A group of Spartan heavily armored soldiers, wearing tight armor to protect their whole body, they are a group of humanoid steel. Each Spartan soldier holds a spear and a shield, and then they move towards The enemy keeps attacking.

The enemy's arrows could not penetrate their armor at all, and the enemy's spears could not attack these Spartan warriors at all.

"Charge, charge!"

Spartans never back down. They are born warriors. When facing the enemy, they can only charge, impact and destroy!

"Puff puff!!!"

The enemy was knocked together by this group of Spartan warriors, and then stabbed through the chest, falling unwillingly.

The following [Beifu Army], [Hubao Cavalry], and [Tiance Xuanjia Army] gathered together, mounted their mounts, and launched an attack on the enemy, tearing a hole in the enemy's army.

The entire army rushed in and launched a crushing attack on the enemy. Wherever they passed, no armor was left behind, and the enemies fell one after another. There was no enemy that could block their charge, and no enemy could stop them. They stood up under the charge.

More than 60,000 cavalrymen completely tore the enemy in half and surrounded the enemy.


A rain of arrows fell. The crossbows of the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] were the most powerful bows and arrows at that time. After the dense Qin crossbows fell, countless enemies were killed by the arrows.

Pieces of arrow rain continued to cover the enemy, causing countless casualties.

Zhao Yun then took his [Wu Dang Fei Army] and rushed into the enemy camp, harvesting those enemies who were not killed by the arrows, then joined up with the army, and began to surround the enemy's central army. past.

Zhang Liang and Bai Qi finally appeared at this time. After seeing this situation, they were very satisfied. The enemy was now surrounded by them, and they were still being attacked by Qin Nu. They were under tremendous pressure all the time. .

"Zhang Shangshu is really powerful. With one strategy, the enemy suffered heavy casualties and our army's losses were reduced to a few." Bai Qi was very satisfied after seeing the result.

"Actually, the achievements of each legion are beyond my expectation. I am not very familiar with the various arms in the territory. After this battle, I understand their combat effectiveness better."

Zhang Liang also learned about the true combat effectiveness of various arms through the movements of reconnaissance planes.

The real battlefield is completely different from fighting monsters. After all, monsters are just monsters, not real enemies, and they don't know how to cooperate and defend themselves.

After this battle, it was very important for Zhang Liang to understand the combat effectiveness of his troops. When a battle occurs next, he will be able to conduct more reasonable commands based on the specifics of these troops.

"To be able to achieve such great results this time, all legions have contributed indispensably. Now let us see the real generals of the enemy. They still have about 100,000 active forces. As long as they are all eliminated, this battle will truly belong to us."

This sneak attack was able to wipe out half of the enemy's troops, which was already very good. If these generals hadn't gathered the soldiers in time in the end, I'm afraid the enemy would have even fewer soldiers left.

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang walked to the enemy's formation together. The enemy formed a dense defensive formation. Such a formation could closely defend against the impact of bows, arrows and cavalry. The opponent's generals still had some tricks up their sleeves.

"I don't know who your general is, but our commander wants to meet him." A man walked out from among the enemies and shouted.

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang walked out. Bai Qi held a long sword and rode on Qiong Qi. He exuded boundless momentum and said coldly: "I just don't know what else you want to say before you die."

Haas also came out and looked at the armies in all directions. These armies were of many styles, not only human armies, but also soldiers of other races, which was rare among the lords.

Because there are few soldiers in the territory who have additional abilities for other soldiers, even if they are summoned, they will not have strong attack power. However, judging from the reaction of the soldiers under his command, all the opponent's soldiers are very powerful, which surprised Haas.

Although he doesn't know why this is, Haas can be sure that a lord like this is definitely not simple. At least he has been fighting for so long. This is the first time someone can have so many types of troops at the same time and can explode with such terrifying combat power. territory.

"My name is Haas, and I am a general under the Torsis Ryder family in the beautiful country. I think your lords should know what the consequences will be if you offend us. I hope you will let us go. You can be allowed to mine timber here.”

Haas naturally told their lord about the situation here, and by conveying the news back, although their lord was very angry, he could only compromise.

They have already lost 100,000 people, and they really cannot afford to lose more soldiers. The loss this has caused them is too great.

It's a pity that Haas doesn't know who Bai Qi is. Otherwise, Haas wouldn't have said such threatening words to Bai Qi.

"Hmph! I don't know who you are, and I don't care who you are or how much energy you have. All I know is that anyone who infringes on my territory will be killed!"

Bai Qi looked at Haas coldly, and a terrifying murderous aura burst out from his eyes. The evil aura soaring into the sky was like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, making the enemy feel a very terrible death threat.

After Haas met Bai Qi's eyes, he also felt a very terrifying fluctuation. He could feel that this person was very extraordinary.

"Is there no possibility of negotiation between us? Can you ask your lord to come out?" Haas asked.

Zhang Liang rode out on horseback and said to Haas: "Our lord has left everything to me. There is only one rule that our lord follows. No matter who you are, if you offend us, there is no need to leave. "

"Aren't you afraid of retaliation from our forces? Let me tell you, our forces are beyond your imagination. If we were to form them all, the number of soldiers would definitely exceed hundreds of millions. This is simply not something you can resist!"

Haas saw that the other party was not afraid, and felt that things would be difficult to handle this time, but he would definitely force the other party to retreat, otherwise the lord would not let him go.

"Threaten us!" Bai Qi looked at the other party coldly, and then said: "The whole army is ready, kill me!"

Bai Qi hates others threatening him the most. Those who dare to threaten him will naturally not let their enemies live.

There are many enemies, and others may be afraid, but people in [Heavenly Court] will never be afraid of any force!

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