Haas was shocked. The other party actually ignored the international prestige of their Torsis Ryder family and even directly ordered an attack.

"You're going to regret it," Haas shouted.

"Regret is something that the enemy should consider. What we do is send you to see your lord. Oh, I'm sorry, you have no chance to go back." Zhang Liang didn't care.

The lord said that the territory is not afraid of anyone now, and there is no need to worry about this or that when doing things. The current territory is no longer the previous territory. If anyone thinks they are easy to bully, just let them come over.

Zhang Liang knew Zhou Yan's character very well. Even if he told Zhou Yan what was going on here, Zhou Yan would still give the same order. In this case, why bother?

"Very good, just wait and see. Even if we only have 100,000 people, we still want to see if you have the strength to eat us all!"

Haas was indeed very angry. It was the first time he encountered such a tough enemy. He didn't even take them seriously and gave the order to attack without hesitation.

"Qin Nu armor breaking preparation!" Bai Qi ignored the other party's roar and directly raised his sword.

The Qin army immediately replaced it with a very special type of arrows. These arrows were very expensive and the materials were very scarce, but this was nothing to Zhou Yan.

This kind of crossbow arrow can pierce thick armor, but it requires a lot of spiritual energy to exert its power.

With the current state of the Qin army, it can only be launched about ten times before all the spiritual power is consumed. One can imagine how powerful this crossbow arrow is.

Don't you think the enemy's defense is very strong? Then try various methods in the territory.

There are no less than dozens of types of crossbow arrows in the territory, and each type of crossbow arrow has a very good power, but it is often not used.

This time, Bai Qi just wanted to try out the armor-breaking ability of this first type of crossbow.

"Fire!" Bai Qi waited until the soldiers replaced the armor-piercing crossbows, and then said again.


The armor-piercing arrows soaring into the sky, infused with countless spiritual powers, dyed the sky as white as day, just like hundreds of millions of fireworks flying high into the sky and then falling from the sky.

"Defensive shield!"

The enemy shouted, and then a powerful light burst out from the enemy, forming a defensive energy shield that firmly protected 100,000 people.

However, these are armor-piercing arrows, which have armor-piercing capabilities and can also break through very powerful defensive shields. However, the first round of armor-piercing arrows was still blocked, but it also consumed a lot of the enemy's spiritual energy.

"Let go!" Bai Qi was not surprised. This was all expected. He just wanted to see how many more times the enemy could resist.

This time, it was even more difficult for the enemy to resist. They could feel the power of this armor-piercing arrow. Every time they resisted, they needed to consume a lot of spiritual power.

Haas, who was protected, looked extremely ugly and said together with the generals from other territories: "What should we do? The enemy seems determined to eliminate us all."

"We can only break out. There are so many of us, so we can break out as many as we can. But we didn't expect that the enemy is so powerful and has so many types of soldiers. Our reinforcements are already on the way. As long as we break out and fight with them, we can Maybe we can turn defeat into victory!”

Haas told the others his plan. This time they were defeated, but Haas was very unwilling to do so.

"How many reinforcements do we have this time?" other generals asked.

"Total up, there are another 200,000 in total. I think the enemy can only have so many soldiers at most, so we can only hold on and break out to join the army." Haas replied.

"Two hundred thousand reinforcements, that's great. It would be great if they could come earlier."

"Don't think about it. Marching at night is not fast. We can only break out and meet the reinforcements."

"General, the enemy's arrows are too powerful. The soldiers have consumed too much spiritual power and are almost unable to withstand them." A soldier took out an arrow and showed it to Hass.

"These are huge arrows that can break shields, Shet! How could these guys have so many of these arrows? Where did they get the materials to make them? Damn it!"

Haas' face was very ugly, and then he ordered: "We can't wait any longer. Break out in the same direction now. We must not disperse, otherwise the enemy's cavalry will definitely destroy us one by one!"

The other generals looked very ugly when they saw these armor-piercing arrows. They naturally knew that these armor-piercing arrows were very powerful and the materials were difficult to find. They didn't expect that the other party had so many.


The generals hurried back and said to their men: "Get out!"

"Come on!"

Facing the armor-piercing arrows of the Qin army, the enemy naturally could not sit still and wait for death, and immediately began to break out towards the rear.

"Sir Shangshu's guess is correct. They are about to break out. The rear may be the escape route left by Lord Shangshu deliberately." Bai Qi looked at Zhang Liang after seeing the changes in the enemy.

"The battle between trapped beasts is not good for us. Wouldn't it be more interesting to give them a little chance and then destroy their hopes?"

Zhang Liang laughed and looked extremely confident. All of this was naturally left by him, and he would prepare a large gift for the enemy in the future.

The enemy began to attack towards the rear, but tens of thousands of people were still left to resist Bai Qi and the others. These people did not hold out for long, and were soon shot to the ground by armor-piercing arrows that broke through their shields.

Although armor-piercing arrows cost a lot to make, they are equally powerful. Tens of thousands of enemies were killed with just two waves of arrows.

But the Qin army's ten waves of armor-piercing arrows were almost exhausted, and the spiritual power in the body was exhausted, and they could no longer launch such armor-piercing attacks.

Zhang Liang and Bai Qi began to command soldiers to pursue the enemy. The enemy thought they could escape far, but they encountered an obstruction just after they escaped.

As a group of heavy armored cavalry rushed past, the enemy realized that there were traps behind them.

Following the heavy armored cavalry, the orcs were waiting there. Facing these powerful orcs, fighting alone, few soldiers could be the opponents of these orcs.

But Haas's ability is still very good. Even if there are so many powerful troops blocking him, he still breaks through wave after wave of obstructions and escapes towards the back.

But he also left behind many dead soldiers.

Haas's men rushed into the jungle, but Zhao Yun in the jungle was already waiting for the opponent. When he saw the enemy coming, a hail of arrows launched an attack on the enemy below.

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