Yang Zaixing happily rode out on his mount, and did not forget to say to Dian Wei: "Dian Wei, see how I can kill the enemy general off his mount!"

"Come on, don't be killed by the enemy first." Dian Wei said.

Yang Zaixing walked towards the enemy and said, "Just provoking me!"

"Boy, I advise you to just surrender, otherwise I will cut off your head and kick it as a ball later!" the enemy general said very confidently.

"Since you want to die like this, then I, Yang Zaixing, will see what you are capable of!" Yang Zaixing patted his mount and charged towards the enemy first.

"Haha, you're looking for death. Then I'll send you on your way first. Your mount is pretty good, so I'll take it for you." After the enemy general saw Yang Zaixing's mount, he liked it very much. The mount was much stronger than their war horses. .

"Hmph, if you want my mount, let's see if you have the strength to get it!"

Yang Zaixing raised his gun and rushed towards the enemy. Yang Zaixing was a fierce general in the world. He never lacked bravery. Yang Zaixing raised his gun and attacked the enemy fiercely.


The opponent moved the weapon and put it in front of him. He was slightly surprised when he felt the power coming from Yang Zaixing, but this power was far from enough to kill him.

"Come again!" Yang Zaixing raised his weapon and attacked the enemy again. Although his level was very low, he was still brave.

Yang Zaixing's domineering marksmanship, combined with his own bravery, increases the strength of each attack by one point, and Yang Zaixing is a general who becomes more courageous as he fights.

Once you fight with him for a long time or get injured, his passive skill "Heroism" will be triggered, with various critical hits and various recovery, making him an invincible little strongman.

After the enemy general fought dozens of moves with Yang Zaixing, he felt that Yang Zaixing was always at his peak, with neither face red nor breath, as if he had not consumed any energy.

Looking back at himself, every time he attacks Yang Zaixing, he has to use a lot of spiritual power to resolve the damage caused by powerful forces. The opponent's power is indeed very strong, but his level is obviously lower. If the opponent's level is higher, he may not be able to do it at all. Not an opponent.

In this first battle, no one wanted to lose, and they were all trying their best to greet the enemy.

Zhang Liang felt relieved when he saw that Yang Zaixing had been fighting with the enemy for so long and that the strength of both sides was almost the same.

But Bai Qi saw the secret and said, "Our army will win this battle!"

"That would be even better. I believe that as long as we win a few games in a row, it will have a huge impact on the enemy's morale." Zhang Liang looked at the battle ahead and did not miss any opportunity to seize the opportunity.

But now both sides are facing each other. If they want to make plans, they must find the right time to strike. Yesterday was a sneak attack, which gave them a complete victory.

If the enemy with an army of 200,000 had fought them face to face like this yesterday, I'm afraid their casualties would have been much higher.

Don't underestimate the enemy's strength. The opponent's soldiers have experienced many battles and have been practicing for a long time, so their strength is not much inferior to theirs.

Their army's training time is too short. If they are given a year to train, they will definitely be able to sweep through any army in the Lord's Continent.

More than a few hundred moves passed quickly, and the enemy general felt that his physical strength and spiritual power were disappearing quickly. However, looking at Yang Zaixing, he found that the opponent was only breathing slightly.

This surprised the enemy general. The opponent's consumption was too low. They were all attacking with all their strength. The opponent's strength level was lower than theirs, so why was their consumption so low?

Yang Zaixing naturally felt this. He pursued and fought fiercely, using various martial arts skills continuously, and had completely suppressed the enemy general.

Then, Yang Zaixing fired a domineering shot, knocking the enemy general off his horse, and then shot again. The enemy general ran away quickly, but Yang Zaixing didn't give the opponent a chance to escape at all. With a stab of his spear, he directly lifted the opponent into the sky!

After seeing this scene, the soldiers on Zhou Yan's side shouted: "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

On the other hand, everyone on the other side was very unwilling to do so. At first they clearly suppressed the other side, but to their surprise, they were later killed.

"It's better to send my people this time, your people can't do it." A commander said.

"Then let us see what your men are capable of."

"Hopefully we won't be disappointed."

"Don't worry, my men are very strong and have natural powers. They can definitely defeat the opponent and win a round for our army!" said the previous commander.

Among the enemy troops, a fierce general appeared, holding a blunt weapon and riding a strange beast. At first glance, he looked like a man of great strength.

After Chen Qingzhi saw this person, he said to Dian Wei: "Your opponent is not easy to deal with in this battle."

"I, Dian Wei, have nothing to fear even if I die in battle!" Dian Wei patted his mount and walked towards the enemy general.

Yang Zaixing said to Dian Wei: "I won a game, please don't embarrass me."

"Bah, you're just lucky. Look how I, Lao Dian, chopped off the opponent's head!" Dian Wei said.

"Then I'll wait." Yang Zaixing returned to the army.

The enemy was very arrogant, and his mount was extraordinary. He just walked towards Dian Wei step by step, then looked at Dian Wei with disdain and said, "I want your head, Karl."

"My head is too hard. I'm afraid you can't take it, so why don't you twist your own head off." Dian Wei looked at the other person. He was also not small and very strong.

"Seeking death!" Karl roared angrily, his mount leaped and charged towards Dian Wei.

"I've been waiting for you to take action for a long time. Come on, let's see how Grandpa Dian Wei teaches you how to be a good person!" Dian Wei held a huge ax and dropped it towards the other party unceremoniously.


The two weapons collided together, and a metallic trembling sound erupted. Both of them were extremely powerful, but Dian Wei was an Apex Level hero, and the other was just an SSS-quality hero.

It's just because of his high level that he is slightly better than Dian Wei.

"Come again!"

Dian Wei roared angrily, exploded with divine power, held an ax in his hand, and launched fierce attacks one after another at the enemy. The enemy held a sledgehammer and kept fighting Dian Wei.

Every time the two-shot weapons collide, a powerful sound wave can erupt. Many soldiers are very surprised. They did not expect that there is such a fierce general in the opponent's army.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, their status is slightly superior, but as long as there is a stalemate, the final winner will belong to Zhou Yan's side.

Dian Wei is a fierce general, and he is also the kind of person who believes that if you are stronger, I will be stronger than you. The more ruthless the enemy is, the more ruthless he will be, and he will not retreat even a moment.

This is also Dian Wei's character. This kind of person can only be a fierce general and lead troops to fight.

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