After Zhang Liang saw a reconnaissance plane destroyed by the opponent, he didn't care. There were so many soldiers on the other side and the battle line was so long. How could it be possible to destroy all the reconnaissance planes.

Zhang Liang carefully observed the enemy's army through reconnaissance planes.

The enemy's army this time also came from many lords, and they also had a supreme commander this time, a man sitting on a three-meter-high mount.

This person is very extraordinary, and his strength is very strong at first glance.

The opponent dispatched many types of troops this time, including common infantry, sword and shield soldiers, archers, spearmen, and several different types of cavalry. In addition to these, the enemy also had a flying unit of several thousand people.

Those flying troops are a kind of eagle-like monster, about the size of a war horse.

In addition to the flying unit, the opponent also has a magician unit of 10,000 people, a modern firearms shooting unit, and other various soldiers.

With two hundred thousand soldiers, at least dozens of types, and commanded by commanders, this battle does not look easy.

But Zhang Liang will never be afraid. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will give him the harshest blow.

The enemy also had many methods and sent out a large number of flying eagles, and soon the news of Bai Qi and others' army gathering was detected.

Bai Qi looked at the flying eagles circling in the sky and ordered: "Shoot them down!"


Dozens of military generals, with great strength, took out powerful bows and arrows, and then burst out with spiritual rays of light. As the meteor-like arrows passed through the flying eagles, the flying eagles finally did not dare to approach and could only stand in front of them. Soar far away.

In this battle, Zhang Liang felt that he needed to come directly to the battlefield, so he used a teleportation stone to teleport to Bai Qi, and then summoned an ordinary war horse.

"Zhang Shangshu has also come to personally command the battle." The commanders of the major legions quickly said to Zhang Liang.

"The enemy this time is not simple. Although their quality is lower than ours, their level is higher than that of all our soldiers. We won a battle yesterday, but this does not mean that the opponent is weak."

"This time they are prepared, and the commander at the head, I think, is not inferior to us in quality, and he will definitely not give us a chance like yesterday."

"This time we must go all out and use all our strength. We must not let the lord down."

Zhang Liang told everyone the information he had detected. He was not too optimistic. The enemy was very strong, and the marching route of the entire army was very standardized and neat.

They had been very successful in the past and had eliminated many enemies. Even on the Mid-Autumn Festival, they had eliminated many territories. However, they were not invincible, they just had not yet encountered a truly powerful enemy.

"What does Zhang Shangshu think we should do?" Bai Qi wanted to hear Zhang Liang's opinion.

"I think small-scale ambushes and traps are of little significance. After all, this is a dense forest, and there are also many troops on the other side. This battle will show the true strength of the soldiers on both sides."

Zhang Liang thought about many countermeasures, but he felt that the other party's commanders would not be fooled. After all, they were all Apex Level commanders. They would never make that kind of Low Level mistake.

Bai Qi also nodded and said: "I also think that we must defeat the opponent head-on this time, but we still need to make arrangements for the changes on the battlefield."

"We have many types of soldiers. As long as the abilities and skills of each type of arms are properly applied, I believe we can produce unexpected results."

"I think so too. Our battle this time was completely on the table. Yesterday the enemy had no idea that we would attack them, so we had a perfect sneak attack."

Zhang Liang nodded, even if it was a head-on battle, there were still many things that could be planned.

As a result, the twelve army commanders, plus Bai Qi and Zhang Liang, were carefully planning how to attack, how to change, and how to respond to this war.

There are many changes on the battlefield. Their advantage is that they have many generals and many generals who can lead one side. In many cases, as long as they can seize the opportunity, they can win the battle.

On a real battlefield, depending on the quality of the soldiers, whoever can seize the opportunity to fight will have a greater chance of winning.

Zhang Liang and the others discussed for a long time and were still very confident in them.

"Although the enemy's army has 200,000 troops, it is formed from multiple territories after all. In terms of mobilization, it is definitely not as good as our territory."

"Also, the strength of the enemy soldiers must be high or low, and the cooperation between them must be uncoordinated. This is the key to us being able to take advantage of and defeat them one by one."

Zhang Liang listed many of the enemy's flaws, causing all the army commanders to nod their heads. Moreover, Zhang Liang also listed the directions for each army's attack.

The armies on both sides were very large in number and their marching speed was not fast. It was not easy to have a battle on the same day.

Zhou Yan also came to the territory in the afternoon and looked at the situation of both sides. Both sides were still moving towards each other.

But they were able to see each other in the evening. Zhou Yan looked at the strength comparison between the two sides this time, and it was hard to say whether they would win or lose.

After all, there is no real face-to-face competition, and no one can guarantee that they will win.

Zhou Yan didn't attach much importance to victory or defeat. Even if he lost, it would be a fool's errand to attack his territory with just the strength of the other party.

Moreover, if all the 500,000 Yalongs in his territory were released, it would be possible to kill them all with just one charge.

If Zhou Yan really wanted to win, he would have plenty of means, but this would not serve as a means to train troops.

This time Zhou Yan asked Zhang Liang, Bai Qi and others to lead the troops in battle, naturally to test the strength of the soldiers on the battlefield.

Only on the real battlefield can the real training effect be achieved.

The difference between the two sides was only more than 300 kilometers, which they could encounter in Laishui on the first day. However, both sides deliberately lowered their marching speed, and the jungle was not easy to march, so their speed was maintained at a constant speed.

By evening, the two sides were only fifty kilometers apart.

When he got here, Zhang Liang found a place, then had people cut down the surrounding forest, and then set up camp.

The same is true for the enemy. Both sides have a tacit understanding not to fight immediately. Firstly, neither side is very sure about this battle. Secondly, they do not know the true combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides.

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