Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 394, Competition Among Generals

"Lord, ten kilometers in front of you, there are several flying monsters coming towards you. They are sent by other territories for investigation." Yin Lihua quickly reminded Zhou Yan.

"Flying pets, they should be like reconnaissance pets. Don't care about them, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack us." Zhou Yan said.

Yin Lihua nodded and didn't care about what was going on here, but she still left a reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the movements of these flying pets.

Not long after, three flying monsters were already hovering in the sky above Zhou Yan, seemingly observing the traces of Zhou Yan and others.

Li Guang looked at the monster hovering in the sky and said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, do you want to shoot it down?"

Among the hundreds of people led by Zhou Yan, there were many generals with excellent shooting skills. As long as Zhou Yan gave an order, the three monsters on their heads would be pierced by thousands of arrows.

Zhou Yan said nonchalantly: "It's just three monsters. Don't care about them. However, if one of them follows us, it will be destroyed."


When the generals heard this, they all hoped that one of the three flying monsters would follow them so that they could show off their skills.

These monsters did not disappoint everyone. They had been following them for ten minutes, and everyone looked at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan looked at the three monsters. They have been following them for ten minutes. If they still want to continue tracking, don't blame him. So, Zhou Yan nodded and said that everyone can do their best.

In an instant, the general behind Zhou Yan became excited, and then took out his bow and arrow as fast as possible, preparing to shoot at the monster in the sky.

But there was one person who was faster. He took out a long gun and attacked a monster in the sky. He shot one monster directly and then it fell to the ground.

Then the general sped up his mount, headed towards the fallen monster, and quickly took the monster in his hand.

Then, dozens of arrows flew up into the sky, killing the other two flying monsters. Moreover, every arrow did not miss, and they all landed on the flying monsters.

He died a miserable death.

However, everyone looked at the human demon in front of them who was the first to take action. They were speechless for a while. This guy took action very quickly.

"Why are everyone looking at me like this?" Zhang Xiuchunfeng looked at everyone with a smile on his face, and then said: "This monster is not enough to eat even if it is roasted."

After saying that, Zhang Xiu put away the spear and threw away the monster.

"Hey, you don't usually take action, but you are very quick to take action at this time." Dian Wei looked at Zhang Xiu. Zhang Xiu's marksmanship was indeed very fast. The moment the lord nodded, he drew out his spear and threw it into the air. .

"My senior brother's marksmanship is very good. Apart from my second senior brother Zhao Yun, I'm afraid there are few enemies." Wenpin said with a smile.

Zhang Xiu, Zhao Yun, and Wenpin all retained the memories of their senior brothers when they were summoned. In private, they were all called senior brothers and their relationship was very good.

"My marksmanship is as good as a god. I, Yang Zaixing, would like to ask for advice." Yang Zaixing also used a gun. Hearing Wenpin's compliment, he was naturally itchy.

"My marksmanship is as good as that of a god. In terms of strength, my strength is still far behind that of my junior brothers." Zhang Xiu said modestly.

"No, my senior brother's marksmanship is much better than mine. Zhao Yun feels inferior." Zhao Yun replied quickly.

Qin Qiong looked at Zhao Yun, and then said: "Zhao Yun, I heard that the lord rewarded you with his beloved Spirit Weapon 'Dragon Soul Gun' as soon as you came to the territory. You don't know that the lord only had that one at that time." Spirit Weapon, it shows that the lord values ​​you very much."

Isn't it? The generals in the territory were very envious of this matter. Zhao Yun was rewarded with the Spirit Weapon as soon as he arrived, and was directly appointed as the general of an army. Although the official position has not been officially announced, anyone can see it. Come out, it's all a matter of time.

Zhao Yun is not only talented, but also very humble. After hearing everyone's compliments, he quickly clasped his fists and said, "It's all the lord's favor. Zhao Yun will naturally not let down the lord's expectations."

There are indeed many people who envy Zhao Yun for being able to lead an army on his own, but the one who deserves the most respect from the lords is Bai Qi.

All generals also sincerely admire Bai Qi. Bai Qi is not only decisive in killing, but also very powerful in various formations, surprise attacks, and military tactics. Every time he attacks, he will definitely annihilate the enemy.

There are still too few soldiers in the territory, and there are too few soldiers in the hands of each general. Each of them is a figure who can lead an army alone, and they also want to make contributions to the territory and gain the respect of the lord.

It's a pity that of the more than 200,000 troops in the territory, 100,000 are just summoned [Guanghan Fairies], and they are all women. They dare not challenge the lord to lead this army.

After Zhou Yan heard their chat, he laughed and said: "You guys, don't worry, there will definitely be more and more soldiers in the future, and your benefits are indispensable. From now on, you will all be High Level generals in the territory."

"However, your competition is also very strong. In the future, more generals will compete with you for military power. Don't fall too far behind others."

Hearing what the lord said, the generals were naturally very happy. They also believed what the lord said. After all, the lord had just established the territory and already had so many soldiers. They also believed that the territory in the future would become a huge empire.

"Thank you, lord. I will definitely work hard. I will charge the lord into battle and kill all enemies who dare to stop the lord!" Cao Ren said.

"Lord, I want to command a cavalry of more than 50,000 people!" Yang Zaixing was very direct.

"Yang Zaixing, you have a big appetite. There are only so many cavalry in the territory now, but you actually ask for 50,000!" Hou Junji said quickly.

"I'm still suitable for leading infantry in combat. Cavalry is not very good at it."

"It's okay, I can teach you."

"I like archers."


The generals get along very well with each other. They are now only focused on making their territory stronger. They are all absolutely loyal. There will be competition between them, but this competition is healthy.

They all don't want to be inferior to others, they all want to be valued by Zhou Yan and be reused.

Zhou Yan also knew that their abilities were good, but there were not many soldiers in the territory. He could only upgrade the barracks level and summon more soldiers so that each armed policeman could have an army to lead.

"Lord, an army of 1,000 people has appeared twenty kilometers ahead, heading towards you. Judging from the situation, the attackers are evil. They should be sent by the three flying monsters before." Yin Lihua reminded.

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