Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 391, Selected Material Copy

Zhou Yan’s current strength is very surprising.

Especially after Zhou Yan's skills were all integrated, they became so powerful that he could create various skills at will, which really shocked and surprised them.

In particular, the destructive power of this move, the five-element energy light ball, was really astonishing, making them all feel the terrifying destructive power.

Zhou Yan looked at the shocked Diao Chan and others, touched his nose, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect that after condensing the five elements, it would explode with such terrifying power. The power of this skill has completely reached the Apex Level skill power. Okay, if the ten elements are brought together, the power can be increased a lot."

The more Zhou Yan thought about it, the more he wanted to try it, but Diao Chan and the others quickly said: "You should try it yourself slowly. Don't try it here. The previous explosion of skills has already shocked us."

"Hehe, I suggest that the lord wait for a while and enter the dungeon by himself to practice his skills with these monsters alone, and he can also harvest a batch of materials. Isn't it the best of both worlds?" Zhen Mi suggested quickly.

"This is a good suggestion, I agree." Nie Xiaoqian replied.

Zhou Yan looked at several delicate women and replied: "Okay, let's see how long it will take for this copy to end."

They walked forward again and finally found that the last BOSS had appeared. This was a Level 70 dark gold quality void beast, which was once again larger than the gold quality void beast.

Moreover, the skills of this dark gold quality void beast were also increased by two. However, facing these monsters, Zhou Yan used the five elements energy again, condensed a five elements energy light ball, and threw it towards the monsters.

After Zhou Yan released this move, he once again protected everyone in the energy shield. After the monsters were eliminated, a night teleportation formation appeared in the distance.

"It's over. The highest quality monster is the Level 70 dark gold quality BOSS." After seeing the teleportation formation, they already understood the information about this copy.

Zhou Yan collected all the space stone materials and then said: "The harvest is good. In the last wave, I actually got ten seven-star quality space stones."

"Let's go."

After leaving this dungeon, Diao Chan began to walk towards the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace] and immediately started to form a team dedicated to playing the dungeon.

Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian, and Cai Yan said to Zhou Yan: "The three of us want to download the dungeon alone. The lord is so strong, so we can just download the dungeon by ourselves."

"No problem." Zhou Yan replied.

As Zhen Mi and the others started to download the dungeon, Zhou Yan looked at his building. He could now choose seven kinds of material dungeons. The first one chose Space Stone, and he started to choose the second dungeon.

After carefully looking at his building, he positioned the second material as Void Stone.

[Free Material Copy] Prompt: "Choose Void Stone as the material copy. The copy has been randomly generated and can be entered at any time. The current copy has 70 times remaining."

After selecting the materials for the second copy, Zhou Yan continued to choose the third material. He checked all the buildings in his territory and selected several buildings that were most important to the territory.

The current level of [Retreat Room] is enough to meet the requirements of soldiers. Only Zhou Yan in the entire territory can go to the sixth level to practice. Everyone else will need to practice for a long time before they can reach the sixth level.

He looked at his [Hall of Heroes]. This building requires soul crystals to upgrade. He had planned to go to the Soul Continent before, but now that he has this copy, he is not in a hurry to go there.

For the third material, Zhou Yan chose soul crystal as the material copy.

[Free Material Copy] Prompt: "Select Soul Crystal as the material copy. The copy has been randomly generated and can be entered at any time. The current copy has 70 times left."

Next, Zhou Yan looked at his building and found that lucky Spirit Stones were also very scarce.

For the fourth material, Zhou Yan chose the Lucky Spirit Stone.

The fifth type, Zhou Yan carefully looked at the materials needed for [Sutra Pavilion], and then without hesitation made a copy of the Awakening Stone as the fifth material.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth material was designated as the mysterious crystal stone, and the seventh material was the Spirit Stone.

After selecting all the materials for the [Free Material Copy], Zhou Yan started to download the copy again. He regarded these copies as a place to experiment with his skills.

Being able to try to combine powerful skills while also obtaining materials is really the best of both worlds.

On the other side, after Diao Chan returned to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], she gathered all the women with high luck and told them about the [Free Material Copy].

These people seemed very happy when they heard that they had a mission next. They had never had much to do before. During the battle, it was not their turn to take action at all. They could only do some simple things, which was very boring.

Now, Diao Chan started to assign tasks to them. They were naturally very happy and each one took the initiative to participate.

Diao Chan determined the number of people, and selected equipment to increase luck from the [Treasure Room]. After dressing them, she began to lead these women towards the [Free Material Copy].

Seeing that there was no one at the dungeon gate, Diao Chan knew that they had all left the dungeon.

After looking at the number of copies of the first space stone material, Diao Chan was already very sure that Zhou Yan and the others had indeed started to download copies again.

"Seven materials have been selected, let's try what the second copy of the void stone material will look like."

Diao Chan told them everything, then personally led the team, formed a team with everyone, and started downloading the second copy of the material.

However, each of the seven dungeons can be played 70 times. The people Diao Chan called are far from being able to complete the task.

Zhou Yan then asked Zhang Liang to call a group of people over, and the strength of these people was close to strong. Although the luck value was not strong, it was definitely not bad.

And let some heroes in the territory lead the team and let them finish the copy of this material.

Zhou Yan later discussed with Zhang Liang and planned to form several teams dedicated to playing dungeons, with each team having about twenty people.

After Zhang Liang selected the generals, he directly asked them to download copies of materials.

After the dungeon matter was resolved, Zhou Yan found that Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao had also come out long ago.

Zhou Yan took Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao to get familiar with the territory, and finally brought them to [Lingxiao Palace].

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