Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 392, Candidates For Troop Training

Things in the territory are on track, all kinds of scarce materials have been found, and Zhou Yan doesn't need to worry about soul coins for the time being. Every day, people successfully change jobs, most of them are [Guanghan Fairies], but it's a pity that Chang'e is still there. Didn't come out.

Zhou Yan arranged for Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Sun Shangxiang and others to manage these women. However, after all, these women are immortal cultivators and are very different from soldiers.

In order to let these [Guanghan Fairies] understand the basic instructions in all armies, Zhou Yan began to look for generals to train these women. After hearing the news, many generals took the initiative to request orders.

This surprised Zhou Yan. It seemed that many generals knew that they wanted to chase girls after watching the movie in the cinema.

When it comes to generals with the strongest training ability, there are indeed many generals in the territory, but he is a little reluctant to take out such generals to train soldiers.

There is absolutely no doubt about Chen Qingzhi's ability in training troops, and he is definitely the strongest in the territory.

Bai Qi is just better than Chen Qingzhi on the battlefield. When it comes to military training ability, Bai Qi is really no match for Chen Qingzhi.

In addition to Chen Qingzhi, there is also Gao Shun. His ability to train soldiers like [Falled in the Camp] shows how strong his military training ability is, and all the soldiers he trained are very disciplined.

Gao Shun did not take the initiative to sign up to train these [Guanghan Fairies]. Gao Shun was an honest man and was very serious about himself.

Of course, both Meng Tian and Meng Ao are still very good at training soldiers, but they are more suitable for training cavalry. Compared with professional training, they are still a little behind in training infantry-type soldiers.

After much thought, Zhou Yan felt that Gao Shun fit the requirements best.

Gao Shun is also a real person, so Zhou Yan directly sent a message to Gao Shun to come back to train [Guanghan Fairy]. When the news spread, many generals immediately felt very sorry, and even envied Gao Shun for being valued by the lord, but The order had been given and there was nothing they could do.

When Gao Shun heard about this appointment, he was stunned for a moment. He thought he had heard wrongly. The lord actually asked him to train women.

This made him worry. When training male soldiers, he would naturally be rude, very strict, and very demanding, but he had no experience in training female soldiers.

So, after Gao Shun came back from outside, he immediately found Zhou Yan and said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, you asked me to train women, but I have no experience in training women. This..."

Gao Shun is afraid that he can't do well. After all, he is a serious person. Once he starts, he will never be soft just because the other party is a woman. This is his advantage and also his disadvantage. He will not I know how to be flexible, but I'm a bit old-fashioned.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he quickly said to Gao Shun: "General Gao, there is a first time for everything. It is because you have no experience, so you can try to learn."

"Of course, the training of female soldiers cannot be as strict as the requirements for male soldiers. Also, their professions are different, so they don't need to be as strict and harsh as your [trapped camp]. You just need to let them understand the instructions and understand the battle. Just obey the general’s orders.”

"Also, after going to the battlefield, it is actually not difficult for them to learn the necessary obedience arrangements and basic military literacy."

When Gao Shun heard this, his expression was still depressed, Zhou Yan said quickly: "Of course, I will arrange for Sun Shangxiang to tutor you. She still has some ability in military training, and she can also learn from you by the way."

This is a good job. If it had been another general, he would have been extremely happy. How could he be as reluctant as Gao Shun?

"Yes, Gao Shun, give it a try." Gao Shun heard what Zhou Yan said, so he had no choice but to agree. Leaving this matter to him also proved the lord's affirmation of his strength.

Zhou Yan saw Gao Shun like this and felt that he was indeed a bit pushy. However, he had no choice now because there were too few famous female generals in ancient times. Even if he summoned them, the probability of summoning them would be too low.

Zhou Yan then also sent Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao to the [Guanghan Fairy] barracks, and told them to learn some military training skills from Gao Shun.

Among these women, only Zhao Min was familiar with military training, but she was not a professional.

There will only be more and more soldiers in the future, and the women under his command will naturally have to learn more.

The day passed like this, and in a blink of an eye it was time for class again.

After Zhou Yan returned to school, he studied during the day and dealt with things in the territory at night. When he had extra time, he would go to the [Retreat Room] to try his practice, and found that the effect was very good. He practiced in it. Considering that he is currently on the sixth floor , about ten times faster than outside.

The higher the realm goes, it will take a long time to improve each small realm.

Zhou Yan's territory has unlimited resources for cultivation, and coupled with the effect of the [retreat room], it is much faster than others.

The material explosion rate of [Free Material Copy], except that BOSS will definitely explode High Level materials, there are not many other material explosion rates. There is no way to do this. Zhou Yan cannot spend all his time on it. copy above.

He has a lot of things to deal with. If he had to do everything, he would be too busy.

Even if they download copies of materials, they can often only obtain four-star quality materials.

For each dungeon, seven-star quality materials can only be obtained for about ten yuan at most. 70 dungeons will cost about 700 yuan a day.

This can show the difference in luck value. If Zhou Yan played alone, he would be able to get at least twice as many High Level materials as them every time, and the lowest materials that were revealed all started at five stars.

There are seven kinds of material copies. The materials of Apex Level are about this amount. Upgrading is not something that can be done in a short time.

[Guanghan Fairy] There, Gao Shun also started training, because Zhou Yan let him do it, and Gao Shun had absolute rights. Even if Diao Chan and the others had any suggestions, they would discuss them with Gao Shun privately.

With Sun Shangxiang, Zhao Min and others' understanding of women, Gao Shun has really come up with a plan for female soldiers. Although it is still being improved, it can be seen that Gao Shun is indeed a very good soldier. The general in charge.

Moreover, Diao Chan was quite satisfied with Gao Shun's abilities and mentioned more than once the seriousness and seriousness with which Gao Shun took things.

Zhou Yan was naturally very satisfied.

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