He even saw a mysterious building of unknown quality, worth 10 million points. This building looked like another Mythical Level building.

There are many buildings in his territory, all of Mythical quality, but they are not shown on it. However, through Lord Continent's posts, he has discovered that Mythical quality items do exist in Lord's World, but they are very rare and cannot be seen by ordinary people. .

But this does not include Zhou Yan, because there are many Mythical items in his territory.

Zhou Yan will naturally maximize his profits and give priority to redeeming the five S-quality special buildings. However, the specific buildings that can be redeemed depend on what kind of buildings they are.

What you want to redeem must also be carefully considered.

Zhou Yan naturally chooses more peculiar buildings. Zhou Yan will not consider those unusual buildings.

Fortunately, there were options for him to filter. He removed all the conventional buildings and chose uncommon and very special ones. In this way, there were a lot less things.

While looking at these special buildings, Zhou Yan accidentally discovered a good building, but the quality was SS, but he felt that this building could still be considered.

[Building: Training Room]

[Type: auxiliary class]

[Quality: SS]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

[Redemption points: 200,000 points]

Zhou Yan collects it first. If there is no suitable one, it is also very good to exchange it for this building.

Later, Zhou Yan discovered several good buildings and chose to collect them all.

It had to be said that there were many special buildings here, many of which made him tempted, but looking at his meager points, he could only sigh.

Finally, Zhou Yan once again discovered a building that caught his eye and made him very excited.

[Building: Copy of Materials]

[Type: special, alien space]

[Quality: SSS]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

[Redemption points: 300,000 points]

It's a pity that only this information can be seen. The specific information can only be seen after construction, which makes Zhou Yan very uncomfortable.

Even so, this building is very good.

Because as soon as he takes this building to the territory and evolves it, it can directly evolve into a High Level building. High Level buildings can naturally have High Level material buildings. If you go in and you can get those Apex Level materials, this is definitely a piece of equipment. Very nice thing.

There is no doubt that Zhou Yan must redeem this building.

When Zhou Yan saw so many buildings here, he really wanted to pack them all up and take them away, but he didn't have enough strength. Otherwise, if he took them all away and built them, his strength would definitely increase dozens of times.

"I can only choose these two." After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yan decided to redeem these two buildings, which together amounted to 500,000 points.

Zhou Yan did not waste the remaining points. He converted them into materials. Even when there was one point left, Zhou Yan exchanged it for a thousand spirit coins, without wasting the value of these points at all.

After today, these points will disappear.

He is a good and thrifty lord.ヾ(^Д^*)/

After having no points at all, Zhou Yan was like an abandoned person, throwing out the redemption space and returning to territory production again.

In his hands, there were two more buildings.

"The two buildings will definitely give me a big surprise." Zhou Yan came to the open space in the territory, took out one of the buildings, and clicked to build.

Territory prompt: "Build a [Cultivation Room], and the [Cultivation Room] evolved into a [Retreat Tower]."

As the building was shrouded in a colorful light, a round pagoda-like building appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"Oh, [Retreat Tower], the name sounds very good at first glance." Zhou Yan looked at this building, which only had one floor. He was not in a hurry to go in and take a look, but would upgrade the building first.

After consuming spiritual coins, wood, and stone, the [Retreat Tower] was upgraded to Level 20. Then a material is needed to continue upgrading. This material is called Space Stone.

Fortunately, it was a one-star one. Zhou Yan looked at the [Treasure Room] and found that there was still a lot of this material, but he no longer had space stones with four stars or above.

If this continues, if he wants to improve the level of [the retreat room], he may not have enough materials.

After Level 20, the height of the [Retreat Tower] was also increased to 20 floors, and the entire building was expanded several times.

Continue to upgrade, and after Level 40, the material actually changed and became a four-star Spirit Stone. Zhou Yan never expected this. However, there are many such buildings. After the level is raised to a certain level, other materials will be needed. of material.

Zhou Yan had a lot of four-star Spirit Stone materials, even seven-star ones, so Zhou Yan continued to upgrade.

After Level 60, the material changed again and became a six-star glowstone. Zhou Yan did not have this material, and the highest one was only four-star, so he had to give up the upgrade.

The building area of ​​Level 60's [Retreat Room] has been expanded several times again, and the height has directly reached 60 floors. It is estimated that after reaching full level, the height of this tower will reach 100 floors.

Zhou Yan clicked on the properties of [Retreat Room] and started to check it.

[Building: Retreat Room]

[Level: Level 60 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR (required for upgrade)]

[Special Attribute 1: Spirit Gathering Array]

[Special attribute two: Cultivation space (the higher the layer, the faster the practice speed)]

[Special Attribute Three: Basic Cultivation Speed ​​+600%]

[Special attribute four: Increase the aura gathering speed of the entire territory by +60%]

[Special Attribute Five: People who practice in the practice space have +60% comprehension]

[Special attribute six: Add +60 cultivators to break through the realm bottleneck]

[Introduction: Levels 1 to 10 require no realm to practice; levels 11 to 20 require a realm of Tenth Layer or above to practice; levels 21 to 30 require a realm of Twentieth Layer or above to practice; 31 to 31 The fortieth layer requires a realm above the Thirtieth Layer to cultivate; the forty-first to fiftieth levels require a realm above the Fortieth Layer to cultivate; the fifty-first to sixty levels require a realm above the Fiftieth Layer to cultivate. Everyone can only practice for a maximum of 6 hours a day! ]

After reading the properties of this building, Zhou Yan was very satisfied. In this way, people in the territory can practice faster, which has huge benefits for the strength of the entire territory.

However, each level has its own strength limit. The higher the level, the faster the training speed, and there is also a limit on the training time.

But six hours of practice time was completely enough. At least he himself didn't spend so much time on practice many times.

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