After Zhou Yan heard Yin Lihua's words, he put on a smile, and then said to the generals behind him: "Your chance to show off has come. There is an enemy force of a thousand people in front of us, rushing towards us."

"There are enemies!"

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, the generals immediately showed their fighting spirit and looked very excited. Unexpectedly, there were still people who were not afraid of death and wanted to deal with them.

Li Xin quickly said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, there are only a thousand people, why don't you leave it to me to solve it alone."

"Lord, I think I can handle them alone."

"You are too slow, let me, Yang Zaixing, handle it."

"A thousand people, so few, Lord, why don't we just attack into the other side's territory?"


Zhou Yan looked at each of the fighting madmen and said: "Okay, stop fighting, there are only a thousand people, you can just divide it."

With this small number of troops, it is simply not enough to want to take action against them.

Even Bai Qi didn't say a word, because he felt that these thousand people couldn't stop even one of their generals.

Although there are only a hundred of them, each of them is capable of blocking thousands of people!

One hundred people can kill more than 100,000 enemies!

This is not bragging or arrogance, but they do have the confidence and strength.

"They are all very excited. They have been too calm recently." Diao Chan said with a smile.

"The generals are very active and full of energy. This is a good thing. There will be many things in the territory in the future, and they will be needed in many places." Zhen Mi said.

"Those enemies are going to be miserable." Xiao Zhao smiled.

"They deserve to die. Those people deserve to die. Who dared them to attack us." Zhou Zhiruo also believed that the enemy deserved to die.

"A mere thousand people dare to attack us. Lord, I think we have to ask General Zhang Liang to move over and destroy that territory." Zhao Min was not a good person and suggested quickly.

This was recognized by Bai Qi. For him, as long as he dared to offend the enemies of his territory, there was no need to live.

But he will respect the lord's decision and do whatever the lord says.

"It's just a territory. It's not worthy of our war. However, if they don't know how to appreciate it, there is no need to exist."

Zhou Yan doesn't want to cause trouble, but if someone dares to take the initiative to attack him and offend him again and again, he doesn't mind destroying him at all.

This statement was also recognized by many generals. Their lord was not someone who liked to provoke others, but he was definitely not a lord who would allow others to bully him.

Soon after, the enemy in front had already set up a formation and was standing in front of Zhou Yan and the others. There were also several generals riding war horses, standing at the front, waiting for Zhou Yan and the others.

Zhou Yan stopped, and then asked: "Who are you, and why are you blocking our way?"

It is a traditional virtue to be polite before fighting. After all, he is a very reasonable lord.

"Hmph! We should ask you this question. Who are you? How dare you kill the flying pets we sent before!" The other party asked directly.

Sure enough, it was because of the three flying monsters from before. Zhou Yan showed no clue about this and asked: "What flying pets? We didn't see them. We only saw a few beasts flying above my head." Ten minutes later, I thought they were too ugly, so I just asked my men to kill them. Why, you raised those beasts."


This sentence immediately aroused laughter from the generals. They did not expect that their lord would respond to each other like this.

"You... damn it!" The other party was indeed angered by Zhou Yan.

If they answer yes, doesn't it prove that those animals were raised by them? If they answer no, then they are deliberately looking for trouble. No matter which way, it is not what they want.

"Why talk nonsense with them? Just capture them all, bring them to the territory, and hand them over to the lord." Another enemy general suggested.

"They insulted us like this. If the lord knows about it, we will definitely be punished. We will take them down and hand them over to the lord." The last enemy general also agreed.

"Then take them down. There are only a hundred of them. I don't believe we can't take them down!" After the three people discussed it, they immediately said to their soldiers: "Form up and attack!"

After receiving the order, a thousand people immediately formed a cavalry formation, then began to accelerate and attack Zhou Yan and the others.

When Bai Qi saw them taking action, he said indifferently, "Leave a few people to protect the lord and the mistress, while the others can rush in and kill them at will!"

"I've been waiting for this sentence for a long time!"

"Let's see who kills the most, okay?"

"good idea!"

The generals had been impatient for a long time. After hearing this suggestion, they immediately slapped their mounts and then quickly rushed towards the enemy.

They are all Apex Level generals and do not need to form any battle formations at all, let alone any command. Bai Qi also knows the strength of everyone, he just orders the attack, and the rest is completely left to them to perform freely.

This was an opportunity to show off in front of the lord. They would not miss such a good opportunity. They all used their best energy and quickly charged towards the enemy.

Some generals even felt that their mounts were too slow, so they bent their bows and arrows and started shooting at the enemy.

The strength of the generals was so terrifying, and many of them shot several arrows at once. In an instant, dozens of arrows flew out from Zhou Yan's side, turning into life-killing arrows, and quickly rushed towards the enemy. .

"Puff puff!!!"

The general was very powerful and could shoot quickly and from a long distance. After hitting the enemy with more than a dozen arrows, he immediately killed hundreds of people. Each arrow penetrated at least two or three people's bodies.

The opponent's army was also quite impressive. After approaching the generals, they quickly fired a wave of arrows. A cloud of arrows appeared in the sky, covering the generals.

It's a pity that these attacks can't even break through the generals' defense. They are too strong and their equipment is too powerful. Even if the generals don't make any defense, these arrows cannot pose any threat to them.

Some generals directly used their weapons to break these arrows, and some generals even grabbed these arrows directly, then bent their bows and nocked arrows, and fired a bunch of bows and arrows at the enemy instead.

There were even generals who grabbed these arrows and threw them at the enemy.


"Puff puff!!!"

The enemy lost hundreds of people again in an instant.

A general unleashed his skills, flew up towards the enemy, took out his weapon, released a powerful energy, and slashed a terrifying sword energy.


Hundreds of enemies were hit by this sword energy, and countless enemies were killed by this sword energy.

Afterwards, a series of generals directly attacked the enemy and started a massacre.

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