Zhou Yan would not care about their interest disputes here, and continued to check the items here with others, but these materials were very common materials. Zhou Yan was not very interested and found out where the three materials were sold. .

The people who sell the three materials are the forces that control Dongcheng District. Naturally, they don't need to set up stalls. If you want to buy those three materials, you have to go to the shop where they are.

Zhou Yan took Cai Yan, Xiao Zhao, and Zhou Zhiruo to the store opened by Dongcheng forces.

A luxurious store covers a large area, nine floors high, and there are many customers coming in and out.

"There are quite a lot of people." Cai Yan looked at the people coming in and out.

"It's quite impressive. People from the four major powers have such a shop in every city, specifically to gather wealth. Their power should not be underestimated."

Looking at this shop, Xiao Zhao sighed sincerely, but his territory also has special means of gathering wealth. It is precisely because of that that the territory can develop at such a fast speed.

"Go in and see how the materials inside are sold. I'm a little curious about how much each lord can buy for the three materials." Zhou Zhiruo said.


Zhou Yan walked in with the three women and looked around. The things on this level were not of high value. They were all Low Level equipment, materials, and props. There was nothing Zhou Yan needed.

"Let's go to the second floor and take a look." Zhou Yan said.

"Everything on this floor is very Low Level, and there should be better things on the second floor." Xiao Zhao also said.

After going up to the second floor, things are much better than on the first floor. Most of the things are bronze, silver, and gold quality items. There are also the most people here.

"There are a lot of things on this floor, and there are quite a lot of people buying them." Seeing such a lively scene, the women were very surprised.

They wandered around randomly and did not find the items they needed. These Low Level things did not attract their interest.

Xiao Zhao quickly asked one of the waiters: "On which floor can I buy your unique materials?"

"The materials are on the third floor, where they are sold." The waiter told Xiao Zhaodao.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhao thanked him.

"Then let's go up to the third floor and have a look." Zhou Yan took the three girls to the third floor. There were fewer people here and it was much cleaner than the first and second floors.

The three of them looked at the counter, and Xiao Zhao quickly said: "Lord, there are quite a lot of varieties of these materials. Do you want to buy some?"

Zhou Yan looked at the materials carefully and found that many of them were needed by the territory, so he asked: "How many materials do you have in total?"

"How many stars do you need?" the waiter asked.

"I need one to ten stars." Zhou Yan replied directly.

Waitress: "ヽ(ー_ー)ノ"

"Are you kidding? We only have five-star items at most. Materials above five-star items can only be purchased on the fourth floor." The waiter replied quickly.

"The fourth floor still sells materials." Zhou Yan didn't expect that they still had such a division.

"Yes, because materials above five stars are relatively rare, they are placed separately on the fourth floor. If guests want to buy, they can only go to the fourth floor to buy." The waiter replied.

"In that case, give me one million copies of each of these materials." Zhou Yan pointed to dozens of materials.

"Okay, one hundred for each..." After saying this, the waitress was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "How many did you just say?"

"One million copies." Zhou Yan replied again.

"A million copies."

When the people around him heard this, they were stunned and speechless. Then the waitress said helplessly: "Well, there aren't that many."

"Then pack all the rest for me." Zhou Yan said.

Everyone: “(¬_¬)ノ”

They were really shocked, how much would it cost to pack up the rest.

"Are you sure?"


After repeated confirmations, the other party finally settled all the materials. When the transaction was completed, they were sure that Zhou Yan was not joking, but really wanted to purchase these materials.

There are also three unique materials, each of which has a limit. One person can only purchase 10,000 units.

However, Zhou Yan purchased so many materials and became their Apex Level VIP directly. The VIP card can buy twice as many materials, but there are only four-star ones here. Zhou Yan purchased 10,000 units of each type.

They had to look at Zhou Yan a few more times. This was the first time they had seen someone buying so many materials after working for so long.

Dozens of materials were purchased, at least tens of thousands of each. The largest number of materials was purchased directly at 700,000 units. Such a large amount of materials really surprised many people.

Zhou Yan went directly to the fourth floor. As expected, the materials here were all five-star or above, but these High Level materials were not like Low Level materials, which could buy 10,000 units.

Each person can only purchase up to one thousand units per day, which strictly limits their purchase volume. Even if you have an Apex Level VIP card, you can only purchase two thousand units of materials.

Zhou Yan came directly to the unique materials of this store, soul crystals, soul crystals, and soul stones.

"I want to buy these three materials." Zhou Yan took out the Apex Level VIP card he just obtained.

"Okay, how many do you need?" The other party took the VIP card and asked.

"The maximum amount." Zhou Yan replied.

"Are you buying 2,000 units of each type? We only sell materials with a maximum of seven stars here. Materials with eight stars and above can only be sold at the auction two days later." The other party replied.

"There's still an auction!" Zhou Yan was surprised.

"Yes, because it is too difficult to mine materials above eight stars, and they have to be distributed to so many cities, so the only way to compete is through auctions. There is no other way." The other party explained.

Everyone understands that, let alone these rare materials, even ordinary wood and stone, as long as they are High Level, are almost impossible to see on the market. Only at auctions can large quantities of materials appear for everyone. compete.

"How can I participate?" Zhou Yan asked.

"There are no requirements. Just show this VIP card when the time comes. The auction will be in the basement. You just need to ask and you will know where it is." The other party replied carefully.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then said: "Buy two thousand units of each type."

"Please take out the items you need to trade." The other party replied.

People do not accept spiritual currency transactions for materials above five stars, so Zhou Yan needs to bring out the corresponding items to trade.

Zhou Yan naturally understood this, so he took out a lot of materials and items that were not needed in the territory.

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