After a few people came here, they discovered two new buildings. They looked at the pagoda. This pagoda was too high, which naturally attracted all their attention.

"This is the [Retreat Tower]. Is it used for retreat?" They saw this tall pagoda and quickly looked at Zhou Yan.

"This pagoda is for retreat and practice. If you have nothing to do in the future, you can go here to practice. I believe your strength will improve very quickly."

Zhou Yan looked at them and then introduced them to the properties of this building. After listening to this, the women were very surprised. They did not expect that this building had such powerful functions.

They decided to come here to try out the retreat effect of this building.

"What about this one?" They looked at the door-shaped building next to them. This building was similar to a copy of their previous trial, Secret Realm.

"This is even more powerful..."

Zhou Yan then told Diao Chan and the others the function of this material copy, which surprised them again. They were also very surprised. They did not expect that this building had such a function.

"With this copy, many of our High Level materials will have their sources."

Zhen Mi was very excited. High Level materials have always been an important factor limiting their development. With this copy, they will reduce the source of some materials.

"Then all materials can be revealed." Nie Xiaoqian was also very happy.

"Where did you buy this building?" Diao Chan looked at Zhou Yan curiously.

"This is redeemed with Mid-Autumn Festival points, and only Mid-Autumn Festival points can be redeemed for such a rare building." Zhou Yan replied.

"It turns out that points are redeemed. Can more than 500,000 points be redeemed for these two buildings?" Zhen Mi looked at the two buildings. Each building has a huge role.

"These two buildings cost me half a million points, and the rest was exchanged for materials." After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he found that Xiao He, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Liang, Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao and others were all heading here. .

"You are here so soon." Zhou Yan looked at them, wondering why they came here.

Several people saluted Zhou Yan, and then said: "Lord, we just thought about it. If we want to maximize the role of the [retreat room], we must use it in batches, so as not to waste the role of this building. "

"You can just make up your own mind about the specific implementation plan. There is no need to ask me for instructions. I will take a look at the situation of this [free material copy]. You can just start arranging people to go in and practice."

"Yes, then we will start to notify General Bai Qi and let them arrange the training of the soldiers." Xiao He and others came here this time just to see the properties and capabilities of this building in detail, so that they can arrange the training of the entire territory. People go in to practice.

There are a lot of people in the territory now, a total of 300,000 people. It is impossible to arrange to go in to practice every day. We can only take turns to practice.

And those who go out can only postpone it.

After Zhou Yan handed over the matter to a few of them, he formed a team with Diao Chan and the others, and then passed it directly to the [Free Material Copy].

Zhou Yan and others turned into light and were transported to a strange space. This space was very special. The whole world seemed to be moving. They had just arrived here. The whole person was a little shaky.

"What's going on? Why is this place moving?"

"It's earth-shaking. This place is completely different from the places we've been to."

"It's a strange place, please be careful."

This place is very strange, but they didn't find any danger, so they are all getting familiar with this space.

After a while, they were probably familiar with the situation in this space. Zhou Yan looked around and saw that there was nothing here. It looked like nothingness, not even a monster.

But there must be monsters here, but they haven't appeared yet. Zhou Yan said as he walked: "Let's look ahead."

Several people followed Zhou Yan.

Just as they were walking forward, a strange monster suddenly appeared in the void and attacked Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan discovered the trace of the monster at the first time, raised his foot, and a blast of wind and thunder light It shrouded the feet, and then kicked the monster hard.


A black shadow was severely knocked away by Zhou Yan. Everyone looked at the monster. It was a snow-white, dog-like monster with a strange appearance. It was surprising that it could appear from the void.

"This monster emerged from the void."

"It's such a strange place. No wonder I can't see a monster. It turns out it's hiding in the void. Everyone, be careful."

Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, and Nie Xiaoqian all took out their weapons, always alert to the monsters in the void. Cai Yan also took out the Jiaowei Qin, adding various buffs to everyone.

Zhou Yan looked at the monster on the ground and clicked on the message.

[Monster: Void Beast]

[Quality: Elite]

[Race: Material monster]

[Level: Level 70]

[Special: Power of Space]

"It's still a Level 70 monster, and it contains the power of space. Is it because this copy is because of the space stone?"

After Zhou Yan saw the monster's information, he wanted to go forward and check. However, after the monster died, it quickly turned into pieces and disappeared, but a glowing stone was left on the ground.

"Something exploded." Zhou Yan stepped forward and picked up the thing.

"What this monster exploded should be a space stone." Diao Chan looked at the stone, which contained the power of space.

"The level of this monster is Level 70, which should be related to the level of the building. If the level of the building reaches Level 100, wouldn't it mean that all the monsters inside are Level 100?" Zhen Mi guessed.

"I guess that's the case." Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

"The higher the level, the better the materials the monsters explode. If it weren't for the lack of materials, I would really like to upgrade this copy to the full level." Zhou Yan said.

Zhou Yan checked the quality of this space stone.

[Item: Space Stone]

[Quality: five stars]

[Introduction: A stone containing the power of space. ]

"Unfortunately, it's just a five-star quality space stone." Zhou Yan felt a little regretful after seeing the quality of this space stone.

"It's also very good. The value of a five-star space stone in the outside world is not low. Here, you only need to kill a monster to explode it, which is already quite good." Diao Chan said with a smile.

"That's right. The role of this building is indeed very great. If there is such an event next time, I will definitely exchange it for a building like this again."

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