Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 506, Zhang Liang’S Attack

After the [Han Iron Cavalry] launched a cavalry attack on the enemy, the enemy immediately took out their bows and arrows and started shooting at Huo Qubing's soldiers.


After seeing that his bow and arrow were no longer within the range, the enemy was stunned.

"Why are the opponent's bows and arrows so powerful?" This is the enemy's idea.

Zhou Yan's territory has so many buildings that increase soldiers' skills, so the shooting performance is naturally within the bonus range.

Although the buildings in the enemy's territory also increase the distance of soldiers' bows and arrows, they are certainly not as much as the range increase in Zhou Yan's territory.

In addition, the mounts under Huo Qubing's command are not ordinary war horses. Even if the enemy wants to pursue Huo Qubing, they must be able to catch up.

However, when Huo Qubing saw the enemies in the air getting closer, he said, "Speed ​​up and get rid of them!"

"Yes!" The soldiers sped up, and the distance between them and the enemy was getting farther and farther.

Just after Huo Qubing attracted the attention of many enemies, Zhang Liang finally led his soldiers to attack the enemy's camp.

Coupled with the weather, the whereabouts of Zhang Liang and his group were well hidden.

Especially for Chen Qingzhi's [White Robe Ghost Army] and the real [Underworld Ghost Army] led by King Qin Guang, fighting at night is simply their main battlefield.

Zhang Liang also asked Chen Qingzhi and King Qin Guang to lead their soldiers to attack the enemy in two directions.

After Huo Qubing's sneak attack before, the enemy thought that the enemy would not launch another sneak attack. How could they have imagined that Zhang Liang's sneak attack this time was a real sneak attack.

At this time, the enemy's marshal thought that the enemy had only sent a small group of enemies to attack, and judging from the intelligence sent back by Baiying, everything in the enemy's camp was normal.

Therefore, the generals from all sides were summoned to discuss tomorrow's battle. Moreover, they thought that the envoys they sent out were still negotiating in the other side's camp. They never expected that their envoys would be intercepted by Zhang Liang at the first opportunity. Beheaded.

The temporary commander of the enemy army this time is a Haas with RRR quality. Although his own strength is not very good, he is a very good commander. Otherwise, how could other lords hand over their soldiers to him? The commander in chief.

"Marshal Haas, I think we should also attack the enemy's camp. The enemy's cavalry harassed us and caused us a lot of casualties. I think we should teach them a lesson."

A general expressed his opinion and won the approval of many generals.

"The soldiers under my command have full night attack capabilities. I think night is a good opportunity, and I think the attack should be carried out late at night. At that time, it is when the enemy is sleeping soundly."

"We must not only attack the opponent's camp, but also burn down all their camps."

Every general expressed his opinion, but Haas remained silent, and then said: "Since everyone agrees to a night attack, we should designate a strict opportunity, and everyone guesses that the enemy should also be prepared for a night attack. "

"Marshal, I am willing to be the vanguard in this matter. I, Psyche Gullah, will definitely win by surprise."


At this time, a soldier suddenly came to report. A general with a bad temper quickly picked up the soldier and said, "We are all discussing important matters. If you can't give a reasonable explanation, I will send you to see him." God."

The soldier quickly replied: "Generals, something bad has happened. The enemy is attacking. We have been attacked in several places!"

After hearing this, many generals were stunned and said, "How is this possible? Didn't the enemy just attack us? We have already sent many people out to pursue them. How could the enemy attack again?"

"Didn't the enemy's camp stay where it was? Are your White Eagles and Nighthawks just a bunch of blind men? They can even get such important information wrong."

Haas was the first to react and then said: "The enemy is really cunning. They must have all mobilized at this time. Damn it, they were deceived!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go back quickly and gather the army to fight out. We have 200,000 troops. If we fight head-on, the enemy will definitely not be our opponent."

Haas also nodded and said: "Yes, our top priority now is to quickly gather the army to fight against the enemy. We must be quick!"

After speaking, many generals quickly left here and went back to gather troops to resist the enemy.

They never thought that while they were still planning how to sneak attack on others, they would be attacked first.

The most important thing is that most of their current cavalry legion has gone out to chase the enemy, and even the flying legion has been sent out to chase the enemy.

The soldiers in Zhang Liang's hands were not only cavalry but also many cavalry teams.

The first to move out was the [White Robe Ghost Army] led by Chen Qingzhi. This army appeared and disappeared, lurking in the night, directly outside the enemy's camp, and then began to launch a fierce charge against the enemy.

The enemy waited until Chen Qingzhi's army began to attack, and then discovered that the enemy was attacking. They were all still preparing to eat. Who knew they would be attacked at this time.

The enemies quickly began to look for weapons to fight back, but it was too late. Chen Qingzhi did not give these enemies a chance.

"Fire arrows and burn!"

After Chen Qingzhi rushed in, he asked the soldiers to mount their mounts, began to fire rockets, and began to burn and kill the enemy's camp.

Suddenly, the enemy's camp was ablaze, with numerous casualties and many enemies being burned alive.

This is the battlefield, a harsh battlefield, a battlefield where you die or I live.

Chen Qingzhi rushed forward and began to attack the enemy's heart.

In another place, there were the [Ghost Soldiers of the Underworld] led by King Qin Guang. This group of ghost-like soldiers had pale and bloodless faces.

First, a thick fog began to spread towards the enemy's camp, making the enemy feel very strange. This was the thick fog skill released by a group of water ghosts. In this thick fog, countless ghost soldiers were hidden.

Many of them were starving ghosts, hanged ghosts, female ghosts in red, and life-seeking ghosts. They all had many powerful skills. They rushed into the enemy's camp and killed the enemy silently.

The skills of ghost soldiers are very strange. They are all special types of soldiers. There are more than 20,000 ghost soldiers of various types, and they have all kinds of strange abilities.

The enemy screamed in the thick fog, howled in the thick fog, and died quietly in the thick fog.

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