Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 501, Knocking Down Nangong Pushe

"Can you live here?" Nangong Pushe was very surprised. She didn't expect that this palace was used for living. She thought it was used as a place for discussion.

If Zhou Yan knew what Nangong Pushe was thinking, he would definitely say: "This is indeed a place for profound discussions between men and women."

"I'll take you around. As long as you like it, you can live here from now on." Zhou Yan replied.

Other women don't like living here very much, making it very deserted. If Nangong Pushe likes it here, then just treat it as a palace where she lives.

"Let's take a look first and then talk about it." Nangong Pushe laughed. Just as Xu Fengnian said, Nangong Pushe has a peerless face like a demon fox, and with a slight smile, he confuses all living beings.

Zhou Yan would definitely capture such a peerless beauty.

Zhou Yan really liked Nangong Pushe and took her on a tour of the [Lingxiao Palace].

This is the most special and highest place in the entire territory. You can see the entire territory and the situation outside the territory. The scenery is also very good. The only pity is that the level of this building is not very high.

The materials needed to upgrade [Lingxiao Palace] are too High Level. Each of them is a nine-star level material. Zhou Yan has no intention of upgrading this building now. Those materials are really difficult to find.

Even the materials cannot be purchased, so it is naturally difficult to upgrade the level of [Lingxiao Palace].

The entire palace was very huge, and the outside was spacious enough to practice martial arts. Nangong Pushe became more and more satisfied as he looked at it, and finally, under the leadership of Zhou Yan, he walked into the palace.

It was fine at first, but when he saw the huge bed in the middle of the palace, Nangong Pushe was completely confused: "(◎-◎;)???"

At this time, Zhou Yan also hugged Nangong Pushe and said, "Nangong, be my woman."

"Ah!" Nangong Pushe never thought that Zhou Yan would say this at this time.

Later, Nangong Pushe Youyou said: "You have so many women, why can't I satisfy you?"

"Who made you look so charming and make my heart move so much?" After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he gently brushed Nangong Pushe's charming face and said, "It's so beautiful."

After saying that, Zhou Yan kissed Nangong Pushe's small cherry mouth. Nangong Pushe's breathing became heavier. He quickly took Zhou Yan's wandering hand and said: "I, I, I still Didn’t think about it well.”

"It doesn't matter if you haven't thought about it yet. We'll talk about it later." Zhou Yan continued.


Zhou Yan looked at Nangong Pushe's delicate body swaying around, which was very different from his usual cold temperament, and his smile became even more intense.

Nangong Pushe had been resisting instinctively, but Zhou Yan refused to let her succeed. He didn't even have a chance to let Nangong Pushe speak because her mouth was blocked by Zhou Yan.

After Xiangyan was completely conquered by Zhou Yan, Nangong Pushe's whole body tensed up. She had been practicing martial arts since she was a child, so she had no fat on her body and was very "moist".

Zhou Yan started to move his big hand slowly, from his head to his back, to the front of his body, to his thighs, to...

Clothes were flying and scattered on the ground. After a gasping sound, the entire palace was filled with an alluring spring light.

[Lingxiao Palace]: "..."

A powerful spiritual power swept across the two of them, completely submerging them. Under the baptism of this spiritual power, their strength levels were greatly improved.

The next day, Zhou Yan hugged the naked Nangong Pushe and looked at her tired look. Zhou Yan did not disturb her sleeping, but kissed her on the forehead and said, "Have a good rest."

"Yes." Nangong Pushe closed his eyes tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

Zhou Yan felt his own realm, but he didn't expect it to rise by two realms at once. This was related to Nangong Pushe's own level of strength.

Before coming to the territory, Nangong Pushe's realm was around sixty days above Martial Dao. After coming to the territory, his strength has improved a lot again. It is not bad to be able to raise himself to two small realms.

At his level, it would take a long time to improve to a small level.

However, the territory has many bonuses for accelerating cultivation. Up to now, not counting the [retreat room], it can increase Zhou Yan's cultivation speed by at least a hundred times.

Zhou Yan's one hour of practice now is equivalent to more than a hundred hours of practice for others.

If you include the auxiliary bonuses of [retreat room] and various cultivation resources, the cultivation speed will be increased even faster.

Similarly, because Zhou Yan requires more than ten times the spiritual power of people of the same level, his speed will also drop a lot, and it will take a lot of time to quickly improve his level.

After leaving the [Lingxiao Palace], Zhou Yan had breakfast and came to the [Three Life Stone]. He found that the level of the [Three Life Stone] had actually reached Level 10, which was four levels higher than before. There were many more names on it. Look. After the number of women who came to the territory increased, there were also many more pairs.

This is a good thing. Zhou Yan must be very happy. He even wants to hold a blind date meeting in the territory so that all men and women in the territory can have a home.

[Building: Sanshengshi]

[Level: 10 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: Special Construction]

[Defense: Unable to destroy]

[Special Attribute 1: Couples who successfully carve their names under the Sansheng Stone can sign in every day to get extra soul coin rewards. Only people who love each other can carve the names of both parties. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Every year, the seventh day of July is Valentine’s Day, and couples can get an extra reward. ]

[Introduction: Lovers in the world will eventually get married. Asking what love is in the world, three lives are carved under the Three Lives Stone. One thought in a lifetime will last until death. ]

After the level of [Three Life Stones] is upgraded to Level 10, it has an additional attribute, and you can get a reward every year on the seventh day of July. Unfortunately, this year's Valentine's Day has long passed, and we can only wait until next year.

"With so many wives, wouldn't I be able to get many rewards!"

When Zhou Yan thought about the woman under his name, he immediately became curious. When the time comes, will he only be able to get one reward, or will he be able to get multiple rewards?

After that, Zhou Yan went to the [Mysterious Store] to buy something. Although the things were good, they were not what Zhou Yan needed very much.

However, Zhou Yan still bought a RR-quality hero summoning token, which was pretty good.

Finally, Zhou Yan came to [Sutra Pavilion]. This building is now Level 70 and has seven floors. Each floor can draw something.

Zhou Yan now only draws ten times for each level, and cannot let go of each level.

Zhou Yan went to draw draws one by one, but he didn't get anything from Apex Level, which made him a little regretful.

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