Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 378, The Power Of The Scroll Of Fear

Bai Qi was rushing towards Meng Tian at full speed.

The enemy was also coming here quickly, but the opponent's general never heard his own general's reply this time. He may have guessed that the two sides had started fighting and had no time to reply.

In order to get there as quickly as possible, they accelerated their march.

Meng Tian was waiting for the enemy. As the footage came from the reconnaissance plane, he could see that the enemy was approaching quickly, and his position had not shifted. The enemy was heading here in a straight line.

As the ground rumbled, Meng Tian had already prepared his soldiers for various ambushes.

Many of them held various scrolls tightly in their hands, and the soldiers in the rear had their bows and arrows ready. As soon as the enemy came close, they would draw the bow strings full and attack the enemy.

One kilometer, five hundred meters, one hundred meters.

Fifty meters later.

Suddenly, all the enemy cavalry fell into the trap. They fell into the underground trap one after another. After the horses died, they were also killed by sharp burrs. In addition, the cavalry in the rear continued to rush forward, resulting in many The cavalry fell into traps one after another.

The cavalry in the rear quickly grabbed their horses and started to stop, but the cavalry in the rear didn't know it and immediately bumped into the friendly troops in front, causing some of the cavalry in the front to fall into the trap again, indirectly killing many people. people.

Many soldiers even fell off their horses one after another, and then fell into disgrace.

Fortunately, the opponent's cavalry commander immediately shouted: 'Stop, there is an ambush! ’

The cavalry at the rear stopped and looked around.

When the enemy approached, Meng Tian waved his hand and emerged from the hidden formation, then threw out the scroll in his hand. The archer also pulled up his bow and arrow, launching a rain of arrows to fall towards the enemy.

Waves of arrow rain launched an attack on the charging cavalry. Then, when the enemy's soldiers a hundred meters away saw their general attacking, they also summoned their mounts, and then quickly attacked towards the enemy. A violent impact began from the rear.

The enemy's cavalry was ambushed and stopped in place, while Meng Tian's cavalry launched a counterattack at an impact speed and launched a mounted shooting attack on their mounts.

The cavalry had no impact speed and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The cavalry in the rear wanted to react, but it was too late and a large area was shot.

And after Meng Tian's men threw scrolls one after another and fell into their army, there were explosions one after another. The 20,000 cavalry were completely divided. The frightened horses began to flee in all directions, and they were not affected at all. command.

Because these war horses were affected by something called the Scroll of Fear, they began to run around.

Afterwards, the five thousand cavalrymen in the rear first fired several sleeve arrows in their hands, then took out their weapons and rushed towards the enemy's army.

"Puff puff!!!"

The powerful collision force of the cavalry began to show at this moment. Before the fight, more than 5,000 of the opponent's cavalry were killed.

Following Meng Tian's cavalry attack, the number of soldiers on the other side began to decrease rapidly.

Although they wanted to fight back, the horses did not obey the command, which caused serious consequences to them, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Meng Tian was very surprised when he saw that kind of scrolls had such a big impact on the enemy's horses, and said: "I didn't expect those scrolls bought by the lord to be so powerful. I have to suggest to the lord to buy more."

Meng Tian was also surprised to see that this time it went so smoothly, thanks to the help of the fear scroll, but there were not many of those scrolls, only dozens, and he used them all this time.

Originally I just wanted to see the effect, but I didn't expect it to be so big.

As the enemy's mounts became useless and hindered them, the enemy's commander had to issue an order: "Put away the mounts!"

If a cavalry loses its mount, is it still a cavalry?

Even so, their fighting power is still very strong.

It's a pity that Meng Tian's army is not vegetarian either.

Meng Tian began to command the army and continued to shoot arrows at the enemy.

The opponent began to form a defensive formation, and then charged towards them. Meng Tian directed the army to shoot and retreat.

The enemy suddenly said: "Release the mount, slap the mount and charge towards the enemy."

After the enemy general did this, Meng Tian was indeed a little surprised. He had to ask the soldiers to quickly dodge, then put away the bow and arrow, and waited until the enemy approached, and then directly engaged the opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

The enemy began to fight with Meng Tian's soldiers, and from the rear, Meng Tian's 5,000 cavalry attacked them.

The enemy's army was constantly decreasing, and Meng Tian's soldiers also suffered casualties, but the casualties were much less than those of the opponent.

However, because the opponent's cavalry did not play its role, Meng Tian seized the opportunity to kill the enemy. Instead, the number of armies on both sides reached a balance, and as the number of cavalry kills increased, it surpassed the enemy.

The enemy was also very depressed. He never expected that he would be ambushed here.

After all, this is a plain, such a big place, but we encountered an ambush from the opponent.

The only reason is that the opponent has a hidden formation, and relying on the observation of the flying monsters, nothing can be seen at all. This is something that the commander never expected.

There is no way to do this. Now that we have encountered it, we can only wait for the infantry from the rear to arrive.

The other side also knew that the cavalry was a great threat, so they asked their own soldiers to pick up bows and arrows and shoot at the cavalry, which indeed caused casualties to Meng Tian's cavalry.

Meng Tian really wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible. When the enemy's infantry arrived, he would face a pincer attack from both front and rear.

His previous plan was to retreat while fighting and retreat towards the rear, but he did not expect that the scroll of fear would have such a great impact on the war horses. As a result, he now has the strength to destroy the enemy. As an outstanding general, Meng Tian would not Let this good opportunity pass.

The number of enemies increased from 20,000 at the beginning to 15,000, 10,000, and 5,000.

At this time, the enemy's infantry finally arrived.

Meng Tian immediately said: "Retreat to the rear."

His cavalry also lost nearly 2,000 men, leaving 3,000 men, facing 10,000 men. Moreover, after fighting for so long, they mainly retreated, and the time for the Scroll of Fear was almost up. If the opponent summons a mount at this time, then their strength will be stronger than ours.

Therefore, Meng Tian fought and retreated in a very orderly manner.

Coupled with the fact that three thousand cavalry were charging at one side, the enemy did not dare to get too close.

(Author: I will go to bed after one more update.)

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