Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 380, Receive Mid-Autumn Festival Ranking Rewards (1St Update)

As night falls, darkness baptizes, and the entire activity map is shrouded in darkness. The noisy activity map finally ushered in a rare tranquility.

Except for Zhou Yan's territory, which is still under Zhang Liang's command and continues to attack the next unlucky guy, everyone else is waiting for the event to end.

The event ends at 0:00:00 p.m.

The lord who was attacked by Zhang Liang was also stunned. He saw the terrifying energy falling from the sky and constantly attacking his protective barrier. He couldn't believe that someone would attack at this time.

It's night, why are there still people attacking?

Moreover, an attack of this level is so terrifying. Could it be that many strong men are attacking?

The lord immediately sent people out to check.

Before he could think about it, the terrifying elemental energy completely tore apart his defensive formation and began to spread in the territory. The opponent gathered all the troops and attacked the outside territory. As a result, the entire army was annihilated and the territory was quickly destroyed.

"So fast!" The lord was confused. He didn't even know who the enemy was, and the protective barrier of the territory was broken.

Then, a terrifying energy completely overwhelmed him, and he was inexplicably wiped out.

Zhang Liang continued to attack the next target.

It continued until the end of the event, making the lords who were attacked cursed each other with anger. They thought it was over, but in the end they still couldn't escape.

[Lord Continent World Announcement: The Mid-Autumn Festival event is over, all lords begin to teleport away... The transmission is successful, the world ranking has been opened, the Mid-Autumn Points redemption has been started, the redemption time is one day, after one day, the redemption space disappears, and the unredeemed Points will be reset to zero, please complete the redemption as soon as possible. ]

[Lord Continent World Announcement: The Mid-Autumn Festival event is over, all lords begin to teleport away... The transmission is successful, the world ranking has been opened, the Mid-Autumn Points redemption has been started, the redemption time is one day, after one day, the redemption space disappears, and the unredeemed Points will be reset to zero, please complete the redemption as soon as possible. ]


This announcement appeared ten times.

Everyone was teleported back to the territory, and then teleported back to the Lord's Continent. Points rankings were also opened to redeem space.

"It's finally over." Zhou Yan saw that he had returned to the territory, and then issued a territory announcement and said to all the soldiers and civilians: "Everyone has worked hard. Go back and rest. The generals have made arrangements."

Bai Qi quickly gathered his generals, and then asked them to let his soldiers go back to rest, and he would continue to lead the miners to mine tomorrow.

After everything was arranged, Bai Qi and others returned to their residence to practice.

Zhou Yan did not rest, but couldn't wait to open the ranking list, wanting to know where he was ranked. This was what all the lords were eager to know.

Zhou Yan opened it and looked at his points, which were more than half a million points.

Looking at his ranking, Zhou Yan found that he was ranked 12,831st.

Although it is a bit surprising, it is normal.

The world of lords has so many Apex Level lords, and many of them have the strength of lords and even demigods. One of them can directly destroy other people's territories.

Ten billion lords, in addition to the three billion lords participating in the farming mode, there are also seven billion lords participating in the combat type. Zhou Yan can rank among the top 10,000 among the seven billion lords. Already Proud enough.

[Are there lord ranking rewards? ]

After clicking on the ranking, Zhou Yan heard a prompt and started to receive rewards.

[Soul coins + 100 billion, spirit coins + 100 billion, Mid-Autumn Festival limited Spirit Weapon set of seven pieces, reputation + 10,000, an SSS quality Mid-Autumn random building treasure box, and a Mid-Autumn event limited platinum medal. ]

After seeing these rewards, Zhou Yan was very surprised. He did not expect that the rewards this time were so rich, with 100 billion soul coins!

There is also a seven-piece Spirit Weapon set, and it is a limited set. It is not available at all except during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The most important thing is to obtain another high-quality building treasure chest.

"Medal, this is the first time I've seen this thing." Zhou Yan took out the medal. It was a medal exuding platinum color. He clicked on the properties to start viewing it.

[Equipment: Mid-Autumn Festival Limited Medal]

[Quality: Platinum (upgradeable)]

[Durability: None]

[Attribute 1: Open treasure chest soul coins +60%]

[Attribute 2: Open treasure chest spiritual coins +60%]

[Attribute three: Cultivation speed +60%]

[Attribute 4: Spiritual damage received -30%]

[Attribute five: Lucky value +60]

[Attribute six: All attributes +60]

[Equipment requirements: Bound items, cannot be traded]

[Introduction: Medals limited to Mid-Autumn Festival events can be ranked in previous Mid-Autumn events to improve the quality of the medals. ]

This medal is a type of special equipment, and it is also bound equipment. It cannot be traded with anyone except himself.

This medal looks like a round moon with a little rabbit on it, which is exactly the shape of the Mid-Autumn Festival rabbit they hunted this time.

He hung the medal directly on his chest, and his strength improved a little again.

He checked this Mid-Autumn Festival limited set, thought about it, and decided to give this set of equipment to Bai Qi. He made great contributions to this Mid-Autumn Festival event. As a marshal, what can he do without good equipment.

Zhou Yan had this set of equipment delivered to Bai Qi's house. He believed that Bai Qi's strength would be greatly improved with this set of equipment.

Finally, Zhou Yan will take out the Mid-Autumn Festival treasure box. This treasure box is different from other treasure boxes. This treasure box is in the shape of a round moon, which is in line with the appearance of the Mid-Autumn Festival event.

Opening the circular treasure chest, a ray of moonlight appeared from the treasure chest.

[Get SSS Barracks [Moonlight Warlock]! ]

Zhou Yan was very surprised. It turned out to be a barracks building, and this barracks was also a magic soldier camp, which was similar to the magician. In this way, he once again added a new long-range unit.

He also wanted to get a magician-type barracks before, but that kind of barracks was also very rare in other places, and he had not been able to get one until now.

Zhou Yan looked at the barracks and was curious about what it could evolve into.

Arriving next to the barracks, Zhou Yan immediately clicked on Build.

The building in his hand turned into light, appeared in an open space, and was then enveloped by a colorful light.

Territory prompt: "Build [Moonlight Warlock], [Moonlight Warlock] evolved into [Guanghan Fairy]."

"[Fairy Guanghan]!" Zhou Yan was shocked!ヽ(°▽、°)ノ

A very strange building appeared in front of me. This building looked extremely cold, but also felt full of Immortal Qi. This was a strange palace. Looking inside, there was an indescribable loneliness.



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