of monster, they will definitely need to kill a few more. However, this kind of monster is not something they can find if they want to. It only depends on their luck.

After the territory eliminated the incoming monsters, Zhang Liang ordered the territory to head towards several large territories. Killing those large territories would earn at least several thousand points.

This is much more cost-effective than looking for the Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

But the sky was getting darker and darker, and Zhou Yan and the others once again began to look for a suitable place to camp and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

The night here is really not suitable for fighting. It seems that the sky and the earth are deliberately made so dark. Even the range that can be illuminated by lighting tools seems to be reduced by half.

Except for Zhou Yan's territory, which is still heading towards those unlucky territories, the lords of the entire territory are recuperating and waiting for tomorrow's battle.

There are only two days left before the Mid-Autumn Festival event ends.

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