Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 399, 3 Kinds Of Materials

The place Zhou Yan went to was the trading market in Dongcheng, which is a place specializing in selling materials. The materials Zhou Yan purchased this time were several materials unique to Dongcheng's forces.

One is soul crystal. This material is familiar to Zhou Yan. The territory’s [Free Material Copy] has already been opened, and he can get a lot of it every day.

Another kind of crystal is the soul crystal. This material is very powerful. It can not only be used as a material, alchemy, and formation, but can even be absorbed directly to enhance one's soul power or mental power.

Anyway, this kind of soul crystal is very powerful and extremely expensive. The key is that ordinary people can't buy it.

Many lords want to buy these soul crystals to improve their spiritual attributes. This kind of material is not easy to buy. Without special channels, you can't buy much at all.

Zhou Yan's focus is to buy this kind of soul crystal. As for the soul crystal, he is not very scarce.

Naturally, he purchased these soul crystals for the legal professionals in the territory.

Although there are not many legal professions in the territory, there will definitely be many in the future. It is always a good thing for him to prepare in advance.

The last type is the soul stone.

Soul stones are also very useful, but most of them are used as materials for building upgrades and forging equipment.

Zhou Yan's goal in coming to Dongcheng is the soul crystal and soul stone.

After a long time, Zhou Yan saw the market in Dongcheng, looked at each other with Xiao Zhao and the others, and then walked in.

"It's quite lively. They don't just sell materials here. There are also a lot of weapons and equipment. Don't they sell us anything?"

Xiao Zhao was very surprised by the people here. He looked around at these things and found that the quality of these equipment was not very good.

"Girl, if you like it, the price can be cheaper." The boss looked at Xiao Zhao and said quickly.

"Don't you only trade with lords?" Xiao Zhao asked.

When the boss heard this, he burst out laughing: "Hahaha, you must be new here. In fact, you have misunderstood. The only things traded with the lord are only a few rare materials from the Soul Continent. The other things are completely Unrestricted.”

"Think about it, if everything was traded only with the lords, how much tax would be reduced? How could the people of the Alliance make such a decision?"

After hearing the boss's answer, Zhou Yan and the others realized that they had not understood clearly. It was not that they only traded with the lord, but that only materials unique to the Soul Continent would be traded directly with the lord.

Zhang Wuji and others quickly communicated with Zhou Yan and the others, and found that many things were not what they knew before. Zhou Yan didn't care. After all, Zhang Wuji only spent an hour getting the news, so naturally many things were not understood. Too thorough.

Zhou Yan then ordered that they be free to purchase various materials, the more the better, without caring about money, he had too much money.

After Zhou Yan's words, others immediately started buying materials.

"Boss, I want all these materials." Zhou Yan saw that the boss was a nice guy and bought all the materials in one go.

"Thank you guys." The boss was indeed very happy, and then started trading with Zhou Yan. However, the boss then asked Zhou Yan: "You are here for those unique materials, right?"

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "That's true, but I heard that those materials are not easy to buy, and there are many people buying them."

The boss looked at Zhou Yan and then said: "If you are willing to spend a lot of money, I know a lot of materials can be purchased on the black market, but that place only opens at night."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he quickly took out a bag of spirit coins and asked, "The price is not an issue. As long as you tell me, these spirit coins will be yours."

The boss took the bag. It was a Low Level storage bag with at least one hundred thousand spirit coins in it. He quickly put it away and handed Zhou Yan a token.

Then he said: "The opening time of the black market is at 10 o'clock in the evening. Before this time, you must first go to Wentianhe and take out this token to get on the boat. They will take you to the black market then."

Zhou Yan got the news he wanted and thanked his boss: "Thank you very much."

The boss smiled and continued: "One token can only allow three people to board the ship. I only have one token and not much more. However, I still need to remind you that the black market is very complicated. Even robberies on the street have happened. , there are still many traps, but it’s not a very good place anyway, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

Zhou Yan nodded, and then replied: "Thank you, I already know this, I will pay attention to it."

After Zhou Yan and the others left, Yang Zaixing asked directly: "Lord, let me go with you to the black market at night. If you encounter bad guys, just leave it to me!"

"Let me follow you. I, Dian Wei, will definitely protect the lord!" Dian Wei also patted his chest and promised.

Seeing that others still wanted to talk, Zhou Yan quickly said: "Isn't it still early? Just buy a few more black market brands."

Zhou Yan felt that since this boss could come up with black market brands, I think there should be others here, and if you search carefully, you will definitely gain something.

Zhou Yan told Bai Qi and others the news by the way, and asked them to find some black market brands. When the time comes, they can go to the black market together. Even if something happens, they can handle it as soon as possible.

Zhou Yan started to walk towards the next stall and directly bought all the materials on the other stall. However, the boss did not tell him any news about the black market. It seems that not everyone knows about this kind of thing. The black market The brand is not a high-street product.

However, because of his generous spending, when he bought the twentieth stall, the boss once again provided two black market signs, and also told Zhou Yan that it was best to wear a mask when going to the black market and not reveal his true face.

Although these materials are ordinary, Zhou Yan also needs them, and he can buy some black market brands from these people, which is still very useful to him.

After buying the black market brand for about ten yuan, Zhou Yan went directly to the place where several materials were sold. In the entire city, except for the black market, these materials could only be purchased from them.

As for where the materials leaked out in the black market, no one would care about it, because there are too many interests involved behind it.

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