Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 390, 5 Lines Of Energy Balls

The matter was settled like this. Zhou Yan and the others continued to move towards the dungeon. Every once in a while, a BOSS would appear.

"This time it's the Silver BOSS, and I don't know how many more BOSS will follow." They were quite happy to see another BOSS appear.

Because each BOSS can explode a seven-star quality space stone. Although it is not much, the little things add up to a lot.

Zhou Yan released the violent wind with one hand and condensed the flame with the other hand. When the wind and the flame were combined, a terrifying energy of wind and fire was formed, which directly burned all the monsters in front of him and turned them into ashes.

A pile of space stones was left on the ground.

Zhou Yan released a suction force to collect all these space stones. With good luck, this wave allowed him to obtain three seven-star quality space stones.

This is why the luck value is high.

"Lord, your skills seem to have changed. I have never seen you use such skills before." Zhen Mi looked at Zhou Yan and was surprised. Zhou Yan's spell skills seemed to have increased again.

"There used to be Frozen Thousand Miles, but I haven't seen you use it anymore. Have you learned a new skill?"

"A very powerful skill. I really envy the lord for being able to learn all kinds of skills."

Several people looked at Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan had so many skills and methods, they were endless. Along the way, he used many new skills, and every move was very powerful.

Zhou Yan smiled at them and replied: "This is something I have only recently realized. I have integrated all the skills of [Sutra Pavilion]."

"If everything is integrated, how many skills will it take..."

Several people were very shocked. [Sutra Pavilion] There are so many skills, all integrated, how powerful Zhou Yan's current skills must be.

"As long as it is a spell-like skill, I can now use it. No matter what kind of element, I can release it at will. It would make sense if I said that my profession is a full range of spells."

Moreover, all of Zhou Yan's spells and skills can be combined and used according to his own thoughts. There are many methods. The key is that he can use every elemental skill. This is the most terrifying thing.

Zhou Yan's "Almighty Spell" can also continuously integrate more spells and skills, allowing him to use more powerful skills.

Zhou Yan can now be called a humanoid output device, a terrifying output device that can use any spell. It is not an exaggeration to call him the god of magic.

"All the magic skills... this is too powerful." Nie Xiaoqian was very shocked.

The women were all speechless, and Zhou Yan even took the initiative to try to use a boosting spell. Cai Yan was surprised and felt that it didn't matter whether she was around or not in the future.

Zhou Yan alone is equivalent to people in various professions. What else can he not do?

They continued to move towards the dungeon, and then a gold-quality BOSS appeared again.

Zhou Yan began to try his own spells again. This time he used thunder spells + fire spells. The two spells formed a thunder and earth fire. When thousands of thunder and fire appeared in the sky, the entire space was filled with thunder and fire. Thoroughly covered and flooded.

This wave of monsters was once again wiped out by Zhou Yan's powerful spells. The golden BOSS didn't even use a single skill. Even half of its body was still in the void, and it was split into two halves. .

This time I gained more, and directly obtained four seven-star quality space stones.

Moving forward again, they encountered a gold-quality BOSS. This BOSS was quite powerful. Zhou Yan held the whip of thunder in his hand and whipped towards the BOSS. The BOSS formed a space shield and blocked Zhou Yan's attack.

"One more skill." Zhou Yan condensed an ice spear and threw it towards the opponent.

The ice gun landed on the BOSS's shield, directly freezing the energy. Then, Zhou Yan said: "Explode!"


The ice gun exploded directly, injuring the BOSS and screaming.

Zhou Yan didn't give it a chance, controlled the earth, and then formed a wave of earth. A terrifying earth-yellow energy appeared from the ground, and then knocked the BOSS directly away, and was seriously injured.

Then, the sky crackled, and the thunder turned into lightning, and rushed towards the BOSS again.


A cloud of smoke rose from the ground, and the BOSS was once again directly killed by Zhou Yan's series of spells.

"I have no power to fight back. Who can stop this?" Diao Chan and others were surprised. The stronger Zhou Yan was, the happier they were.

"The stronger the lord is, the safer we will be." Nie Xiaoqian said with a smile.

Zhou Yan took the space stones one by one in his hand. This time he obtained five seven-star quality space stones. Such a large explosion rate really surprised everyone. This is the reason for the terrifying luck value.

"It's a pity that I have too few space skills, dark skills, and time skills. Otherwise, I could try the power of these three skills in combination."

Zhou Yan was still dissatisfied. He had many skills, but he didn't have many space, time, and dark attack skills, so he didn't have many ways to use them.

"Lord, please don't be dissatisfied. We can only learn this professional skill." They were envious, but Zhou Yan was not satisfied yet. How much did he need to learn to be satisfied?

"End it as soon as possible. Seventy dungeons are quite a lot." Zhou Yan said.

They continued to move forward, and a dark gold quality BOSS appeared again.

Facing this monster, Zhou Yan once again tried a new skill. He released all the five elements, and then used powerful mental power to condense them all into a ball, and then threw it towards the BOSS. past.


As the Five Elements Energy Ball exploded in front of the BOSS, a very terrifying energy suddenly exploded. The powerful energy tore the world apart, forming a very terrifying energy storm that covered everything up.

Zhou Yan formed an elemental shield and protected everyone inside. Feeling the vibration from the energy shield, Zhou Yan was surprised.

"This power is too terrifying." Diao Chan looked at all this and was shocked.

"The power of this skill is indeed an Apex LevelRRR quality skill. It is really terrifying." Zhen Mi also said.

"Fortunately, this is our lord. If he were our enemy, I'm afraid we would all have a shadow." Nie Xiaoqian also expressed her thoughts.

Cai Yan didn't speak, she just smiled.

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