Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 504, Unexpected Huo Qubing

The enemy's side is an Apex Level commander, and Zhou Yan's side is a large number of Apex Level generals, commanders, and an Apex Level counselor.

"Zhang Shangshu, I want to take the initiative and plan to attack the enemy camp at night." Huo Qubing found Zhang Liang and expressed his thoughts.

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Do you believe it? As long as you dare to attack the other party, you will never come back."

"Has the other party already guessed that we would do this?" Huo Qubing was a little surprised.

"Not only will the opponent be so defensive, but I will also be so defensive. Do you think our opponent is just an ordinary enemy? Don't underestimate this opponent."

Zhang Liang was very confident about this and sent the picture from the reconnaissance plane to Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing looked at it and was very surprised: "Why is there no picture?"

"Because of this, I am sure that the other party has already prepared a backup plan, just waiting for you to get inside." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

"Then we just do nothing?" Huo Qubing asked.

"No rush. After dinner, I'm going to discuss specific matters with you. Doing nothing is completely impossible, but we need to make a strict and reasonable plan."

Zhang Liang thought about it and realized that it was impossible to do nothing. If he did nothing about Apex Level's strategy, then his reputation as a minister would be in vain.

However, at this moment, an enemy envoy came here, which surprised Zhang Liang and others.

"General Bai Qi, do you think we should meet?" Zhang Liang asked Bai Qi next to him.

"It's okay to see what the other party wants, but since we've come all the way here, no matter what the other party says, it's always impossible to avoid a fight." Bai Qi replied.

"Then let's see what the other party wants to do, but before that, we can let the other party see something." Zhang Liang smiled and then looked at Huo Qubing.

"Shang Shu, what do you think I am doing?" Huo Qubing looked at Zhang Liang in confusion.

"Don't you want to attack the enemy camp? There is a good opportunity here. Do you want to try it?" Zhang Liang looked at Huo Qubing with a smile.

In terms of strategy, Huo Qubing is naturally not Zhang Liang's opponent. After all, Huo Qubing is a commander, and he is not one to play with his wits.

When he heard that there was a chance to attack the camp, he immediately became interested and asked, "Shang Shu, please tell me, what's your plan?"

So, Zhang Liang said a lot of things in Huo Qubing's ears. After Huo Qubing listened, he was very puzzled and asked: "Zhang Shangshu, is this possible?"

"How will you know if you don't try it? Just do it." Zhang Liang said very confidently.

"Okay then." Huo Qubing left here with doubts.

Then Zhang Liang said to the soldiers: "We have invited an envoy."

After a long time, several foreign-looking envoys came to the camp. Fortunately, both parties spoke the common language of the Lord's Continent, so there was no need to worry about language barriers.

"We are from the Torsis Ryder family in the beautiful country. Our lord said that this is our sphere of influence. Let you leave, otherwise your territory will be destroyed."

The other party said to Zhang Liang very rudely.

"Come here, pull him out and kill him." Bai Qi said very directly.

When the envoy heard this, his eyes widened immediately. He never thought that he would be beheaded after just saying a word. He quickly shouted: "You can't do this. Didn't you people from the Shennong Kingdom say that the two countries will fight without being beheaded?" Do you want to use it?"

"You have already said that the two countries are at war. We are only at war between two territories. Of course we can kill the envoys." Zhang Liang replied quickly after hearing this.

"No, you can't do this!" The messenger panicked when he heard that the other party really wanted to kill him.


Bai Qi killed the opponent directly, and then said to Zhang Liang: "Shall we attack directly?"

"Yes, they never expected that we would attack when they sent the envoys, just to catch them off guard." Zhang Liang said.

This is Zhang Liang's plan to make the enemy mistakenly think that he is camping here, but in fact the entire army has been organized.

"Huo Qubing should be fine, he is still under a lot of pressure." Bai Qi was a little worried.

"Don't worry, Huo Qubing's cavalry is very fast. Besides, I'm just asking him to pretend to be a sneak attack. It's just a formality. Even if he is surrounded, he can still escape."

Zhang Liang is very confident in Huo Qubing. Among the entire army, only Huo Qubing is the most suitable to do this.

Even if they were really surrounded in the end, or died in battle, they would just be resurrected, and at most they would only lose some soul coins, which should be nothing to the lord.

Of course, dying in battle is only the worst outcome for Huo Qubing, and things may not necessarily reach that level.

"Okay, let's go!" Bai Qi has already assembled his troops and set off. As for here, Zhang Liang has set up a concealment skill. Even the enemy's Bai Ying will only see that there is nothing abnormal here.

Bai Qi and others quietly arrived a few kilometers away from the enemy, and then waited for the battle ahead to break out.

Through the footage transmitted back by the smart reconnaissance plane, they finally saw Huo Qubing taking action.

Huo Qubing led five thousand [Han cavalry] on a rampage, rushed into the enemy camp, and launched a fierce attack on the enemy.


Huo Qubing was very fast. After rushing into the enemy camp, he was like a pack of wolves entering a sheepfold, charging and killing the enemy.

Although the enemy was not simple, it had no effect in front of the galloping cavalry. Each enemy died under the charge of the cavalry.

Huo Qubing quickly rushed to the central area of ​​the enemy camp. At this time, Huo Qubing should have left, but Huo Qubing was very smart. He knew that his retreat at this time had been completely blocked.

So, Huo Qubing kept rushing forward, killing all the enemies he encountered on the road, and destroying everything in front of him.

This was beyond Zhang Liang's expectation. Zhang Liang did not ask Huo Qubing to do this at all, but Huo Qubing also had his own ideas.

Now that he is here, he definitely doesn't want to waste the opportunity like this, so a scene like this happened.

The enemy also did not expect that Huo Qubing's cavalry charge could be so powerful and could rush inside them, causing them heavy losses. Countless soldiers were killed by the cavalry charge.

"Huo Qubing really underestimated him. I understand his plan. It turns out that he didn't think about the retreat at all. Instead, he just wanted to rush through. In this way, the enemy's ambush in the rear would be very difficult. It’s all in vain.”

After Zhang Liang saw such a scene, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. However, as the adviser of Apex Level, he was naturally able to deal with the impact of Huo Qubing and make reasonable changes to the plan.

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