[Ghost Soldiers from Underworld] participated in the battle for the first time, but the powerful power they exerted was even more powerful than many armies.

First of all, it was night, secondly, they belonged to a very special type of ghost troops, and thirdly, the enemy general was not here and could not organize a resistance.

Fourth, these enemies obviously have not dealt with this type of enemies before, which makes them a little at a loss.

[Ghost Soldiers of the Underworld] are a group of real ghost soldiers, genuine ghosts.

Although their fighting methods are cruel and bloody, on the battlefield, it is a matter of life and death, and all means should be used.

A group of long-haired female ghosts used the night and thick fog to float in the air, then wrapped their hair around the enemy's neck and strangled the enemy to death.


A series of screams sounded, and countless enemies had their hair wrapped around their necks and were hung in the air to suffocate to death.

A group of starving ghosts have very big mouths, like a group of wild beasts. When they see an enemy, they directly bite each other's necks, use their sharp claws to take out the enemy's internal organs, and then start eating, while still letting out a series of commands from their mouths. A chilling laugh.

The water ghosts are responsible for releasing thick fog to block the enemy's sight. There are also many ghosts that can release poisonous ghosts. They also release some hallucinogenic breath in the air to bring the enemy into the illusion, or directly poison the enemy.

A group of gamblers picked up a sieve and threw it at the enemy, directly smashing a bloody hole in the enemy's heart.

Many headless ghosts came behind the enemy, directly broke the enemy's neck and put the opponent's head on their own, and then moved towards the next enemy.

Some Buried Alive Ghosts emerge from the earth, pull enemies directly into the earth, and then kill them.

[Ghost Soldiers of the Underworld] brought fear to the enemy. Facing this group of ghosts, the enemy became frightened and frightened, and then ran wildly.

"Help, there's a ghost."

This sentence is correct, they are ghosts, and they are not ordinary ghosts, they are a group of well-equipped and strictly organized ghost soldiers.

"Kill!" King Qin Guang came out of the thick fog, holding a book of life and death, then opened the book, released a stream of light of death, and launched an attack on the enemy.

I'm afraid even Zhang Liang didn't expect that this group of [Ghost Soldiers from the Underworld] would have such powerful abilities.

Although this group of ghost soldiers has no formation to speak of, nor any military qualities to speak of, they are a group of ghost soldiers, and their strange abilities are a very good means of ability in themselves.

After all, ghost soldiers are not real well-trained soldiers. King Qin Guang lets them act together according to the energy of each ghost soldier, which can greatly bring out their strength.

"The ambition to be trapped in a battle will lead to death but not life!"

The [trapped camp] led by Gao Shun also entered the enemy camp and launched a fierce attack on the enemy.

Gao Shun's [Trapped Camp] military discipline is definitely among the top three in the entire territory. Under the leadership of Gao Shun, this army can only make the sound of advancing footsteps.

They cooperated closely, and each soldier looked serious and meticulous. Under the leadership of their respective generals, they quickly rushed towards the enemy camp.

They do not fight alone. There must be three or five people cooperating each time. Under such a tight battle, no one in the enemy can stop their steps.

Wherever they passed, the enemies fell one after another. Their slogans were soaring to the sky, their formations were not messy, and their coordination was flawless.

Their record is remarkable. They have killed countless enemies, but their own casualties are very few.

Grelu, a powerful orc, is nearly four meters tall. He is one of the top three tallest beings in the entire territory. He is not only an orc, but also a powerful general. His whole body is specially made by the territory for orc warriors. The whole outfit.

They are extremely powerful and are born warriors. They wear heavy armor and hold powerful weapons. With such weapons, they can directly smash the enemy into pieces. Even if the opponent blocks it with a shield, they will be smashed into pieces by them. Bolognese.

Orc warriors are courageous and brave. They are all tall and powerful. As soon as they appear, they bring great psychological pressure to the enemy.

They don't even know whether this group of enemies are enemy soldiers, because this group of orcs are too strong and powerful, and their weapons are also very powerful. In their eyes, soldiers of the same level can hardly block their moves. .

The shortest orcs are more than two meters long, and most of them are a little more than three meters. In their eyes, the enemies in front of them are pitifully weak. The weapons in their hands can easily kill the enemies and completely annihilate them. kill.

The orc warriors caused a crushing impact on the enemy as soon as they appeared. The enemy kept retreating and retreating. Seeing that his companions were cut in half by the orcs, or even directly torn into two sections, the enemy finally reached the edge of collapse. .

Longshan is also a Dragon Race, but he is not a Dragon Race in this world. He is a Monster Race. He has tens of thousands of monster soldiers under his command. These monster soldiers come from various races and have very strange abilities.

Their methods are also very strange. Some can control elements, some can transform into elements, some can change their appearance, and some can turn into huge bodies.

Some are extremely fast, turning into a bolt of lightning and hunting the enemy.

Some also like to eat people and eat their enemies directly into their stomachs. Of course they cannot eat people normally, but on the battlefield, they can use all means.

Although the enemies are also powerful, facing demon soldiers with various abilities, these enemies cannot exert any attack power and are killed.

Some wood-type monsters directly use countless branches to kill the enemy, and a group of vine monsters entanglement the enemy to death.

The lower half of a group of snake monsters transformed into giant snake bodies, rushed into the enemies, and killed countless people. Several fire-breathing Monster Races directly breathed flames from their mouths, burning countless enemies to death.

A group of ice-type banshees turned into ice rain and shot all the enemies through...


With a roar that shook the sky, the tiger's power transformed into its true form, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and rushed into the enemy camp, directly beating countless enemies into pieces.

The fox spirit is a nine-tailed fox. He leads a group of fox women and spreads his long tail to kill countless enemies.

There are also countless flying Monster Races. Their claws are very sharp. Some grab soldiers on the ground, then fly into the air and drop them, or directly kill them with their sharp claws.

There are thousands of Monster Races, many methods, and various skills are also very complicated, which makes the enemy very difficult to guard against and cannot form an effective resistance at all.

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