The price of a five-star space stone in the outside world is very high, and it is still expensive but not marketable. There is no place to buy it.

Sometimes some people are even willing to spend five million to buy a five-star space stone, but there are still too few people who can afford it.

You know, ordinary five-star materials only cost 500,000 spiritual coins per unit, but the price of the five-star space stone has reached 5 million per unit. You can imagine how valuable this space stone is.

After all, the High Level space stone itself can have many functions. The biggest function is to make space rings and expand the space of the building.

Many people even need to use space stones to create formations.

Space stones have always been one of the scarce materials for many people. Almost no one is selling them on the market, and no one knows where to dig them up.

But here, he killed a monster and exploded. This is the purpose of this building.

This building is of great value to any territory.

This building says that it can explode up to seven-star materials, but the probability is still not high. If you want to increase the explosion rate of this building, you have to increase the level of this building.

To improve the level of this building, you need to collect four materials: wood, space stone, lucky Spirit Stone, Spirit Stone, and energy crystal.

Wood and Spirit Stone, the highest ones in the territory now have eight stars, and energy crystals even have nine stars. During this mining, some nine-star ones were dug out, but the number is not large. If you want to improve the level of [Free Material Copy], it is estimated that The quantity is not high enough.

The materials required for this building are very precious and are not easy to obtain. They can only be collected slowly through this copy.

"Keep going forward and see how many monsters can appear in total." Zhou Yan put the things away and continued walking forward.

Not long after, several space beasts appeared again. They all appeared directly from the void and then attacked them. Zhou Yan held a burst of energy and turned it into several thunder and lightning. As several lightning flashes, these Thunder and lightning attacked these monsters respectively.


Several thunderbolts attacked the monsters respectively. With a roar, the monsters were killed one after another. Zhou Yan's powerful attack directly penetrated the bodies of these monsters.

Several more space stones exploded out. Zhou Yan sucked them in with one hand, and the space stones on the ground fell into his hands.

His luck was good this time. Three monsters contributed six space stones to him, three five-star stones, two six-star stones, and one seven-star stone.

"It seems that the lowest quality of this space stone is five stars. The explosion rate is still very good. This is a seven-star quality space stone." Diao Chan said.

"It should have something to do with the lord's luck. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid there wouldn't be such a big gain." Nie Xiaoqian said.

"All the monsters that appear now are mobs. We haven't seen the boss-level monsters yet. We also need to know how many monsters will appear in this dungeon."

Zhou Yan's luck value is very high. These monsters were all killed by him. The quality of the space stones that were exploded will naturally not be too low.

Zhou Yan continued to walk forward, and many space beasts appeared one after another. The levels of these monsters were all Level 70, their quality was elite, and five-star space stones would explode every time.

This is definitely a good thing for Zhou Yan. Even a five-star space stone is a very good material.

This material copy is worthy of being an Apex Level building. Any material can form a copy, and it can come in 70 times a day. As long as there is enough time, he will soon be able to accumulate the materials needed for upgrades.

Most of these monsters will explode one space stone. Sometimes one monster can even explode two space stones, and the explosion rate is pretty good.

Of course, if it were another person, the explosion rate might not necessarily be so high. After all, Zhou Yan's luck attribute is very powerful, so it makes sense to have such a big gain.

Continuing to move forward, they finally encountered a large number of space beasts, one of which was at the leader level. This space beast was half the size of an ordinary space beast and had good strength.

"It's basically a leader, but it's not a BOSS." Diao Chan said.

"It's just a little bigger than an ordinary space beast. I'm going to see what this monster can do."

Nie Xiaoqian held a long sword and flew towards the monster. The space stone opened its mouth and activated a burst of energy. Nie Xiaoqian used her body skills and immediately left the place.


Suddenly, the space that Nie Xiaoqian was in suddenly collapsed. The space beast's methods were pretty good.

"This attack is not bad. It is a space skill. If it is torn apart by the power of space, it will probably be seriously injured even if it is not dead." Zhou Yan said.

Space skills are very powerful in themselves. Unless the defense is particularly strong, you can only avoid them.

Zhou Yan turned into afterimages, holding the power of thunder in his left hand and a powerful flame in his right hand. After combining the two elements, a ball of thunder and fire light was formed.


Zhou Yan threw this energy towards the large number of space beasts that appeared in the distance.


The terrifying energy tore apart those space beasts in an instant, killing them all instantly.

Facing Zhou Yan's powerful attack, these ordinary space beasts simply cannot hold out for long.

On Nie Xiaoqian's side, she released streams of extremely yin energy, forming a terrifying sword energy and swung it down at the leader-level space beast.


The space beast was cut in half and died immediately.

An exuding space stone fell on the ground. Nie Xiaoqian took it in her hand and looked at it, smiling. It was another seven-star quality space stone.

"It's just a seven-star one. It seems I'm lucky too." Nie Xiaoqian handed the space stone to Zhou Yan.

"It's indeed good, but the explosion rate of High Level space stones is still not high." Zhou Yan put away the space stones.

These monsters are not their opponents. The main reason is that they are too strong. Each of their attacks is very terrifying. These space beasts do not have much power to fight back.

It's really hard to say what the explosion rate is. Some monsters explode nothing, while some can explode two or even three pieces. Moreover, most of the space stones exploded are five-star, and only a few are six-star.

The strength of these space beasts is still very good. If ordinary soldiers face them, it is really not easy to deal with them.

Zhou Yan took a closer look at the skills of these space beasts. In addition to the ability to release space tearing, they could also teleport, but as long as they were killed quickly, they would not have much chance to use it.

Even if they are used, the distance they can teleport is not very far, and they do not pose much of a threat.

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