The second generation ancestor of the Du family successfully entered Shangyang City. Zhou Yan and the others only waited for twenty minutes before they successfully entered the city. However, they had to rely on themselves to find out the information inside.

They looked around and found that it looked like an ancient city, with all kinds of restaurants and shops very prosperous.

For matters such as inquiring about information, Zhang Wuji and others took the initiative to ask for help and said: "Leave the matter of inquiring about information to me and Wei Yixiao. Lord, you can just rest in this restaurant."

Zhang Wuji pointed to a relatively high-end restaurant nearby, meaning to ask Zhou Yan and the others to wait in the restaurant next door.

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "Then you should pay attention. If anything unexpected happens, remember to inform us as soon as possible."

Zhang Wuji and others are not stupid, but also very clever. Zhou Yan is really relieved to have them to inquire about information.

"Then let's go." Zhang Wuji left here with Wei Yixiao, Fan Yao, and Yang Xiao to inquire about the news in the city.

As for Xie Xun, his eyes have long been cured by countless genius treasures, and the weapon in his hand is the dragon-slaying knife. However, this weapon in this world is of platinum quality at best. It's just a weapon.

Of course, there is also the Yitian Sword that has been modified by Jerry, and is still used in Zhou Zhiruo's hands.

However, under Jerry's transformation, the quality of this dragon-slaying knife has become diamond quality, and Jerry's forging level is about to advance, and he will be able to directly forge Spirit Weapon in the near future.

"Let's go in and see if the food here is delicious." Zhou Yan led a group of people into the inn.

This inn is very big. After seeing Zhou Yan's group of people, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Everyone, please come in. We have a lot of delicious food in our restaurant. I believe you will like it."

Zhou Yan saw that there were more than a dozen free tables in one place, so he stopped going upstairs and said directly: "Then we can just sit there and bring all the signature dishes in your store for us to try. .”

"Okay, gentlemen, please wait for a moment. We will arrange it for you soon." The waiter nodded, and immediately several beautiful waiters came forward and began to take Zhou Yan and the others there, and then asked them if they wanted to drink. Order something.

Zhou Yan let everyone do as they pleased. The generals knew that they were here for business, and no one wanted to drink, so they ordered some drinks.

In about ten minutes, they served delicious dishes one after another. The aroma was quite good. When everyone ate it, although it was much inferior to the spiritual dishes in the territory, it was still pretty good.

About an hour later, Zhang Wuji and others walked in. Zhou Yan quickly asked someone to prepare another table of food and wine, and then said to them, "Thank you for your hard work. Sit down and talk slowly."

Zhang Wuji and others sat down, took a sip of tea, and then replied: "Lord, I have found out everything here. There are four large trading bazaars here, one in the east, west, and south of Shangyang City. , North, respectively belong to the jurisdiction of the forces of the four soul alliances."

"These four forces are the four major forces of the Soul Alliance. Not only this city, but the entire Soul Alliance city is divided like this. Each of them manages a trading location."

"In the very middle of the city is the alliance's government office. It is the place where disputes in the city are handled. It is jointly controlled by people from the alliance. It is also responsible for the security and defense of the entire city..."

According to the information Zhang Wuji has, the four factions sell several types of materials unique to the Soul Continent, and each faction sells several types. There is no conflict between them and they are very united.

Of course, because of the unique materials produced in the Soul Continent, when they sell them to others, they do not want others to sell them to a second person. They can only use them themselves. Once they find out that they have resold them to others, they will not want to buy here again next time. Material.

They control materials very strictly and have not established their own store in the virtual market of Canglan Continent. If you want to buy these materials, you must come here to buy and consume them.

This method appears in many places, and they rely on this method to earn a steady stream of wealth.

Another important point is that the other party only trades with the lord. If you are not a lord, the other party will not trade items with you at all. This stopped Zhou Yan from wanting others to buy materials.

Zhang Wuji and others also inquired about the material information held by the four forces respectively, and obtained a lot of information about High Level materials. However, there is no problem in buying a small amount, but if they want to buy in large quantities, the other party is worried that the lord will take it. For sale, there are very strict restrictions on quantity.

Materials below five stars can be bought with spirit coins. For materials above five stars, it depends on whether the things in their hands are valuable.

Zhang Wuji and others probably have this information, but as for other information, they are not very clear.

After Zhou Yan heard this, he nodded and said to Zhang Wuji and others: "You guys eat first. After you finish eating, we will go to those markets to have a look."

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Wuji replied.

"They control the materials so strictly that there is no way to buy more. I just don't know if there are other channels in this city to buy more." Zhao Min began to think of ideas.

"This kind of news is definitely not easy to find out, but since we are here, we won't leave so quickly. We definitely need to buy a batch of High Level materials before we go back, and see if we can buy some rare materials by the way. "

Although Zhou Yan has a [Free Material Copy], the materials produced every day are very limited. Besides, there is no need to worry about selling materials. It is always good to buy more.

"I suggest that we act in batches. Too many people is not good." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhou Yan also had this idea, so he said: "I plan to divide us into ten teams, led by me, Zhang Wuji, Diao Chan, Zhao Min, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ao, Hou Junji, and Qin Qiong."

"We will inquire about the information separately, and we can also negotiate the price with those who sell the materials first. Even if they are unwilling to trade with us, they can wait for me to come over and trade after we have negotiated."

Next, it is a matter of allocating personnel. Each team has ten people. Zhou Yan has nine people: Cai Yan, Dian Wei, Yang Zaixing, Li Xin, Wenpin, Zhang Xiu, Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo and Meng Yi, plus Zhou Yan himself happened to be ten people.

As for Zhen Mi and the others, they are all together with Diao Chan, and the others have also been assigned.

After eating and paying, they set off towards various places in Shangyang City.

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