Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 517, I’Ve Been Craving For It For A Long Time

This 100,000-strong army still has cavalry, but only the last 20,000 are left.

Originally, this cavalry was intended to pursue Zhang Liang's soldiers, but now it could only charge towards Wei Qing.

But just as this army was about to take action, various voices came from behind the enemy.

These are naturally the [Myriad Monsters Soldiers] and the [Ghost Soldiers of the Underworld]. These two armies are truly armies composed of monsters and monsters.

This kind of soldiers has no so-called formations and does not pay attention to cooperation. They are not suitable to form the kind of combat effectiveness like other legions.

They have strong individual combat capabilities and can bring great psychological pressure to the enemy.

The flying monster had already flown towards the enemy's cavalry, caught the enemy in the air, and then put them down. Countless enemies fell to their deaths like this.

The long-haired female ghost also floated on top of the enemy and strangled them in the air with her hair. A group of earth-escape ghosts, or demon soldiers with earth-escape abilities, dragged the enemies underground to kill them.

Under this attack of monsters and monsters, the cavalry behind them had not yet played their role, and all the people and horses were killed, and the death was very cruel.

The enemy is now surrounded on all sides, like a trapped beast.

But after the 100,000-strong army was organized, they began to desperately launch reckless attacks on the soldiers, and fled towards the rear.

The [Myriad Monsters Soldiers] and [Ghost Soldiers] in the rear did receive a great impact, but they did not stop these enemies. This was completely unstoppable. They only needed to do their best to eliminate more enemies.

As for those who escaped, someone would naturally deal with them.

After being surrounded and killed from all directions, only tens of thousands of enemies actually escaped.

These enemies fled into the forest. Whose world is in the forest?

Naturally, it is the world of Zhao Yun [Wudang Feijun]. They are jungle killers and a group of hunters. The enemies who fled into the jungle felt what it meant to be afraid.

They couldn't see the enemy at all, they couldn't even see who the enemy was, and they just died in silence.

Throat wiping, hanging, traps, arrows... Wudang Feijun performed a show of killing techniques on these enemies.

There were traps in front and pursuers behind. The enemy fled for his life. Tens of thousands of troops fled, and only about 10,000 people remained in the end.

"The ambition to be trapped in the battle will lead to death or life!" Gao Shun led the soldiers to stop the opponent.

However, when the enemy once again saw the soldiers waiting in front, they finally collapsed.

"We surrender!"

"Don't kill us, we surrender."

"We won't fight."


Seeing these enemies surrendering, Gao Shun was stunned. He was ready to kill, but you told me not to fight?

As more and more enemy forces collapsed, the enemy all laid down their weapons and asked for surrender.

"Tie them all up." Gao Shun said to the soldiers.

In this way, Gao Shun got a big deal. Without losing a single person, he tied up more than 10,000 people.

When the demon soldiers and ghost soldiers in front rushed over, they saw a group of tied up enemies.

They were stunned, why did they surrender?

"Report to Lord Shangshu that the enemy army has escaped." A soldier quickly reported to Zhang Liang.

"You ran away really fast." Zhang Liang sighed and had no intention of pursuing him. At this time, it was already too late to pursue him. Thirty thousand people escaped, leaving 170,000 here. That was enough.

"Report to Lord Shangshu, General Huo Qubing and his soldiers are chasing after him." A soldier said.

Zhang Liang: "..."

Before the soldier finished speaking, someone reported that Hou Junji and Yang Zaixing had already led their cavalry in pursuit.

Zhang Liang smiled and said: "Forget it, let them go. They are all commanders who know how to seize the opportunity. If they can eliminate each other, then destroy them. If they can't, then it doesn't matter."

Zhang Liang originally wanted to wait until things here were almost over before besieging the 30,000 people, but depending on the situation, the 30,000 people had already begun to retreat the moment they saw that the situation here was besieged.

The opponent retreated very simply, but very wisely, but they did not expect that Huo Qubing would be the first to attack the opponent's enemy camp.

In battles between lords, unless the enemy's territory is broken, killing the enemy's generals will not lead to victory in the battle.

Although the leader is very useful in a battle, as long as the lord is still there and the territory is still there, the enemy will not suffer a fatal blow and will still continue to fight.

The fighting lasted until early morning and then ended.

One hundred thousand troops, dying and surrendering, Zhang Liang once again asked the soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

As for the losses, they have not been calculated yet, but Zhang Liang feels that the losses this time should be smaller than last time.

This is entirely the result of the enemy's own death.

If the enemy didn't attack sneakily, they would have to pay a higher price if they wanted to win. But if the enemy wanted to attack sneakily, Zhang Liang could only resort to tricks.

When it comes to conspiracy, Zhang Liang will not be afraid of any enemy.

Even Bai Qi would be scared when facing Zhang Liang, let alone others.

It is definitely not possible for Zhang Liang to unite his troops in battle. Making plans is Zhang Liang's strength.

After these two battles, all the generals admired Zhang Liang. It can be said that this victory was directed by Zhang Liang.

But in the end, the battle still needs to rely on the cooperation between the major generals.

"Report, General Huo Qubing and the others are back and have captured the opponent's general alive!" The soldiers quickly came to Zhang Liang's camp.

When Bai Qi and others heard this, they immediately said, "This Huo Qubing is really good!"

Others were very envious of Huo Qubing. This Huo Qubing could come and go without a trace, and he was so fast. In these two battles, he had the greatest contribution.

But there is no other way, because Huo Qubing Talent is a type with strong mobility. Whether it is a sneak attack or a pursuit, he will always be the fastest in the territory.

If it were a single person's strength, there would indeed be many people who could defeat Huo Qubing, but when it came to the bonus to the soldiers' speed, it would be too few.

After a long time, Huo Qubing returned here with a group of prisoners, and then said to Bai Qi and Zhang Liang: "Huo Qubing lived up to his fate. With the help of Generals Yang Zaixing and Hou Junji, he captured 5,000 enemy troops alive."

Bai Qi took a look and was very satisfied. It was a blessing for the territory to have so many strong and capable generals.

"Very good, we will definitely report it to the lord, and your contribution will be indispensable when the time comes." Zhang Liang laughed.

Huo Qubing said quickly: "The credit does not belong to me alone, but as for the reward, I definitely need it. I have been craving for the flying dragon in the territory for a long time."

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter. There was no one among the generals here who was not greedy.

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