After arriving, Zhou Yan looked at his territory this time. It seemed that there were no urgently needed talents, but he also felt that talents in all aspects were in short supply.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan felt that it was time to equip each legion with military advisors, which would also improve their combat effectiveness.

So, Zhou Yan began to use the hero summoning token to summon counselors.

[Hall of Heroes] Prompt: "Use the Hero Summoning Token to summon the talented advisor, Guo Jia!"

"It's Guo Jia!" Zhou Yan was very surprised.

The most amazing and talented counselor among the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia is said to be immortal and a crouching dragon.

If Boss Cao hadn't relied on Guo Jia in the early stage, it would have been difficult for him to have such a family fortune. It was also because of Guo Jia's early death that the whole Wei Kingdom was in chaos for many years before it was able to unify the Three Kingdoms.

An elegant young man walked up to Zhou Yan and said to Zhou Yan: "Guo Jia pays homage to the lord."

"Yes." Zhou Yan nodded, very happy.

As for whose strategy is better, Guo Jia or Zhang Liang?

In fact, the Apex Level advisers are all in the same category. It mainly depends on the time, location, and harmony, as well as the strength of the soldiers, the ability of the commander, and reasonable distribution.

No one dares to say that he is 100% sure that he can defeat others. Even if the counselors are inferior in quality, they must not be underestimated. They all have their own advantages.

After Zhou Yan raised Guo Jia's level to the full level, he said to him: "I will take you to transfer. After the transfer, you will go to find Zhang Liang. Then you can act as Zhao Yun's military advisor."

The Apex Level Commander paired with the Apex Level Advisor is definitely a powerful combination.

Although Bai Qi is the first marshal of the territory, Bai Qi and Guo Jia don't match well. If he summons vicious conspirators like Sima Yi, Jia Xu, and Li Ru, they will definitely be very suitable for Bai Qi.

But Guo Jia is not. He is a genius with an overall view. If he had not died early, it is estimated that Zhuge Liang and others may not be so famous.

Zhou Yan felt that using soul coins to summon heroes was too wasteful. It would be more appropriate to buy more hero summoning tokens. Anyway, the things that can be bought with soul coins are nothing.

After the incident was over, Zhou Yan left the territory. However, during class, Zhang Liang sent a message to Zhou Yan, saying that troops from several directions in the territory had once again gathered towards the territory.

Moreover, Zhang Liang said that more troops had been assembled this time, at least 200,000 people.

"Two hundred thousand troops, hey, this is a good feeling. They are preparing to wipe out my territory in one fell swoop." After Zhou Yan heard this, not only was he not afraid, but he also laughed.

"This is a good opportunity. This is a good opportunity to train troops. You can't waste it. You can just take care of it yourself. I still have to go to class." After Zhou Yan finished explaining, he ignored Zhang Liang.

If it were any other lord, they would be worried or even scared if they knew that 200,000 troops were coming towards their territory.

But Zhou Yan was very casual, as if these two hundred thousand people had no influence on them at all.

In fact, this incident really didn't have much impact on them.

Although the army of 200,000 people is indeed a lot, there are more than 300,000 soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory. Even if the 100,000 [Guanghan Fairies] are eliminated, there are still more than 200,000 soldiers.

With an army of the same size, Zhou Yan really had nothing to worry about, and even thought it was a good training exercise.

Zhang Liang also thought that Zhou Yan would say this, and he was just reporting as usual.

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, Zhang Liang knew what he should do.

In this battle, he will definitely give the lord a satisfactory explanation.

Zhang Liang took the lead in calling all the troops outside and asked them to assemble.

The generals of the major legions seemed to know that a big battle was coming in their territory, and each one of them was very excited and wanted to show off their skills.

An hour later, all the troops gathered towards where Bai Qi was, and the commanders of the twelve legions in the territory were all present.

Chen Qingzhi, commander of the [White Robe Ghost Army]; Gao Shun, commander of the [Trapped Camp]; Xie Xuan, commander of the [Beifu Army]; Gelilu, commander of the [Orc Warriors]; Longshan, commander of the [Myriad Monsters Soldiers]; Meng Ao, commander [Great Qin Black Armored Army]; Zhao Yun, commander of [Wudang Feijun]; Wei Qing, commander of [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry]; Qin Qiong, commander of [Tiancei Black Armor Army]; King Qin Guang, commander of [Underworld Ghost Soldiers]; Owen· Les, commanded the [Spartan heavy infantry]; Huo Qubing, commanded the [Han cavalry].

Twelve legion commanders, each with about 20,000 troops, totaling more than 200,000 people, are all here.

Bai Qi looked at the soldiers under his command and said to them: "We have two hundred thousand enemies this time. They want to attack our territory. Our only goal is to kill them!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

All the soldiers shouted loudly, as if the sky was about to explode.

The morale of the soldiers within the territory increased greatly, and everyone burst out with a powerful killing spirit.

Bai Qi then began to give orders to set off. This time it was very rare for so many legions from the territory to be sent out at the same time.

The reason for this war is very simple, it is the competition between resources. They destroyed the advance team sent by the enemy before, causing the other party to dispatch a larger army this time.

An army of 200,000 is no longer small, but the opponent's army this time was not sent by one territory, but by multiple forces.

The opponent had already set off from multiple territories and began to form a huge army, heading towards the territory. Zhou Yan had only one answer: kill the opponent without leaving a single piece of armor behind.

However, this time the enemy is not as easy to deal with as last time. This time the enemy carries many special war tools and has many types of soldiers, including armored cavalry.

But there are also heavy armored cavalry in Zhou Yan's territory, and they are not afraid of the opponent's heavy armored cavalry at all. Moreover, the heavy armored cavalry in Zhou Yan's territory are not ordinary heavy armored cavalry, they are all a group of powerful heavy armored cavalry.

"Let's go!" Bai Qi rode the grown-up Qiongqi towards the direction of the enemy.

This is a big battle, a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops. There is no dangerous place to hold on, only dense jungles.

The quality of the soldiers in the opponent's territory is much lower than that of the soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory, but their level is definitely higher.

However, the soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory were better equipped and had more skills than their opponents, and the commanders who led the soldiers were also stronger than their opponents.

Because a reconnaissance plane was too close to the enemy, it seemed that a certain enemy general sensed something, and was then bitten into pieces and eaten by a flying monster of the enemy.

This is enough to show that the enemy really sent a very powerful master this time.

Zhang Liang also felt that the outcome of this battle was still difficult to predict, but Zhang Liang was not worried about failure. Even if all the soldiers died in the battle, the territory could still resurrect them.

But this kind of thing is simply impossible.

Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu were both used as trump cards. Such characters would naturally not be allowed to appear unless absolutely necessary.

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