Huo Qubing did not exactly follow Zhang Liang's wishes. Instead, he charged through the enemy camp and retreated from the opposite side of the enemy camp.

But at this time, the enemy commander also understood Huo Qubing's plan and surrounded Huo Qubing from the other side.

However, because the other party did not expect Huo Qubing to do this at all, there were not many organized troops, and they were all infantry. They were basically sent to Huo Qubing for slaughter. How could these infantrymen block Huo Qubing when Huo Qubing rushed to kill him? He broke through.

But Huo Qubing discovered that the enemy's cavalry was also chasing him from the front.

"Shang Shu Zhang Liang is indeed right. These guys have been waiting for me for a long time." Huo Qubing was not surprised at all. In other words, he did it deliberately. He felt good and satisfied that he could achieve such results.

Facing enemies surrounded from all sides, Huo Qubing shouted: "Charge!"

"Kill!" The cavalry, led by Huo Qubing, charged towards the enemy's cavalry.

And at this time, Huo Qubing laughed again.

When the cavalry on the opposite side rushed to kill, the enemy suddenly found a dense sound of cavalry coming from behind.

When they turned back, they discovered that another group of cavalry had appeared behind them at some point.

Huo Qubing's cavalry numbered 20,000, and he only brought 5,000. The other 15,000 had naturally been deployed by him.

At this time, five thousand men arrived just in time. The cavalry who originally surrounded Huo Qubing found that they were actually surrounded.

'Boohoo! ! ! '

The hand crossbows of the [Han Iron Cavalry] began to fire, and this hand crossbows could be fired three times in a row, with three in each hand. Five thousand people could fire 30,000 hand crossbows.

The first wave of five thousand hand crossbows was launched towards the enemy's rear, killing thousands of enemies to the ground.

Then there were waves after waves. By the time the soldiers at the rear finished firing their hand crossbows, there were not many cavalry left in this group.

In the end, two groups of cavalry attacked each other, and the group was finally destroyed.

This scene was completely seen by Bai Qi, Zhang Liang and the others.

"This Huo Qubing, as expected, can still have such a record after a few moments. Yes, yes, he is indeed someone the lord values. I didn't expect this boy to arrange it like this."

Zhang Liang and others were indeed surprised. This was not in his plan at all, but no one expected that Huo Qubing also had excellent commanding abilities. In such a short period of time, Ziah carried out the plan according to Zhang Liang's plan. Subtle changes.

Although it was also a sneak attack and he deliberately attracted the enemy's attention, he killed more enemies in this way.

Only 10,000 people appeared at this time. As for the other 10,000 people, they had already achieved such a brilliant result before they were dispatched. Huo Qubing was proud of himself.

However, of the 5,000 men he had led before, only 2,000 were left. After all, the enemy was not a vegetarian, and they were prepared for it, so Huo Qubing's army also suffered 3,000 casualties.

But the number of enemies they killed was at least 10,000.

Boom! A large group of enemy cavalry came over, and Huo Qubing said without hesitation: "Retreat!"

As a result, Huo Qubing unleashed his powerful cavalry speed, various skill bonuses, and the speed of the mount itself, and launched a chase battle with the enemy.

Soon, the enemy only had cavalry left to pursue him, which made Huo Qubing chuckle. When it came to which cavalry was the fastest, Huo Qubing would not accept anyone else, but himself.

"No, we have to let the opponent catch up, otherwise it will be bad if we run away." So, Huo Qubing deliberately ran a little slower, deliberately letting his speed drop a lot. The number of cavalry behind him was at least tens of thousands.

After rushing past a certain place, Huo Qubing's cavalry began to stop, turned around, and charged back toward the enemy.

Because here, Huo Qubing's remaining 10,000 cavalry, led by Li Guang, launched an attack on the enemy's tens of thousands of cavalry.

Because the attack was from the enemy's side, the enemy cavalry was immediately dispersed and split into two halves.

These 10,000 cavalrymen, like a knife, cut the enemy in half, leaving the first half of the enemy's army completely without reinforcements, and could only face the charge of Huo Qubing's cavalry in front.


The cavalry charge was the most brutal. What the two sides competed with was the strength of the cavalry.

The two groups of cavalry on the other side engaged in the most brutal collision, and both used cavalry shock formations.

The opponent's cavalry general was also very extraordinary. With the cavalry in front, a burst of light burst into the sky, and finally collided with the [Han Iron Cavalry] led by Huo Qubing.


The earth shook, and the powerful impact caused an extremely terrifying wave. At the moment of impact, many soldiers on both sides were directly destroyed by the violent energy.

After the energy of the charge dissipated, the two groups of cavalry fought fiercely. At this time, it was a real battle with swords and guns.

The enemy's soldiers have poor equipment and poor mounts, but their level is high.

[Han Iron Cavalry] is far superior to the opponent in terms of quality, level, equipment, and mounts. In addition, Huo Qubing is an Apex Level general, and the bonuses for the cavalry are also large.

In terms of overall strength, the [Han Iron Cavalry] is naturally far superior to its opponent.

Huo Qubing fought with the opponent's general, and the opponent's strength was also very good. He fought with Huo Qubing. The opponent relied on his high level and tied with Huo Qubing, but Huo Qubing had a lot of bonuses.

In terms of physical strength, strength, speed, and recovery, he was far superior to his opponent. After fighting for a while, it became clear that he was no match for his opponent.

Huo Qubing needs to resolve the battle as soon as possible, otherwise he will be surrounded by the enemy. His mission has been completed and the blocking battle has been completed. If it is delayed any longer, it will be extremely detrimental to him.

Sure enough, Huo Qubing saw the enemy's flying army flying in from a distance.

"Shang Shu Zhang Liang should thank me now. Even the flying army was attracted to me." Huo Qubing smiled, and then made an illusion move and used all his strength to directly repel the opponent.

"Retreat!" Huo Qubing issued a withdrawal order to the entire army.

The Han cavalry retreated towards the front in an orderly manner, and the enemies in the rear were naturally unwilling to let Huo Qubing leave like this.

But Huo Qubing's cavalry rode on their mounts, then bent their bows and arrows, and started shooting at the enemy's rear.

Riding and shooting ability is also a skill that [Han Iron Cavalry] is very good at.

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