Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 384, Mid-Autumn Festival Points Exchange (5Th Update)

After integrating these skills, Zhou Yan took out his computer, logged into Lord Continent's website, and checked the forum.

I found that the above content is all about these Mid-Autumn Festival activities, and the top one is the information of the top 100 people.

Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger of Shenlong Kingdom, among the first one hundred people, thirty people are from the Shenlong Kingdom, but only a few of them show their real names.

The remaining 70 places were divided among other countries, but the Shenlong Kingdom exclusively occupied 30%. This kind of strength was definitely difficult for other countries to catch up with.

No one would care about a person like Zhou Yan, who is a descendant of tens of thousands of people.

Zhou Yan casually checked the content of the post and found that there was also information about his territory, and most of them were scolding him. It was because those lords could move their territories and had terrifying defense towers.

But the popularity of this post has dropped. It was attracted by the top 100 people, so I didn't pay attention to these past things.

Zhou Yan smiled. His territory was indeed a very big bug-like existence, which caused all the established lords who had developed for decades or even hundreds of years to be taken advantage of by him.

Who makes his Goldfinger so powerful?

This is the cheater.

He began to search for materials such as "soul crystals", and sure enough he found a post. However, this post required payment and was not expensive. It was only one thousand spirit coins. Zhou Yan naturally didn't care, so he opened the post and started checking it.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yan learned about a place called Soul Continent.

Zhou Yan informed Jin Sanyi and asked him to go to a store in Canglan Continent to buy coordinate stones to the Soul Continent.

After the crystal veins are dug, he will go there and trade with the people there.

The Soul Continent is ruled by people, and the rulers there are very powerful. Some people once thought of conquering it, but unfortunately, no one succeeded in the end.

Many of the lords even launched joint attacks, but were eventually beaten away.

After those few times, no one dared to think about it again.

The post said that the ruler there has more than one strong man in the demigod realm, so before you want to deal with it, you should first check how many lives you have.

A strong man in the demigod realm is already at the top of the pyramid in the Lord Continent. With such a strong man existing, most people really don't dare to take action.

A strong demigod can destroy a Level 90 territory with just a few moves of his hands and feet. This is no joke, it is real.

Zhou Yan has even seen a lot of videos like this. That kind of strong person has controlled a trace of the power of the law. Using the power of the law, he can destroy a small country.

If Zhou Yan wants to buy soul crystals, he must prepare a lot of things.

He has no shortage of spirit coins at all, provided that the other party is willing to trade with spirit coins.

Low Level soul crystals can indeed be purchased with spirit coins, but for six-star or higher soul crystals, people there only need to trade them in barter.

There are many things that the other party is willing to exchange for, including techniques, skills, job transfer scrolls, High Level materials, high-quality equipment, and various high-quality items.

There is a standard for exchange there. You don’t have to worry about being cheated. You just need to pay attention to safety there. It is best to bring many experts with you, or bring something with you that can save your life.

Soul Continent is a continent, very huge. As you can see from the picture, it is no smaller than a country.

There, it is relatively safe if you are in the city, but if you are not in the city, it is very dangerous. Robbery often occurs, so this post is specially marked with this point.

Zhou Yan needed the soul crystal and had to go there. He was quite confident about his own life and had many ways to save his life.

Zhou Yan has no shortage of things used to trade soul crystals. He has a lot in his territory, so there is no need to prepare.

After checking this information, Zhou Yan started to open the points redemption space and began to redeem the items inside.

He was transported to a special space, which was resplendent with treasures flying in the air.

This place is a bit like [Prestige Pavilion], but this space is only opened once a year during the Mid-Autumn Festival event.

A screen appeared in front of Zhou Yan. This thing is very simple. You can directly say what you want and you can exchange it directly. You can also exchange for different items according to the above prompts.

Zhou Yan has used it once in the [Prestige Pavilion] and is no stranger to this thing. Speaking of which, he has a lot of reputation now, and he doesn't know when he can go to the [Prestige Pavilion] again to exchange for things.

Killing monsters with bronze BOSS quality or above can gain reputation. If you add up, his reputation will indeed be quite a lot.

But [Prestige Pavilion] is not something he can go to just because he wants to, it just depends on luck.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and started to see how High Level materials were redeemed.

He entered the Nine Star Space Stone.

The exchange ratio appears above.


Ten thousand points can be exchanged for a nine-star space stone.

After seeing this ratio, Zhou Yan was speechless for a while. High Level materials are indeed very precious, and the ratio is so high.

Zhou Yan's more than 500,000 points can only be exchanged for more than 50 nine-star space stones.

Zhou Yan would not exchange points for such things, it was really not worthwhile.

This exchange space is different from [Prestige Pavilion]. Prestige is much harder to obtain than points. After all, killing a bronze-quality BOSS only costs a few points of prestige.

And the BOSS is not something they can find just because they want to. That is to say, he has many soldiers and can hunt monsters in a wide range, so the probability of encountering the BOSS is naturally higher.

Therefore, reputation is not easy for most people to obtain, but for this Mid-Autumn Festival point, as long as they destroy other people's territories, they can rob half of their points. Most of their points are obtained by destroying other people's territories. That’s how I accumulated so many points.

Equipment, skills, techniques, etc. are not what Zhou Yan wants.

Zhou Yan still chose a special building. The quality does not need to be too high, as long as it can evolve.

But special buildings, the lowest ones are of S quality. If you want Low Level special buildings, there are none.

After looking at the redemption ratio, the lowest S-quality special building requires 100,000 points.

SS quality requires 200,000 points, SSS quality buildings require 300,000 points, R quality requires 500,000 points, RR quality requires 700,000 points, and RRR quality directly costs 1 million points.

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