However, as Meng Tian expected, the enemy general began to try to summon the mount and found that the mount's condition had been restored.

The enemy general did not hesitate and asked the remaining cavalry to mount their mounts again and pursue Meng Tian.

But Meng Tian had already arranged obstacles along the way. When he saw the enemy coming on a war horse, he sneered and left quickly.

When the opponent's cavalry was chasing Meng Tian, ​​they suddenly fell into a trap. At least hundreds of cavalry fell into the trap and were killed by Meng Tian.

The cavalry behind did not dare to pursue, and looked at their commander one by one.

"Don't follow their trajectory. They lured us here on purpose."

The enemy commander immediately asked the cavalry to pursue them on both sides, not following the retreat route of Meng Tian's soldiers.

But who knew that they fell into the trap again, and the cavalry commander's face turned dark when he saw it.

His reaction was all calculated.

Although they were angry, they were more afraid. They really couldn't imagine that the other party would take this into consideration. It was really terrifying.

The enemy commander quickly said to the others: "Let's take a detour. I don't believe that guy can even calculate this."

Meng Tian was not a god, so it was naturally impossible for him to calculate the opponent's pursuit route one after another. However, after the other party made such a fuss, Meng Tian and the others had already left far away. Anyway, they only had a few thousand cavalry left, and they did not dare to compete with him head-on.

As time was delayed by Meng Tian, ​​Bai Qi's support also arrived and began to surround the enemy.

After Meng Tian saw his reinforcements arriving, he no longer ran away, but formed a formation and waited for the enemy to attack.

The enemy did not choose to attack immediately, but waited for the infantry from behind to arrive before launching an attack on Meng Tian.

As the two sides started fighting again, Bai Qi's army had appeared.

"No, this is the opponent's reinforcements. Is the battle there already over?"

The enemy general immediately took his cavalry and wanted to escape. Unfortunately, many cavalry rushed in from all around.

And rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed, completely wiping out their cavalry.

The remaining infantry was also isolated and helpless, and was then wiped out by Bai Qi's soldiers.

After the battle, Bai Qi asked the soldiers to separate and start killing nearby monsters.

Today is the last day, so you have to fight for soul coins and points for the territory.

On the other side, Zhou Yan also received news of Bai Qi's victory.

However, Bai Qi also lost some soldiers this time. The opponents they fought this time were very powerful, and they were probably a group of Apex Level lords.

After all, the enemies Bai Qi encountered were the strongest and most powerful enemies they had ever encountered.

Anyway, they don't need to attack the other side's lord. Even if they can capture it, the casualties to them will be huge, which is really not worth it.

Unless Zhou Yan asked Zhang Liang to move the territory to destroy the opponent, but it was too late. Zhang Liang was too far away from the lord.

Zhang Liang is now moving his territory and starting to attack the nearest territory.

From yesterday to now, Zhang Liang has controlled the territory and has killed dozens of lords one after another. The levels of these lords are not low. Every time they are killed, they can get a lot of points and a lot of soul coins. award.

Time slowly began to pass, and the monsters on the activity map were also rapidly decreasing.

They still failed to encounter another king-level Mid-Autumn Rabbit. Monsters of that level were too rare or too far away from them.

Zhou Yan saw a group of soldiers hunting monsters in the wild. Among them was a Mid-Autumn Rabbit with diamond quality, and these soldiers were all female soldiers.

When it comes to grabbing monsters, it doesn't matter if they are male or female, just go up and do it.

So, Zhou Yan led his soldiers to kill the Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

Zhou Yan himself was the first to fly to the top of the group of monsters, and then released the "Tai Chi Thunderstorm Palm".

A huge palm fiercely attacked downwards. The female soldiers formed a powerful defensive formation and used a defensive shield, which should be a prop, which was equivalent to giving themselves a double layer of defense.


The terrifying energy fell below, destroying all the monsters, but the female soldiers were seriously injured, the defensive formation was completely shattered, and everyone was injured.

Fortunately, they used a double layer of defense, otherwise these thousands of people would have been wiped out by Zhou Yan alone.

Seeing Zhou Yan's strength, they immediately retreated and evacuated quickly.

Zhou Yan's hundred soldiers arrived and asked Zhou Yan if he wanted to pursue them. Zhou Yan replied: "Since they chose to leave, just pick up the loot."

The other party realized that he was interested and left, so he didn't bother to pursue him. He might as well kill more monsters.

After all, there are still a lot of monsters here, and even if they are killed until six o'clock in the afternoon, they will not be able to kill them all.

Zhou Yan found that there were a lot of monsters today. At least he found that there were quite a lot of monsters near him. As for other people, he didn't know.

The facts told him that it was entirely due to his luck, the monsters in other places were not as refreshed as he was.

High luck value and strong luck really have a big effect.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Qi and the others began to gather troops again to attack other people's territories because there were no monsters.

Because it was the last day and the remaining territories were very strong, Bai first killed other people's soldiers outside. After taking care of these soldiers, he started to attack the weakest territory.

But the defense of this territory was very strong, more than ten times stronger than those of the previous territories. The casualties of Bai Qi's men also increased a lot. There was a fierce battle between the two sides, but they were finally defeated by them.

This battle lasted for a full two hours, and the territory was successfully captured at the cost of more than 20,000 people.

Similarly, after winning this territory, Zhou Yan's points increased a lot again.

After looking at the time, Bai Qi felt that he could attack another territory, so he once again led the remaining army and set off towards the next territory.

By the time Bai Qi arrived at the next territory, it was already six o'clock, but for Bai Qi, darkness could not stop him from destroying the opponent.

The lord of this territory did not expect Bai Qi to launch an attack so late.

In order to win this territory this time, Bai Qi took out the High Level scroll, quickly destroyed the opponent's city gate, and then started a fierce battle with the enemy in the opponent's territory.

Finally, before eight o'clock in the evening, the territory was successfully captured. At this time, the army around Bai Qi was already less than 5,000 people.

At this time, Bai Qi stopped attacking, because this small number of people was not enough to win the next territory. The current territory was very difficult to defeat.

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