Zhou Yan continued to advance towards the depths of the dungeon and encountered more and more void beasts. In addition to Zhou Yan, others also picked up their weapons and started attacking these monsters.

Because Zhen Mi and Cai Yan are both mages, they don't need to fight these monsters in close combat.

Cai Yan directly took out the Jiaowei Qin, and then burst out brilliant sound waves. These sound waves fell on Zhou Yan and the others, constantly adding various powerful buffs to everyone.

As for Zhen Mi, all her attacks are powerful spell attacks, and they are all ice-based. Every ice-based skill can freeze the monster into an ice sculpture, and then turn it into pieces.

But not every one of these void beasts can explode space stones. Some void beasts cannot explode materials. Only the void beasts hunted by Zhou Yan can explode one or even two or more space stones.

This is the benefit of having high luck.

Although Diao Chan and the others' luck values ​​are also very high, they are far behind compared to Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan has more bonuses, plus the luck value bonuses of various equipment and territories. Therefore, Zhou Yan has Yan's current luck value is at least twice that of Diao Chan and the others.

It is precisely because the luck value is more than twice that of Diao Chan and the others that Zhou Yan's explosion rate is so much higher than that of Diao Chan and the others.

"The BOSS appears again." Diao Chan looked at a void beast that had just appeared in the distance. This void beast was already twice the size of an ordinary void beast. It looked more powerful than the previous leader-level void beast. A lot.

"The way he opens his teeth and dances his claws looks a bit cute, but his personality is too cruel and he will release his spatial skills at every turn." Zhen Mi commented.

Zhou Yan looked at the void beast, which was much stronger than the previous monsters. He clicked on the monster's information to view it.

[Monster: Void Beast]

[Quality: Bronze]

[Race: Material monster]

[Level: Level 70]

[Special: space teleportation, space burst, space collapse]

"This is a bronze-quality BOSS, and it also has three skills. The other monsters only have one skill." Zhou Yan said after looking at the information about this monster.

"Bronze quality, let me see how powerful it is." Diao Chanlian walked in steps, with a dancing figure, holding a pink long sword, and burst out a brilliant lotus energy.

The lotus flower was extremely delicate and beautiful, filled with fairy light. It rushed towards the BOSS quickly. The monster seemed to feel the danger, and a ray of space energy attacked the lotus flower.


A burst of space energy shattered Diao Chan's lotus energy. It was the effect of space explosion. This energy directly impacted Diao Chan's lotus energy, releasing a powerful energy wave and spreading out to the surroundings.

Facing this spreading energy, Zhou Yan remained calm and allowed the energy to rush towards his body. The energy did not cause any harm to Zhou Yan. He was equipped with powerful Spirit Weapon equipment and was not afraid of this fluctuation at all.

"The spatial BOSS is really interesting." Diao Chan smiled softly, and her appearance turned all living beings upside down, making her look like a fairy in the sky.

Diao Chan jumped lightly, and her whole body turned into a streak of colorful light. The sword flowers flew and turned into beautiful sword flowers all over the sky. Each sword flower rushed towards the bronze BOSS below with terrifying energy.

"Puff puff!!"

In pain, the BOSS used space teleportation and ran away into the distance, avoiding Diao Chan's killing blow. If the BOSS hadn't run so fast, Diao Chan's energy would have directly ended the BOSS. life.

But this BOSS couldn't live for long, because Diao Chan rushed towards it again. The three lotus flowers exuded white light waves, very beautiful, as beautiful as fairy flowers descending to the world.

Underneath the beautiful appearance, there is a terrifying murderous intention.

The Bronze BOSS wanted to avoid it, but Diao Chan wouldn't give it a chance this time. I don't know when the BOSS discovered beautiful flowers growing on the ground. The vines of the flowers entanglement towards its limbs, completely restricting it. its action.

The BOSS was about to open its mouth and use the last skill to escape. Suddenly, a strange sound wave hit its head. The BOSS's whole head was dizzy. When it regained its energy, the three lotus flowers directly hit it. It covers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As the light of the three explosions was released, there was only a seven-star quality space stone left on the ground.

Diao Chan emitted a burst of energy, picked up the space stone on the ground, came to Zhou Yan, and said, "These bosses must explode a seven-star space stone."

Zhou Yan put away the space stone and said: "That's fine, but I don't know how many bosses there are in a copy. If there are ten, you can get 700 seven-star space stones by doing 70 copies a day. "

"How is it possible that there are ten BOSSs? Lord, are you overthinking it?" Nie Xiaoqian looked at Zhou Yan and then said: "If the Lord completes all seventy copies himself, he can still obtain seven hundred Seven-Star Space Stones a day. of."

Everyone else agreed. Who made Zhou Yan's luck so high? Even an ordinary monster could explode a seven-star quality space stone.

"How can I have so much time? The purpose of downloading the dungeon this time is to see what monsters will appear here and how strong they are. It is impossible to download the dungeon every day. I can only rely on you." Zhou Yan replied .

The materials in this dungeon are very important to the territory. Ordinary soldiers can also complete this dungeon, but their luck value is too low and they are not suitable for this dungeon.

"We have to form a team dedicated to playing dungeons. It's best to prepare more equipment for them to increase their luck, and their strength shouldn't be too low." Diao Chan thought for a while and said, "Not many high-quality people have come recently. Well, I plan to form a dungeon team with them, since their qualifications and strength are not low anyway."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately knew who Diao Chan was referring to. They were the children of the princes and nobles who had been summoned at the Tongque Terrace. Their qualities ranged from SS to RR, and their strength was pretty good.

The most important thing is that their luck attribute is not low, and they have nothing to do in the territory. They practice every day to increase their strength. If Diao Chan summons them alone and equips them with equipment that increases their luck value, they will download the dungeon. In time, there will be greater gains.

"That's fine. Anyway, it's good to give them something to do, so that they won't be too bored if they can only practice all day long." Zhou Yan naturally agreed. There were quite a few of those people, there must be dozens of them. .

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