Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 514, Zhang Liang’S Guess

The battle between the two is very simple, it is just a lot of head-on confrontation. Whoever is stronger will be better. Although this kind of battle is simple, as long as the difference in strength is too great, the opponent will definitely be smashed to pieces.

Both of them were born with supernatural powers. You hit me with an ax and I hit you with a blow. After just one hundred and eighty moves, it took a lot of energy out of them. Ever since, the situation before Yang Zaixing happened again.

The opponent's speed, strength, physical strength, and spiritual power all consumed a lot. Unfortunately, Dian Wei only consumed a small amount. In layman's terms, it was as if he had just finished warming up.

"Aren't you crazy? I, Dianwei, just started to feel something. Why don't you continue? If you are a real man, be upfront. Don't hide like a girl."

When Dian Wei saw that his enemy was in danger, he immediately began to ridicule him.

"You think I'm afraid of you!" Karl was also a fierce general. After hearing this, he was very angry and continued to move towards Dian Wei without hesitation.

After another hundred and eighty moves, the opponent found that Dian Wei was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. He was very confused as to how the opponent could persist for so long.

Of course Dian Wei wouldn't say that he didn't know either.

Dian Wei really doesn't know anything.

For people like Dian Wei, how could he think about how much the territory would benefit them? He just felt that he was doing well, that he could still fight for a long time, and that he could continue to fight against the enemy for a long time.

After Carl saw the opponent's state, he immediately retreated after resisting a move, and then ran away.

"Where to go!" Dian Wei saw that the other party was about to run away, but that was not possible. He would never allow the other party to escape, so he directly threw his ax and flew towards the other party.

Feeling the sound behind him, Karl quickly turned around, and then saw an ax flying towards him.


Karl was killed by Dian Wei in this way.

"Kill the enemy general!"

When the enemy saw Dian Wei coming forward to pick up weapons, he immediately led his army towards Dian Wei.

Chen Qingzhi was also ready. After seeing the enemy rushing toward Dian Wei, he quickly said: "Attack!"


Chen Qingzhi's army can be used as infantry or cavalry. With an order, the entire army immediately summoned their mounts, then got on their horses and rushed towards the enemy.

The enemy was stunned. They didn't expect that the other side was actually cavalry. They wanted to form a military formation to block the cavalry, but it was already too late. The other side's cavalry was only one kilometer away from them. It was difficult to effectively resist them at such a distance.

In just a few dozen seconds, Chen Qingzhi's cavalry approached the enemy and fired the sleeve arrows in both hands, causing heavy casualties to the enemy. Finally, under the impact of the cavalry, the enemy's infantry was smashed into pieces.

After the enemy's rear saw such a situation, they naturally would not allow their soldiers to be attacked by cavalry like this, so they sent a cavalry group to also attack Chen Qingzhi.

When Zhang Liang saw this, he said to Huo Qubing and Wei Qing: "Wei Qing, you lead the [Hu and Leopard Cavalry] to attack from the left. Huo Qubing, you lead the [Han Iron Cavalry] to attack from the right."


Wei Qing and Huo Qubing each led their own soldiers and rushed towards the enemy. With the speed of their mounts, they could reach this point in just a few minutes.

The fighter planes on the battlefield will disappear in a moment. Huo Qubing, Wei Qing, and Chen Qingzhi are all Apex Level commanders. They always pay attention to the opportunity and will organize powerful soldiers to strike hard at the enemy's weak points.

The newly joined armies from both sides are attacking each other.

Zhang Liang sent out about 60,000 troops, and the enemy also sent out about 60,000 troops.

As for the remaining people, they have not been sent out, and it is obvious that they are not sure of victory yet.

There are a lot of generals on Zhou Yan's side, who can effectively kill the enemy. In addition, Zhou Yan also has a lot of cavalry. Except for a few legions, all others are equipped with mounts.

When Wei Qing and Huo Qubing joined the battlefield, Wei Qing very cleverly used the advantage of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to smash the enemy in half and completely separate them.

Later, when Huo Qubing saw this opportunity, he naturally would not miss this good opportunity. He also very smartly led his cavalry to destroy the few enemies.

There is no need for orders at all. They are able to form such a tacit understanding. This is the ability to command.

The impact of Huo Qubing's cavalry is definitely weaker than that of other cavalry, but in terms of maneuverability and reaction ability, it is definitely the strongest.

Huo Qubing also took advantage of his cavalry to launch the surprise attack perfectly.

And Chen Qingzhi was not a simple person. He quickly formed a defensive formation with his soldiers and completely blocked the opening that Wei Qing had torn open, preventing the enemy's army from passing through.

The enemy could only watch helplessly as the soldiers were being killed continuously, until they all fell down.


When the enemy's retreat horn sounded, Chen Qingzhi did not let anyone chase him and let him leave.

But in this battle, Zhang Liang's side obviously won.

Chen Qingzhi asked people to clean up the loot, and Wei Qing and Huo Qubing also arranged for people to quickly clean up the battlefield, and then returned to Zhang Liang's side to recover.

"You performed well today. It seems that we won't be able to fight until tomorrow." Zhang Liang looked at the other party and guessed that the other party would definitely not make another move today.


"Not tonight. Last night's victory cannot be replicated all the time." Zhang Liang rejected Huo Qubing's words without hesitation. Success once does not mean success every time. The other party is not a fool. How could he do it again and again? Making the same mistake.

Everyone also felt that Zhang Liang was right, and even Bai Qi said: "Have a good rest today, and set up a good defense line to prevent the enemy from having the slightest possibility of a sneak attack."

"Although we can't make a sneak attack tonight, I think the other party is very likely to attack. We need to make arrangements to keep them behind," Zhang Liang said.

"Oh, the enemy will attack at night. Zhang Shangshu, you are not a wise man. The enemy has just withdrawn this time. You will know the enemy's next move."

Many generals were very surprised and even didn't believe it, because this kind of thing was so uncertain.

"I don't think there is a god, I just think there is a high possibility. If I were the enemy, I would definitely do this. After all, who of you could have imagined that the enemy would attack at night?"

Zhang Liang asked many generals in reply.

Even Bai Qi has never thought about this problem. He just knows how to defend well. Even if the enemy comes, he will not let the opponent succeed.

But Zhang Liang is different. He is a sage seeker. What he considers is not only victory in a battle, but also the greatest victory at the smallest cost.

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